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"lowerCorner" : {"_about" : "http://environment.data.gov.uk/wales/bathing-waters/so/Envelope/ukl1200-39350:1/lowerCorner", "easting" : 257336.0, "northing" : 320593.0, "x_coord" : 257336.0, "y_coord" : 320593.0} , "upperCorner" : {"_about" : "http://environment.data.gov.uk/wales/bathing-waters/so/Envelope/ukl1200-39350:1/upperCorner", "easting" : 258229.0, "northing" : 321628.0, "x_coord" : 258229.0, "y_coord" : 321628.0} } , "name" : {"_value" : "Tal-y-Bont", "_lang" : "en"} , "samplingPoint" : {"_about" : "http://environment.data.gov.uk/wales/bathing-waters/so/SamplingPoint/39350", "easting" : 257750.0, "lat" : 52.7687137481412, "long" : -4.10991209386774, "name" : {"_value" : "Sampling point at Tal-y-Bont", "_lang" : "en"} , "northing" : 321100.0} , "zoneOfInfluence" : {"_about" : "http://environment.data.gov.uk/wales/bathing-waters/so/ZoneOfInfluence/ukl1200-39350:1", "extent" : {"_about" : "http://environment.data.gov.uk/wales/bathing-waters/so/ZoneOfInfluence/ukl1200-39350:1/extent", "asGML" : "265949.5 325451.2 265948.6 325417.8 265948.6 325396.3 265948.9 325385.2 265949.3 325377.5 265950.5 325363.5 265951.3 325357.5 265953 325348.5 265955.1 325340.5 265957.5 325333.2 265960.3 325326.4 265963.4 325320.2 265966.6 325314.6 265969.7 325309.9 265979.5 325295.9 265982.5 325291.2 265985.2 325286.4 265987.8 325281 265990 325275 265991.7 325268.5 265992.9 325261.5 265993.4 325254.4 265993.2 325247.1 265992.3 325239.9 265990.9 325233.1 265989 325226.6 265986.7 325220.7 265984.1 325215.3 265981.7 325210.6 265974.1 325197.2 265972 325193 265970.4 325188.9 265969.2 325184.9 265968.5 325180.8 265968.2 325176.6 265968.4 325172.4 265969.1 325168.4 265970.3 325164.4 265971.8 325160.4 265973.8 325156.2 265983.9 325138 265986.7 325132.2 265989.4 325125.7 265991.9 325118.5 265994.1 325110.6 265996 325102.2 265997.4 325093.4 265998.6 325084.3 265999.5 325074.8 266000.6 325055.6 266000.9 325045.9 266001.2 325026.4 266001.1 325006.8 266000.8 324997.1 266000.5 324987.4 265999.9 324977.9 265999.1 324968.5 265997.9 324959.4 265996.4 324950.6 265994.5 324942.2 265992.2 324934.4 265989.5 324927.2 265986.4 324920.7 265983.2 324914.8 265980.1 324910 265966.8 324890.8 265963.7 324886 265960.5 324880.1 265957.4 324873.7 265954.7 324866.6 265952.4 324858.9 265950.5 324850.7 265949.1 324842.1 265948.2 324833.3 265947.9 324824.4 265948 324815.6 265948.8 324807 265950.1 324798.8 265952 324791.1 265954.5 324784.2 265957.6 324778.1 265961.2 324773 265965.1 324768.7 265969.6 324765 265975 324761.6 265981.4 324758.7 265988.7 324756.3 265996.7 324754.3 266005.2 324752.8 266014.2 324751.6 266032.2 324749.5 266041.1 324748.3 266049.5 324746.7 266057.4 324744.8 266064.5 324742.3 266070.8 324739.4 266076.2 324736.1 266080.8 324732.4 266084.8 324728.4 266088.6 324723.6 266092.1 324718.1 266095.4 324712 266104.7 324692.1 266108 324685.8 266111.5 324680.2 266115.1 324675.2 266119 324670.9 266123.3 324667 266128.2 324663.3 266133.9 324659.9 266140.1 324656.6 266160.1 324647.3 266166.4 324644.1 266172 324640.6 266177 324637 266181.3 324633.1 266185.2 324628.8 266188.9 324623.9 266192.4 324618.3 266195.6 324612 266198.6 324605.2 266207 324584.3 266209.9 324577.8 266212.9 324571.8 266216 324566.2 266219 324561.5 266228.5 324547.2 266234.6 324537.7 266237.7 324532.2 266240.6 324526.1 266243.5 324519.6 266246.3 324512.6 266254.2 324490.9 266257 324484 