Bathing water quality compliance classification for use in bathing water quality reporting under the Bathing Water Directive - cBWD (76/0160/EEC)
For annual assessments "Higher" means the bathing water meets the criteria for the stricter UK guideline standards of the cBWD Directive (78/0160/EEC) (includes lower levels of concentrations and a third parameter (FS)).
Sample limits used are:
"Higher": TC: ≤500; FC: ≤100; FS: ≤100.
"Minimum": TC: ≤10000; FC: ≤2000; FS: N/A.
"Fail": TC: >10000; FC: >2000; FS: N/A.
TC= Total Coliforms, FC = Faecal Coliforms, FS = Faecal Streptococci.
All numeric limits are cfu/100ml