{ "format" : "linked-data-api", "version" : "0.2", "result" : {"_about" : "https://environment.data.gov.uk/data/bathing-water-profile/ukd1101-46300/2017:1.text", "definition" : "https://environment.data.gov.uk/meta/data/bathing-water-profile/_eubwid/_year:_ver.text", "extendedMetadataVersion" : "https://environment.data.gov.uk/data/bathing-water-profile/ukd1101-46300/2017:1.text?_metadata=all", "primaryTopic" : {"_about" : "http://environment.data.gov.uk/data/bathing-water-profile/ukd1101-46300/2017:1", "bathingWater" : {"_about" : "http://environment.data.gov.uk/id/bathing-water/ukd1101-46300", "country" : {"_about" : "http://data.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/id/country/england", "name" : {"_value" : "England", "_lang" : "en"} } , "name" : {"_value" : "Silloth", "_lang" : "en"} , "samplingPoint" : {"_about" : "http://location.data.gov.uk/so/ef/SamplingPoint/bwsp.eaew/46300", "easting" : 309656.0, "lat" : 54.86535118152018, "long" : -3.409142938951437, "name" : {"_value" : "Sampling point at Silloth", "_lang" : "en"} , "northing" : 553195.0} } , "bathingWaterDescription" : {"_value" : "Silloth beach is a large flat expanse of sand with some patches of pebbles. A band of sand dunes follows the coastline near this bathing water.", "_lang" : "en"} , "controllerName" : "Allerdale", "countyName" : {"_value" : "Cumbria", "_lang" : "en"} , "esoOutfallsStatement" : {"_value" : "In 2003 United Utilities improved the discharge from West Silloth Pumping Station by adding screens to the treatment process.\nUnder the programme of work for United Utilities (from 2015 to 2020) all storm overflows close to bathing waters will have equipment installed to monitor spills to the environment. This will help to identify where bathing water improvements may be needed in the future.", "_lang" : "en"} , "historyStatement" : {"_value" : "In 1994 the Environment Agency launched Sea Change, a £500 million coastal clean-up project, in conjunction with United Utilities. This aims to improve the bathing water quality in the North West. Through this a £30 million scheme to improve the sewerage system in the Maryport area was completed. This eliminated the crude discharge and built a new outfall for storm flows, as well as building a new sewage treatment works at Allonby. Both these discharges lie to the south of Silloth bathing water. \nSilloth Sewage Treatment Works discharges to the north of Silloth bathing water. In 1995 storm water storage was provided at the sewage treatment works which allowed the closure of storm overflows in Silloth town. The discharge from the sewage treatment works has received disinfection since 1995. In 2003 United Utilities upgraded the disinfection treatment to protect bathing water quality. A survey in 2003 confirmed the storm treatment at the sewage treatment works protected bathing water quality. \nAllonby Sewage Treatment Works discharges to the sea to the south of the bathing water. The discharge from the sewage treatment works is treated to a high standard and in 2003 United Utilities upgraded the treatment to ensure the discharge receives disinfection to protect bathing water quality.", "_lang" : "en"} , "investigationsStatement" : {"_value" : "The Environment Agency uses a DNA identification technique that helps to show whether sources of pollution are human or animal. In 2009 this method was used at Silloth bathing water. It has highlighted the impact that agriculture, as well as the presence of dogs and birds on the beach, has on the bathing water quality and is enabling us to target actions. \nIn 2011 the Environment Agency surveyed the catchment around Allonby South to identify sources of contamination. Where significant issues were found these have been investigated and improvements made where needed.\nIn 2012 United Utilities, with the Environment Agency's support, developed a detailed model of the Solway Estuary and the north Cumbrian coast to assess which inputs can impact bathing water quality. The River Waver and the Raby Cote outfall to the north of the bathing water were identified as the main impacts on bathing water quality. This information has been used to inform the United Utilities investment programme from 2015 to 2020.", "_lang" : "en"} , "localAuthority" : {"_about" : "http://location.data.gov.uk/id/au/localAuthority/ons:gss/E07000026-46300-2017", "label" : [{"_value" : "Allerdale", "_lang" : "en"} ]} , "localAuthorityStatement" : {"_value" : "To help improve bathing water quality we are working alongside Local Authorities through a LOVEmyBEACH campaign. Further information can be found at http://lovemybeach.org/", "_lang" : "en"} , "macroAlgaeStatement" : {"_value" : "This bathing water has a history of large amounts of seaweed which can be slippery.", "_lang" : "en"} , "misconnectionsStatement" : {"_value" : "Modern sewerage systems have two separate systems, one takes foul sewage to sewage treatment, the other takes rainwater runoff through surface water drains to rivers, lakes and the sea. Misconnections occur when waste water pipes are plumbed into surface water drains instead of the foul water sewerage system. This can give rise to pollution when the waste water is discharged directly to the environment through the surface water drain. For example, a washing machine or toilet may be incorrectly plumbed so that it discharges to the surface drain rather than the foul sewage drain.