266259.9 324477.5 266262.9 324471.5 266266 324466 266269 324461.3 266278.5 324447.1 266281.5 324442.4 266284.3 324437.6 266287.2 324431.7 266290 324425.3 266292.3 324418.1 266294.3 324410.3 266295.9 324401.9 266297.1 324393.2 266297.9 324384 266298.4 324374.7 266299.7 324327.1 266300.2 324317.7 266301 324308.6 266302.2 324299.8 266303.8 324291.5 266305.8 324283.7 266308.4 324276.6 266311.3 324270.3 266314.5 324264.6 266317.5 324260 266320.9 324255.5 266324.6 324251.1 266352.2 324220.9 266360.4 324212.5 266386.5 324188.4 266390.6 324184.3 266411.2 324162.9 266437 324138.5 266453.4 324121.2 266461.7 324112.8 266470.3 324104.8 266497.2 324081.6 266506.3 324074.1 266510.9 324070.6 266515.7 324067.4 266521.3 324064.1 266527.5 324061 266534.2 324057.9 266556.1 324049.5 266563.3 324046.5 266569.8 324043.4 266575.7 324039.9 266580.7 324036.2 266584.9 324032.3 266588.4 324028 266591.5 324023 266593.9 324017.3 266595.7 324011.1 266596.6 324004.5 266596.6 323997.8 266595.7 323991.2 266594 323984.9 266591.5 323979.3 266588.5 323974.3 266584.9 323969.9 266580.8 323966 266575.8 323962.3 266570 323958.8 266563.4 323955.6 266556.3 323952.6 266541.7 323946.8 266534.6 323943.9 266527.9 323940.8 266521.8 323937.6 266516.2 323934.2 266511.5 323930.9 266506.9 323927.4 266502.4 323923.6 266484.8 323908 266466.8 323892.4 266449.5 323876.9 266445 323873.2 266440.5 323869.7 266435.9 323866.7 266430.2 323863.4 266423.9 323860.5 266416.8 323858 266409 323855.9 266400.7 323854.3 266391.9 323853.1 266382.8 323852.3 266373.4 323851.8 266325.5 323850.8 266316.2 323850.3 266307 323849.5 266298.2 323848.4 266289.9 323846.8 266282.1 323844.7 266275 323842.2 266268.6 323839.3 266262.9 323836.1 266258.3 323833.1 266253.9 323829.7 266249.4 323826 266219.3 323798.4 266211 323790.2 266206.9 323786 266190.9 323768.2 266186.9 323763.9 266161.7 323739 266145.5 323721.6 266137.4 323713.1 266128.9 323705.1 266098.1 323678 266093.6 323674.3 266089.1 323670.9 266084.5 323667.7 266079 323664.5 266073.1 323661.4 266066.6 323658.4 266059.7 323655.6 266045.4 323650.1 266038.5 323647.2 266032.1 323644.1 266026.3 323640.8 266021.3 323637.3 266016.9 323633.4 266012.9 323629.2 266009.2 323624.3 266005.8 323618.7 266002.5 323612.4 265999.5 323605.7 265990.9 323584.9 265988 323578.4 265984.9 323572.5 265981.8 323567 265978.8 323562.2 265966.3 323543.2 265963.5 323538.4 265960.4 323532.4 265957.6 323525.8 265955.1 323518.6 265953 323510.6 265951.3 323502.2 265950 323493.4 265949 323484.1 265948.3 323474.8 265947.5 323455.6 265947.2 323436.1 265947.3 323416.5 265947.8 323397.1 265948.8 323377.9 265949.6 323368.7 265950.8 323359.5 265952.3 323350.8 265954.2 323342.4 265956.5 323334.6 265959.1 323327.5 265962.1 323321 265965.3 323315.2 265968.3 323310.4 265978.2 323296.2 265981.4 323291.5 265984.4 323286.7 265987.6 323280.9 265990.6 323274.4 265993.3 323267.3 265995.7 323259.5 265997.7 323251.1 265999.3 323242.3 266000.6 323233.1 266001.5 323223.8 266002.2 323214.2 266002.6 323204.6 266002.8 323194.9 266002.7 323185.3 266002.4 323175.8 266001.7 323166.4 266000.6 323157.4 265999.1 323148.9 265997.1 323141 265994.4 323133.8 265991.3 323127.6 265987.8 323122.4 265983.8 323118 265979.3 323114.3 265974 323110.9 265967.8 323107.9 265960.6 323105.5 265952.7 323103.5 265944.3 323101.9 265935.5 323100.7 265908.5 323097.6 265899.8 323096.3 265891.4 323094.7 265883.6 323092.8 265876.4 323090.5 265869.8 323087.9 265863.9 323085 