Alton Chalk Operational Catchment
Water bodies
There are 1 water bodies in this operational catchment.
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The Alton Chalk Groundwater Body (GWB) resides in the Upper Greensand (UGS) and Chalk aquifers at the western margin of the Weald. It abuts the Guildford Chalk GWB at Farnham at its north-eastern extremity and the Basingstoke Chalk and River Itchen Chalk GWBs on its north-western flank. The groundwater flows largely from the fractured UGS and Lower / Middle Chalk aquifers and feeds the northern arm of the River Wey at Alton as well as the Caker Stream to the south. In the south and east, groundwater springs feed tributaries of the Wey South, the Oakhanger Stream and River Slea, for example.