Tackley Jurassic Operational Catchment
Water bodies
There are 1 water bodies in this operational catchment.
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The Tackley Jurassic Groundwater Body (GWB) describes part of the Great and Inferior Oolite geological strata. The Oolites are limestone aquifers - water-bearing permeable strata that provide a high level of storage. Since they support regionally important drinking water supplies these aquifers are classified as Principal Aquifers. Within the Groundwater Body the Inferior Oolites are comprise of a relatively thin layer and are absent from many areas. The Fuller’s Earth which separate the Inferior and Great Oolites is also largely absent in the groundwater body. There is little cover over the Oolites across the GW body. Therefore the Oolites are susceptible to vertical migration of chemicals, including fertilisers.