265859 323082.3 265854.2 323079.4 265839.9 323070.2 265835 323067.3 265829.5 323064.2 265823.4 323061.2 265816.8 323058.3 265788.1 323047.3 265781.3 323044.4 265774.8 323041.2 265769 323037.9 265763.7 323034.4 265759.1 323031 265754.6 323027.4 265750.2 323023.4 265737.3 323011.3 265728.7 323003.4 265707.1 322984.5 265698.9 322977.8 265694.8 322974.9 265690.9 322972.5 265687 322970.7 265683.2 322969.4 265679.3 322968.5 265675.2 322968.2 265671.1 322968.4 265667 322969.1 265663 322970.2 265659 322971.8 265654.8 322973.9 265636.6 322984.3 265630.6 322987.3 265624 322990.2 265616.5 322992.8 265608.5 322995.1 265599.8 322997 265590.8 322998.4 265581.3 322999.6 265571.8 323000.4 265562 323001 265542.3 323001.6 265522.4 323001.8 265403.4 323001.4 265285 323001.3 265216 323001.5 265126.7 323002.4 265106.8 323002.4 265087.2 323002.2 265077.4 323001.8 265067.9 323001.2 265058.5 323000.3 265049.5 322999 265040.9 322997.3 265032.8 322995.2 265025.4 322992.7 265018.7 322989.8 265012.7 322986.7 265007.9 322983.9 264989.1 322971.3 264984.3 322968.3 264978.8 322965.2 264972.9 322962.2 264966.4 322959.3 264959.5 322956.5 264937.9 322948.4 264931 322945.5 264924.6 322942.4 264918.7 322939.2 264913.4 322935.8 264908.9 322932.5 264904.4 322929 264900 322925.2 264869.9 322897.3 264861.6 322889.1 264857.6 322884.9 264845.6 322871.4 264837.6 322862.8 264833.5 322858.7 264824.9 322850.5 264799.1 322827.1 264794.7 322823.4 264790.2 322820.1 264785.5 322817 264779.9 322813.9 264773.7 322811 264766.7 322808.5 264759 322806.4 264750.9 322804.6 264742.3 322803.2 264706.8 322798.9 264698.3 322797.5 264690.1 322795.8 264682.5 322793.6 264675.5 322791.1 264669.2 322788.2 264663.7 322785 264659.1 322782 264654.6 322778.6 264650.1 322774.9 264633 322759.5 264615.3 322743.9 264598.2 322728.3 264593.8 322724.5 264589.3 322721 264584.8 322717.7 264579.5 322714.3 264573.6 322711.1 264567.2 322708.1 264560.3 322705.2 264538.7 322697.1 264531.8 322694.2 264525.4 322691.2 264519.5 322687.9 264514.2 322684.6 264509.7 322681.3 264505.2 322677.7 264500.8 322673.9 264483.8 322658.1 264466.2 322642.3 264449.3 322626.5 264444.9 322622.7 264440.4 322619.2 264435.8 322616 264430.2 322612.7 264423.8 322609.6 264416.7 322606.9 264408.9 322604.6 264400.6 322602.8 264391.8 322601.4 264382.6 322600.4 264373.2 322599.7 264363.6 322599.2 264353.9 322599 264334.4 322598.8 264305.2 322599.1 264285.9 322599.8 264276.3 322600.4 264267 322601.3 264257.8 322602.4 264249.1 322603.9 264240.8 322605.8 264233 322608 264225.9 322610.7 264219.4 322613.6 264213.6 322616.8 264208.8 322619.7 264204.1 322622.9 264190.1 322632.6 264185.3 322635.6 264179.5 322638.7 264173.1 322641.7 264165.9 322644.3 264158.2 322646.6 264149.8 322648.5 264141.1 322650 264132 322651.1 264122.7 322651.9 264103.6 322652.9 264084.1 322653.4 264064.6 322653.4 264045.1 322653.2 264035.5 322652.8 264026 322652.3 264016.6 322651.6 264007.4 322650.6 263998.6 322649.3 263990.2 322647.5 263982.3 322645.4 263975.1 322642.8 263968.5 322640 263962.6 322637 263957.8 322634.1 263938.9 322621.5 263934.1 322618.6 263928.6 322615.5 263922.6 322612.5 263916.1 322609.6 263909.1 322606.8 263887.4 322598.8 263880.4 322595.9 263874 322592.9 263868.1 322589.6 263862.8 322586.2 263858.3 322582.9 263853.9 322579.4 263845.4 322571.5 263837.3 322563.3 263829.4 322555 263821.8 322546.3 263818.3 322541.9 263815.1 322537.3 263811.8 322531.9 263808.6 322525.9 263805.6 322519.4 