Fish RNAG in The Birket including Arrowe Brook and Fender
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RNAG in The Birket including Arrowe Brook and Fender with fish classification element
Cycle 3
ID | SWMI | SWMI certainty | Activity | Activity certainty | Category | Category certainty | Business sector | Classification element |
563806 | Other pressures | Suspected | Ecological recovery time - surface waters | Suspected | No sector responsible | Not applicable | Not applicable | Fish |
563804 | Physical modification | Probable | Flood protection - structures | Probable | Urban and transport | Probable | Not applicable | Fish |
563807 | Diffuse source | Probable | Urbanisation - urban development | Probable | Urban and transport | Probable | Urban | Fish |
563803 | Physical modification | Confirmed | Ports and harbours - structures | Confirmed | Sector under investigation | Not applicable | Not applicable | Fish |
563810 | Diffuse source | Probable | Poor pesticide management | Suspected | Agriculture and rural land management | Suspected | Agriculture - Livestock | Fish |
563808 | Diffuse source | Probable | Poor Livestock Management | Suspected | Agriculture and rural land management | Suspected | Agriculture - Livestock | Fish |
563805 | Physical modification | Probable | Land drainage - structures | Suspected | Agriculture and rural land management | Probable | Agriculture - Livestock | Fish |
563809 | Diffuse source | Probable | Poor soil management | Suspected | Agriculture and rural land management | Suspected | Agriculture - Livestock | Fish |
563801 | Diffuse source | Probable | Poor soil management | Probable | Agriculture and rural land management | Probable | Agriculture - Livestock | Fish |
- Water BodyThe Birket including Arrowe Brook and Fender
- Water Body TypeRiver
- Water Body IDGB112068060530
- Classification ElementFish
- Cycle3