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  • The National Coastal Erosion Risk Map shows projected areas at risk from erosion. The erosion risk zones are created by splitting the coastline into ‘frontages’. These frontages are defined as...

  • Risk of Flooding from Surface Water (RoFSW) map is an assessment of where surface water flooding may occur when rainwater does not drain away through the normal drainage systems or soak into the...

  • Risk of Flooding from Surface Water (RoFSW) map is an assessment of where surface water flooding may occur when rainwater does not drain away through the normal drainage systems or soak into the...

  • Risk of Flooding from Rivers and the Sea (RoFRS) shows the chance of flooding from rivers and the sea taking into account the presence and condition of flood defences. It is our main way of...

  • Risk of Flooding from Rivers and the Sea (RoFRS) shows the chance of flooding from rivers and the sea taking into account the presence and condition of flood defences. It is our main way of...

  • These spatial datasets consider the lands contribution to preventing and mitigating climate change, through storage of carbon in the Vegetation (above ground). This above Ground Carbon spatial...

  • This dataset identifies areas where the distribution of great crested newts (GCN) has been categorised into zones relating to GCN occurrence and the level of impact development is likely to have on...

  • The National Forest Inventory (NFI) woodland map covers all forest and woodland area over 0.5 hectare with a minimum of 20% canopy cover, or the potential to achieve it, and a minimum width of 20...

  • The National Forest Inventory (NFI) woodland map covers all forest and woodland area over 0.5 hectare with a minimum of 20% canopy cover, or the potential to achieve it, and a minimum width of 20...

  • The National Forest Inventory (NFI) woodland map covers all forest and woodland area over 0.5 hectare with a minimum of 20% canopy cover, or the potential to achieve it, and a minimum width of 20...

  • The National Forest Inventory (NFI) woodland map covers all forest and woodland area over 0.5 hectare with a minimum of 20% canopy cover, or the potential to achieve it, and a minimum width of 20...

  • All organisations hold information about the core of their business. Forestry England holds information on trees and forests. We use this information to help us run our business and make decisions....

  • There is one resource on this record - excel version of high level hazardous waste movements in England for 2023 We no longer publish this dataset in MS Access.

    The Environment Agency is legally...

  • Datasets for remaining landfill capacity by site in England at the end of the calendar year. Data is available for 2015-2023 on this record.

    Permitted landfill operators have a condition in...

  • Flood Model Locations is a GIS layer which shows the location of detailed flood models owned by the Environment Agency. Each individual Flood Model Location contains a consistent list of...

  • Living England is a multi-year project which delivers a broad habitat map for the whole of England, created using satellite imagery, field data records and other geospatial data in a machine...

  • Three resources are available on this record for 2022:

    • an excel data extract of wastes received at permitted sites
    • an excel data extract of waste removed from permitted sites
    • summary tables...
  • Three resources are available on this record for 2020:

    • an excel data extract of wastes received at permitted sites
    • and excel data extract of waste removed from permitted sites
    • summary tables...
  • Three resources are available on this record for 2021:

    • an excel data extract of wastes received at permitted sites
    • an excel data extract of waste removed from permitted sites
    • summary tables...
  • This dataset contains data on the assessment of incineration facilities under the European definition of R1 (recovery) status.

Showing 1 - 20 of 6232