263797.1 322498.4 263794.2 322491.6 263791 322485.3 263787.6 322479.6 263783.9 322474.7 263780 322470.4 263775.7 322466.5 263770.7 322462.9 263765 322459.5 263758.7 322456.3 263738.6 322447.3 263732.3 322444.1 263726.7 322440.7 263721.8 322437 263717.7 322433.1 263713.9 322428.7 263710.5 322423.4 263707.5 322417.3 263704.9 322410.4 263702.8 322402.8 263701 322394.6 263699.6 322386 263696 322359.7 263694.6 322351.1 263692.8 322342.9 263690.8 322335.2 263688.4 322328.2 263685.7 322321.7 263682.8 322315.9 263680.1 322311.1 263668.1 322292 263665.3 322287.2 263662.4 322281.4 263659.7 322275 263657.3 322268 263655.1 322260.4 263653.3 322252.3 263651.8 322243.8 263648.1 322217.5 263646.7 322208.9 263645.1 322200.4 263643.3 322192.3 263641.1 322184.8 263638.6 322177.8 263635.8 322171.5 263632.8 322165.8 263630 322161 263627 322156.3 263617.6 322142.2 263614.8 322137.4 263611.8 322131.5 263609 322125 263606.5 322117.9 263604.4 322110.1 263602.7 322101.7 263601.4 322093 263600.5 322083.9 263599.9 322074.4 263599.3 322055.4 263599.5 322006.7 263599.3 321987.4 263598.9 321977.9 263598.3 321968.7 263597.3 321959.5 263596 321950.8 263594.3 321942.5 263592.2 321934.7 263589.6 321927.5 263586.8 321921.1 263583.7 321915.2 263580.9 321910.5 263568.4 321891.7 263565.6 321887 263562.5 321881.2 263559.8 321874.8 263557.3 321867.7 263555.1 321860 263553.4 321851.7 263552.1 321843 263551.2 321834 263550.5 321824.8 263550 321815.4 263548.6 321777.5 263547.9 321768.4 263547 321759.3 263545.7 321750.6 263544 321742.3 263542 321734.5 263539.5 321727.4 263536.8 321721 263533.8 321715.2 263531 321710.4 263521.8 321696.2 263518.8 321691.5 263516 321686.7 263513 321681 263510.3 321674.6 263507.8 321667.7 263505.6 321660.1 263503.8 321652 263502.3 321643.5 263497.3 321608.5 263495.8 321600 263494 321591.9 263491.9 321584.3 263489.4 321577.3 263486.7 321570.9 263483.8 321565.1 263480.9 321560.3 263477.9 321555.6 263468.4 321541.5 263465.4 321536.7 263462.3 321531.3 263459.3 321525.3 263456.3 321518.8 263453.5 321511.9 263445.4 321490.4 263442.6 321483.5 263439.7 321477 263436.7 321471.1 263433.6 321465.6 263430.6 321460.8 263421.2 321446.7 263418.2 321441.9 263415.4 321437.1 263412.5 321431.3 263409.8 321424.9 263407.4 321417.9 263405.4 321410.2 263403.7 321402 263402.3 321393.5 263397.8 321358.1 263396.4 321349.5 263394.6 321341.4 263392.5 321333.8 263390 321326.8 263387.1 321320.5 263384 321314.9 263380.9 321310.3 263377.5 321305.7 263373.9 321301.3 263350.6 321275.3 263342.6 321266.6 263334.3 321258.4 263312.6 321238.2 263292 321216.8 263283.6 321208.7 263274.7 321200.8 263248.3 321177.9 263243.8 321174.2 263239.2 321170.8 263234.6 321167.6 263229.2 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The Morfa Dyffryn Site of Special Scientific Interest is located just to the north of the bathing area. The water quality sample point is located opposite the entrance to the beach.", "_lang" : "en"} , "countyName" : {"_value" : "Gwynedd", "_lang" : "en"} , "historyStatement" : {"_value" : "The Talybont and Dyffryn coastline has no direct discharges of sewage effluent. A survey of the coast in 1999 revealed no obvious water quality influences to this bathing water.", "_lang" : "en"} , "investigationsStatement" : {"_value" : "Investigations will be undertaken where and when necessary e.g. where there are elevated bacterial results in the bathing water that cannot be simply explained due