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more-than more like this
star this property definition '>' Indicates that the actual count value is more than the value given; that it exceeds a detection/measurement upper bound. more like this
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count qualifier code (Class) more like this
star this property is defined by bathing-water-quality.ttl
star this property top concept of count qualifier codeset concept scheme more like this
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new more like this
unstar this property comment A status code for marking new sample assessments. more like this
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RecordStatus more like this
star this property is defined by bathing-water-quality.ttl
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not-assessed more like this
star this property definition A coded property value to indicate that an assessment of the presense of some characteristic has not been made. more like this
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Presence indicator code (Class) more like this
star this property is defined by bathing-water-quality.ttl
star this property top concept of Presence indicator codeset concept scheme) more like this
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present more like this
star this property definition A coded property value to indicate that an assessement has detected the presence of some characteristic. more like this
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Presence indicator code (Class) more like this
star this property is defined by bathing-water-quality.ttl
star this property top concept of Presence indicator codeset concept scheme) more like this
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star this property is defined by bathing-water-quality.ttl
unstar this property comment The latest annual compliance sample assessment associated with a bathing water or sampling point more like this
star this property type
star this property range ComplianceAssessment
unstar this property comment The latest in-season sample assessment associated with a bathing water or sampling point more like this
star this property type
star this property range SampleAssessment
unstar this property comment In-season assessment status. more like this
star this property type
star this property is defined by bathing-water-quality.ttl
star this property range RecordStatus more like this
unstar this property comment The Sample Assessment date of record. more like this
star this property type
star this property is defined by bathing-water-quality.ttl
star this property range date
unstar this property comment A boolean valued attribute to indicate that a sample assessment is eligible to be discounted (discountable=true) from annual Compliance Assessments. This attribute is updated throughout the season, and is required to show where a sample meets the criteria to be eligible for discounting. The absence of a value for this attribute indicates that a judgment on whether the sample is discountable is pending. This may occur several days after first publication of sample assessment result. more like this
star this property type
star this property domain SampleAssessment
star this property is defined by bathing-water-quality.ttl
star this property range boolean