\nIn 2015 United Utilities investigated, and where issues found taken action to resolve, a misconnection close to Silloth bathing water under their improvement programme. There is a suspected misconnection being investigated under United Utilities proposed improvement programme by the end of 2015. The improvement of any misconnected properties found will help improve bathing water quality", "_lang" : "en"} , "name" : {"_value" : "2017 Bathing Water Profile for Silloth", "_lang" : "en"} , "phytoplanktonStatement" : {"_value" : "Phytoplankton (microscopic algae) naturally increase in number at certain times of the year. This process is known as a phytoplankton bloom. This bathing water does not have a history of phytoplankton blooms.", "_lang" : "en"} , "pollutionRiskForecastStatement" : {"_value" : "This bathing water is subject to short term pollution. Short term pollution is caused when heavy rainfall washes faecal material into the sea from livestock, sewage and urban drainage via rivers and streams. At this site the risk of encountering reduced water quality increases after rainfall and typically returns to normal after 1-3 days. The Environment Agency makes daily pollution risk forecasts based on rainfall patterns and will issue a pollution risk warning if heavy rainfall occurs to enable bathers to avoid periods of increased risk. \nThe Environment Agency works to reduce the sources of this pollution through pollution prevention measures, work with agriculture and water companies.\n10 warnings advising against swimming due to an increase risk of short term pollution were issued in 2016 for Silloth bathing water. These warnings were issued because of the effects of heavy rain on the water quality.", "_lang" : "en"} , "pollutionRiskForecasting" : {"_value" : "true", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "samplingFrequency" : 20, "seasonFinishDate" : {"_value" : "2017-09-30", "_datatype" : "date"} , "seasonInterval" : {"_about" : "http://reference.data.gov.uk/id/gregorian-interval/2017-05-01T00:00:00/P152DT23H59M59S", "beginning" : {"_about" : "http://reference.data.gov.uk/id/gregorian-instant/2017-05-01T00:00:00", "inXSDDateTime" : {"_value" : "2017-05-01T00:00:00", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} } , "end" : {"_about" : "http://reference.data.gov.uk/id/gregorian-instant/2017-09-30T23:59:59", "inXSDDateTime" : {"_value" : "2017-09-30T23:59:59", "_datatype" : "dateTime"} } } , "seasonStartDate" : {"_value" : "2017-05-01", "_datatype" : "date"} , "source" : "http://environment.data.gov.uk/sources/bwq/eaew/input/2017_ea_profile_20170630v1-2017-06-30_14-48-36_884-0511.csv#row=0279", "standardLanguageCollection" : {"_about" : "http://environment.data.gov.uk/data/bathing-water-profile-standard-language/2017-46300:1", "algaeGeneralStatement" : {"_value" : "Seaweed (macroalgae) and phytoplankton (microscopic algae) are a natural part of the marine and freshwater environment. Below we note whether these have been recorded in quantities sufficient to be a nuisance.", "_lang" : "en"} , "esoOutfallsGeneralStatement" : {"_value" : "The majority of sewers in England are \u201ccombined sewers\u201d and carry both sewage and surface water from roofs and drains. A storm overflow operates during heavy rainfall when the sewerage system becomes overwhelmed by the amount of surface water. The overflow prevents sewage from backing up pipes and flooding properties and gardens. An emergency overflow will only operate infrequently, for example due to pump failure or blockage in the sewerage system.", "_lang" : "en"} , "localAuthorityGeneralStatement" : {"_value" : "Heavy rain falling on pavements and roads often flows into surface water drains or highway drains, ending up in local rivers and ultimately the sea. The quality of bathing water may be adversely affected as a result of such events.", "_lang" : "en"} , "pollutionManagementGeneralStatement" : {"_value" : "It is the Environment Agency's role to drive improvement of water quality at bathing waters that are at risk of failing higher standards. It is natural for water to run off the land to the sea. Water quality at a bathing water is dependent upon the type and area of land (the catchment) draining to the water and the