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The Warren, Hay On Wye sample assessment for 2024-W38
record date less than 2024-09-20Zmore like thismore than 2024-09-20Z
escherichia coli count 189 less than 189more like thismore than 189
intestinal enterococci count 90 less than 90more like thismore than 90
SampleAssessment more like this
bwq_bathing water The Warren, Hay On Wye more like this
bwq_sampling point Sampling point at The Warren, Hay On Wye more like this
dataset in-season
escherichia coli qualifier actual more like this
intestinal enterococci qualifier actual more like this
sample date time 2024-09-20T11:15:00
sample week British Week:2024-W38 more like this
sample year British Year:2024 more like this
source row=001165