2024 Bathing Water Profile for Marsden

  • Marsden Beach lies in a bay enclosed by steep cliffs. It is rocky and sandy by parts with a gentle slope. Access to the beach is via steps or a lift.
  • South Tyneside District
  • Tyne & Wear
  • The Environment Agency carried out investigative sampling at Marsden in 2019 to identify the pollution source causing the recent high results. DNA analysis on the water samples showed that both human and seabird sources are contributors to reduced water quality at Marsden. Northumbrian Water are currently investigating the impact of their assets on bathing water quality at Marsden. If water company assets are found to be a significant contributor to pollution, then remedial action will be taken to reduce their impact.
  • To the north, the sewerage system in South Shields has directed flows to outfalls in the Tyne estuary and away from the beach. In the late 1970s/1980s, an interceptor sewer was built to take sewage to a new treatment works at Howdon. To the south, sewage that used to discharge via coastal outfalls was intercepted and taken to a new sea outfall at Hendon, to the south of Sunderland.
  • For the four year (2020-2023) assessment period where data is available, seaweed (macroalgae) was not assessed as being sufficient to be objectionable, but was observed as being present on 92% of visits. Environment Agency research suggests this bathing water does not have a history of large amounts of seaweed (macro algae).
  • Modern sewerage systems have two separate systems, one takes foul sewage to sewage treatment, the other takes rainwater runoff through surface water drains to rivers, lakes and the sea. Misconnections occur when waste water pipes are plumbed into surface water drains instead of the foul water sewerage system. This can give rise to pollution when the waste water is discharged directly to the environment through the surface water drain. For example, a washing machine or toilet may be incorrectly plumbed so that it discharges to the surface drain rather than the foul sewage drain.
  • For the four year (2020-2023) assessment period where data is available, phytoplankton (microscopic algae) was not assessed as being sufficient to be objectionable, but was observed as being present on 3% of visits. Environment Agency research suggests this bathing water does not have a history of phytoplankton blooms. The risks to human health from contact, ingestion or inhalation with marine algae that currently occur in UK coastal waters are considered to be low. However, some individuals may be more sensitive and display some reactions. A common marine algae found in UK coastal waters is Phaeocystis, which is often mistaken for sewage as it forms foam and a brown scum, but it is non-toxic.
  • This bathing water is subject to short term pollution procedures. The Environment Agency makes a daily pollution risk forecast at this site based on the effects of rain, wind and seasonality on bathing water quality. These factors affect the levels of bacteria that get washed into the sea from livestock, sewage and urban drainage via rivers and streams and how they disperse. When these factors combine to make short term pollution likely we issue a pollution risk warning on this website and the beach manager will display a sign advising against bathing at the bathing water. After a short term pollution event, levels of bacteria typically return to normal after a day or so but it’s possible to have several warning days in a row. Details of the work to reduce the sources of bacteria at this bathing water are detailed in this profile. In 2023 19 pollution risk warnings were issued for this bathing water. All bathing waters have the potential to be affected by a pollution incident and if this occurs a pollution risk warning will be issued with associated advice against bathing on this website.
  • 2024 Bathing Water Profile for Marsden
  • 2024-09-30
  • 2024-05-01
  • In 2000, the treatment works at Howdon was upgraded to provide a higher level of treatment and a new sewage treatment works was built at Hendon. As well as conventional treatment, both discharges are disinfected using ultraviolet light. The location of the outfalls and the level of treatment mean that these discharges now have no perceptible impact on bathing water quality at Marsden.
  • Environment Agency samplers make observations of litter present on the beach at every visit, this includes assessments of sewage debris, litter and tar. At Marsden for the four year (2020-2023) assessment period where data is available, sewage debris was not noted at this site. Litter was not assessed as being sufficient to be objectionable, but was observed as being present on 74% of visits. Tarry residue was not noted at this site.
  • There are no natural surface waters draining into or close to this bathing water. The area immediately inland is underlain by a major aquifer whose outcrop forms the cliffs which back the beach. There are no local streams that can affect bathing water quality.
  • 2024 05400:1

    • Seaweed (macroalgae) and phytoplankton (microscopic algae) are a natural part of the marine and freshwater environment. Below we note whether these have been recorded in quantities sufficient to be a nuisance.
    • The majority of sewers in England are “combined sewers” and carry both sewage and surface water from roofs and drains. A storm overflow operates during heavy rainfall when the sewerage system becomes overwhelmed by the amount of surface water. The overflow prevents sewage from backing up pipes and flooding properties and gardens. An emergency overflow will only operate infrequently, for example due to pump failure or blockage in the sewerage system.
    • Heavy rain falling on pavements and roads often flows into surface water drains or highway drains, ending up in local rivers and ultimately the sea. The quality of bathing water may be adversely affected as a result of such events.
    • It is the Environment Agency role to drive improvement of water quality at bathing waters that are at risk of failing higher standards. It is natural for water to run off the land to the sea. Water quality at a bathing water is dependent upon the type and area of land (the catchment) draining to the water and the activities undertaken in that catchment.
    • Discharges from sewage treatment works have improved substantially in England since the 1980s.

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