sampling point
Earlswood Brook Above Mole
Sampling point ID | TH-PMLR0010 |
Type | Freshwater – Unspecified |
Status | open |
Location |
easting northing: 526160 147860 lat lon: 51.216008, -0.195034 |
Area | Kent And South London |
Sub-Area | L&W Kent And South London |
Summary | 261 samples taken between 2023 and 2000 |
Determinands identify a property which can be measured on a sample or the sampling environment, together with the units in which the result of that measurement will be expressed.
111 determinands have been measured at this site
- 17alpha EE2
- 17beta E2
- 4-nonPhenol
- Action taken
- Alky pH 4.5
- Ammonia(N)
- AmoniaTotYSI
- B-[a]-pyrene
- B-[b]-fluora
- B-[ghi]-pery
- B-[k]-fluora
- C - Org Filt
- C Organic DW
- COD as O2
- Ca Filtered
- Cadmium - Cd
- Calcium - Ca
- Cd - Dry Wt
- Cd Filtered
- Chloride Ion
- Cond @ 20C
- Cond @ 25C
- Cr- Filtered
- Cu Filtered
- Diclofenac
- DrySolids30C
- Erythromycin
- Fe- Filt
- Fluoranthene
- Fluoxetine
- GS Kurtosis
- GS Mean
- GS Median
- GSF 160-112
- GSF 11.4-9.1
- GSF 112-84
- GSF 125-249
- GSF 1k- 2k
- GSF 2000-500
- GSF 250-499
- GSF 261-160
- GSF 2k-4k
- GSF 39-30.3
- GSF 50.2-39
- GSF 500-999
- GSF 564-261
- GSF 62.5-124
- GSF 64-50
- GSF 7.2-5.8
- GSF 84-64
- GSF 9.1-7.2
- GSF <20
- GSF <2000um
- GSF <5.8 um
- GSF >2000um
- GSF >8000
- GSF14.5-11.4
- GSF18.5-14.5
- GSF23.7-18.5
- GSF30.3-23.7
- GSF4000-7999
- GraphSkewn
- Hardness
- Hg Filtered
- Ibuprofen
- Ind123pyrene
- Magnesium-Mg
- Mean dia
- Median dia
- Mn- Filtered
- N Oxidised
- NH3 un-ion
- Ni- Filtered
- Nitrate-N
- Nitrite-N
- O Diss %sat
- OestroneE1
- Orthophospht
- Oxygen Diss
- Oxytetracycl
- PBDE 100
- PBDE 153
- PBDE 154
- PBDE 28
- PBDE 47
- PBDE 99
- Pb Filtered
- Propranolol
- Sample Prep
- SiO2 Rv
- Sieved < 63
- Sld Sus@105C
- Sld V @400C
- Sld V @480C
- Solids <63um
- Sort Coeff
- Temp Water
- TriBT Cation
- Triclosan
- TurbidityNTU
- Type of Flow
- Zinc - as Zn
- Zn- Filtered
- pH
- pH in-situ
- ptOctylPheno
Sampling results
Displaying the twenty most recent samples. You can see all 261 sample results (note that in some cases this may take a considerable time, and use significant data bandwidth).