Phosphate RNAG in Salary Brook
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RNAG in Salary Brook with phosphate classification element
Cycle 3
ID | SWMI | SWMI certainty | Activity | Activity certainty | Category | Category certainty | Business sector | Classification element |
586149 | Diffuse source | Probable | Transport Drainage | Probable | Urban and transport | Probable | Urban | Phosphate |
586150 | Point source | Probable | Private Sewage Treatment | Probable | Urban and transport | Probable | Urban | Phosphate |
586147 | Diffuse source | Confirmed | Track/rural road | Confirmed | Agriculture and rural land management | Confirmed | Roads | Phosphate |
586148 | Diffuse source | Probable | Poor Livestock Management | Probable | Agriculture and rural land management | Probable | Agriculture - Livestock | Phosphate |
586146 | Diffuse source | Probable | Poor nutrient management | Probable | Agriculture and rural land management | Probable | Agriculture - Arable | Phosphate |
- Water BodySalary Brook
- Water Body TypeRiver
- Water Body IDGB105037041320
- Classification ElementPhosphate
- Cycle3