activities undertaken in that catchment.", "_lang" : "en"} , "stwOutfallsGeneralStatement" : {"_value" : "Discharges from sewage treatment works have improved substantially in England since the 1980s.", "_lang" : "en"} } , "streamsRiversStatement" : {"_value" : "Two main rivers, the Waver and Wampool, drain the catchment and enter the Solway Firth to the north of the bathing water. The extent of the agricultural land use both on the coast and within the two river catchments means that during and after periods of heavy rainfall runoff from these agricultural areas will be greatly increased. This can be a source of reduced water quality. The bathing water is located on the southern side of the Solway Firth. The rivers and streams draining into the Solway Firth could impact on bathing water quality.", "_lang" : "en"} , "stwOutfallsStatement" : {"_value" : "Silloth Sewage Treatment Works discharges to the north of Silloth. The discharge from the sewage treatment works is treated to a high standard. \nAs part of United Utilities' improvement programme from 2015 to 2020 the Raby Cote outfall to the north of the bathing water will be improved to protect bathing water quality.", "_lang" : "en"} , "versionString" : "1", "visiblePollutionStatement" : {"_value" : "Environment Agency samplers make observations of litter present on the beach at every visit, this includes assessments of sewage debris, litter and tar. At Silloth for the four year (2013-2016) assessment period where data is available, sewage debris was not assessed as being sufficient to be objectionable, but was observed as being present on 2% of visits. Litter was assessed as being sufficient to be objectionable for 4% of visits, with 80% of visits noting the presence of litter. Tarry residue was not noted at this site.", "_lang" : "en"} , "webResImage" : "http://environment.data.gov.uk/media/image/bathing-water-profile/ukd1101-46300_1-webres.jpg", "workingWithFarmersStatement" : {"_value" : "The land around Silloth contains large areas of agricultural land. Grazing on the Moricambe Bay salt marshes can impact Silloth bathing water. During and after periods of heavy rainfall excess water may not soak into agricultural land causing runoff into rivers and the sea. High spring tides can cover the salt marsh and cause wash off from the land. The quality of the bathing water may decline as a result of such events. \nCatchment Sensitive Farming, delivered by Natural England in partnership with the Environment Agency, delivers practical solutions and targeted support to enable farmers and land managers to take voluntary action to reduce diffuse water pollution from agriculture to protect water bodies and the environment. Actions include a programme of educational events for farmers, advice to farmers and land managers, farm visits, and surveys of the area to identify pollution risks. A project is currently underway within the River Ellen catchment focusing on reducing the bathing water quality impact from farms.", "_lang" : "en"} , "workingWithIndustryStatement" : {"_value" : "The Sellafield nuclear site is located on the West Cumbrian coast just north of the village of Seascale. The site which covers an area around four square kilometres is bordered on the western edge by the coastline. The Environment Agency permits waste disposal from the site, including discharges via a pipeline into the Irish Sea. The Environment Agency monitors seawater, sediment and seaweed at beaches in West Cumbria and publishes the results in an annual Radioactivity in Food and Environment Report (https://www.gov.uk/monitoring-radioactivity). The reduction in aerial and liquid discharges over the last three decades has been dramatic.", "_lang" : "en"} , "workingWithPrivateOwnersStatement" : {"_value" : "In 2009 the Environment Agency contacted three caravan parks close to Silloth bathing water to ensure that the sewage from the sites was being treated correctly. All sites confirmed that they were connected to the main water company sewer. \nThe discharge from a private property close to the bathing water has been upgraded to improve the treatment of the sewage discharge. This improvement will help protect bathing water quality. \nIn the past there was a discharge from a settlement tank serving the abattoir near the docks in Silloth. This discharge point has been disused since the early 1990s and there is no impact on the bathing water from this point.", "_lang" : "en"} , "zoiDescription" : {"_value" : "Silloth is situated on the southern shore of the Solway Firth alongside the town of Silloth. The catchment around Silloth is flat, open and largely agricultural with raised beaches, mudflats and salt marshes.", "_lang" : "en"} } , "type" : ["http://purl.org/linked-data/api/vocab#ItemEndpoint", "http://purl.org/linked-data/api/vocab#Page"]} }