to weather conditions.", "_lang" : "en"} , "localAuthority" : {"_about" : "http://environment.data.gov.uk/wales/bathing-waters/id/au/localAuthority/ons:gss/W06000002", "label" : [{"_value" : "Gwynedd - Gwynedd", "_lang" : "en"} ]} , "localAuthorityStatement" : {"_value" : "Natural Resources Wales continues to work with Gwynedd Council, to maintain the high standard of water quality at Talybont.", "_lang" : "en"} , "macroAlgaeStatement" : {"_value" : "This bathing water does not have a history of large amounts of seaweed (macroalgae).", "_lang" : "en"} , "misconnectionsStatement" : {"_value" : "Modern sewerage systems have two separate systems, one takes foul sewage to sewage treatment, the other takes rainwater runoff through surface water drains to rivers, lakes and the sea. Misconnections occur when waste water pipes are plumbed into surface water drains instead of the foul water sewerage system. This can give rise to pollution when the waste water is discharged directly to the environment through the surface water drain. For example, a washing machine or toilet may be incorrectly plumbed so that it discharges to the surface drain rather than the foul sewage drain. There are no known misconnections in the Talybont area.", "_lang" : "en"} , "name" : {"_value" : "2023 Bathing Water Profile for Tal-y-Bont", "_lang" : "en"} , "phytoplanktonStatement" : {"_value" : "Phytoplankton (microscopic algae) naturally increase in number at certain times of the year. This process is known as a phytoplankton bloom. \n\nAlgal Blooms can occur at any beach during the bathing season and are usually noticeable by a surface scum. This beach has no history of such blooms.", "_lang" : "en"} , "pollutionRiskForecasting" : {"_value" : "false", "_datatype" : "boolean"} , "source" : ["http://environment.data.gov.uk/wales/bathing-waters/sources/input/nrw_bw_profile_20240704-2024-07-04_13-15-15_441-0562.csv#row=0014", "http://environment.data.gov.uk/wales/bathing-waters/sources/input/nrw_bw_profile_w_20240704-2024-07-04_12-00-32_052-0533.csv#row=0073"], "standardLanguageCollection" : {"_about" : "http://environment.data.gov.uk/wales/bathing-waters/data/bathing-water-profile-standard-language/2023-39350:1", "algaeGeneralStatement" : {"_value" : "Seaweed (macroalgae) and phytoplankton (microscopic algae) are a natural part of the marine and freshwater environment. Below we note whether these have been recorded in quantities sufficient to be a nuisance.", "_lang" : "en"} , "esoOutfallsGeneralStatement" : {"_value" : "The majority of sewers in Wales are \u201ccombined sewers\u201d and carry both sewage and surface water from roofs and drains. A storm overflow operates during heavy rainfall when the sewerage system becomes overwhelmed by the amount of surface water. The overflow prevents sewage from backing up pipes and flooding properties and gardens. An emergency overflow will only operate infrequently, for example due to pump failure or blockage in the sewerage system.", "_lang" : "en"} , "localAuthorityGeneralStatement" : {"_value" : "Heavy rain falling on pavements and roads often flows into surface water drains or highway drains, ending up in local rivers and, ultimately, the sea. The quality of bathing water may be adversely affected as a result of such events.", "_lang" : "en"} , "pollutionManagementGeneralStatement" : {"_value" : "It is Natural Resources Wales' role to drive improvement of water quality at bathing waters that are at risk of failing European standards. It is natural for water to run off the land to the sea. Water quality at a bathing water is dependent upon the type and area of land (the catchment) draining to the water and the activities undertaken in that catchment. The following sections serve to highlight potential sources of pollution, conditions under which they may arise and measures being put in place to improve water quality.", "_lang" : "en"} , "stwOutfallsGeneralStatement" : {"_value" : "Discharges from sewage treatment works have improved substantially in Wales since the 1980s.", "_lang" : "en"} } , "streamsRiversStatement" : {"_value" : "Streams are typically affected by sewage or industrial run off from further up the catchment. The River Ysgethin flows onto Talybont beach. This is a small river that drains a catchment largely dedicated to sheep rearing, which could have an effect on water quality following periods of heavy rain fall.", "_lang" : "en"} , "stwOutfallsStatement" : {"_value" : "Sewage from the villages of Talybont and Dyffryn Ardudwy is treated at the Dwr Cymru sewage treatment works at Dyffryn Ardudwy. Treated effluent discharges to the Dyffryn Main Drain which is inland and flows northwards towards Llanbedr and away from the bathing water.", "_lang" : "en"} , "versionString" : "1", "visiblePollutionStatement" : {"_value" : "Natural Resources Wales samplers make visual observations of the beach at every visit.  This includes assessments of sewage debris, animal faeces, litter and oil or tar. At Tal-y-Bont, data are available for the four year assessment period from 2020-2023. Sewage debris was not observed at this bathing water. Trace amounts of animal faeces were noted at the site on a minority of occasions. Trace amounts of litter were observed at the bathing water the majority of the time and in greater amounts on less than ten per cent of occasions. Oil and tarry residues were not noted at this site.", "_lang" : "en"} , "webResImage" : "http://environment.data.gov.uk/wales/bathing-waters/media/image/bathing-water-profile/ukl1200-39350_1-webres.jpg", "workingWithPrivateOwnersStatement" : {"_value" : "There are a number of large caravan sites along this stretch of relatively flat sandy coastline. All of these sites are connected to the public sewer. Poorly maintained private sewage treatment facilities could be a source of pollution, therefore the registration of all private sewage systems in Wales was required by 30 June 2012. The primary aim of this exercise was to provide increased protection for the environment and sensitive features such as bathing water beaches. Where properties are identified in the catchment that are not on mains sewerage, Natural Resources Wales will endeavour to ensure registration has been made.", "_lang" : "en"} , "zoiDescription" : {"_value" : "The natural drainage (hydrological) catchment is mainly rural. Talybont is a small village about 5 miles to the north of Barmouth along the A496, which is the main coastal road. Although only a small village, there are many caravan sites and holiday parks around the village, particularly on the seaward side of the A496. The majority of the land surrounding the beach is agricultural.", "_lang" : "en"} } , "type" : ["http://purl.org/linked-data/api/vocab#ItemEndpoint", "http://purl.org/linked-data/api/vocab#Page"]} }