2012 Bathing Water Profile for Seaton Carew North

  • Seaton Carew is a small resort on Tees Bay to the south of Hartlepool. Seaton Carew North is the northern end of an extensive sandy beach fronting the town.
  • Hartlepool
  • Bathing water quality may sometimes be affected by discharges from storm outfalls. Storm overflows may operate during and after rainfall when the sewerage system can be overwhelmed by the amount of surface water entering it. These overflows prevent sewage from backing up pipes and flooding properties. Overflows discharging into streams and along the shore can also contribute.
  • Sewage from Seaton Carew and Hartlepool was discharged to sea via a number of short sea outfalls until 1993. A long sea outfall was constructed then and these flows were diverted over three kilometres offshore to improve and protect bathing water quality at the Seaton Carew beaches. In 2000, a treatment works was built at Seaton Carew and the sewage flowing to the long sea outfall has since received full treatment and disinfection using ultraviolet light. In 2007, the discharge from Billingham Sewage Treatment Works was diverted from its previothe Environment Agency location to this long outfall to ensure that it had no adverse effect on the ecologically important area at Seal Sands. The location of the outfall and the level of treatment mean that these discharges have no perceptible impact on bathing water quality.
  • 2012 Bathing Water Profile for Seaton Carew North
  • Environment Agency research suggests this bathing water does not have a history of large amounts of seaweed (macroalgae).
  • Modern sewerage systems have two separate systems, one takes foul sewage to sewage treatment, the other takes rainwater runoff through surface water drains to rivers, lakes and the sea. Misconnections occur when waste water pipes are plumbed into surface water drains instead of the foul water sewerage system. This can give rise to pollution when the waste water is discharged directly to the environment through the surface water drain. For example, a washing machine or toilet may be incorrectly plumbed so that it discharges to the surface drain rather than the foul sewage drain.
  • Environment Agency research suggests this bathing water does not have a history of phytoplankton blooms.
  • 2012 Bathing Water Profile for Seaton Carew North
  • The Stell crosses the bathing water. There are a number of consented discharges to this watercourse which may impair water quality during and immediately after heavy rain.
  • The beach is close to the mouth of the River Tees, which has a catchment of approximately 2000 square kilometres. It rises in Pennine moorland, draining a largely agricultural catchment before reaching the sea via an urban/industrial estuary. Within this, smaller streams drain an area of approximately 18 square kilometres, mainly the southern half of Hartlepool and reach the sea close to this designated beach and are probably more relevant.

2013 Bathing Water Profile for Seaton Carew North

  • Seaton Carew is a small resort on Tees Bay to the south of Hartlepool. Seaton Carew North is the northern end of an extensive sandy beach fronting the town.
  • Hartlepool
  • We are working with Northumbrian Water to identify the source(s) of pollution that have led to the recent deterioration in bathing water quality.
  • Bathing water quality may sometimes be affected by discharges from storm outfalls. Storm overflows may operate during and after rainfall when the sewerage system can be overwhelmed by the amount of surface water entering it. These overflows prevent sewage from backing up pipes and flooding properties. Overflows discharging into streams and along the shore can also contribute. The outfall from an overflow at Mainsforth Terrace, which also carries the Burn Valley stream, has broken. It is unclear whether this changes the impact of the CSO on bathing water but constraints imposed on when it can be mended (because it is in a Special Protection Area, designated under the EC Birds Directive) mean that it has yet to be fixed. Other overflows discharge to the Stell but have done so for 20 years during which bathing water quality has improved. Whether these have changed recently is included in the current investigations.
  • Sewage from Seaton Carew and Hartlepool was discharged to sea via a number of short sea outfalls until 1993. A long sea outfall was constructed then and these flows were diverted over three kilometres offshore to improve and protect bathing water quality at the Seaton Carew beaches. In 2000, a treatment works was built at Seaton Carew and the sewage flowing to the long sea outfall has since received full treatment and disinfection using ultraviolet light. In 2007, the discharge from Billingham Sewage Treatment Works was diverted from its previous location to this long outfall to ensure that it had no adverse effect on the ecologically important area at Seal Sands. However, in recent years, bathing water quality has declined, leading to renewed investigations by both Environment Agency and Northumbrian Water.
  • 2013 Bathing Water Profile for Seaton Carew North
  • Environment Agency research suggests this bathing water does not have a history of large amounts of seaweed (macroalgae).
  • Modern sewerage systems have two separate systems, one takes foul sewage to sewage treatment, the other takes rainwater runoff through surface water drains to rivers, lakes and the sea. Misconnections occur when waste water pipes are plumbed into surface water drains instead of the foul water sewerage system. This can give rise to pollution when the waste water is discharged directly to the environment through the surface water drain. For example, a washing machine or toilet may be incorrectly plumbed so that it discharges to the surface drain rather than the foul sewage drain.
  • Environment Agency research suggests this bathing water does not have a history of phytoplankton blooms.
  • 2013 Bathing Water Profile for Seaton Carew North
  • The Stell crosses the bathing water. There are a number of consented discharges to this watercourse which may impair water quality during and immediately after heavy rain. The current investigations include determining whether anything has altered which would increase their impact on bathing water quality to explain the observed deterioration.
  • The location of the outfall and the high level of treatment means that those close to Seaton Carew have negligible effect on bathing water quality
  • The beach is close to the mouth of the River Tees, which has a catchment of approximately 2000 square kilometres. It rises in Pennine moorland, draining a largely agricultural catchment before reaching the sea via an urban/industrial estuary. Within this, smaller streams drain an area of approximately 18 square kilometres, mainly the southern half of Hartlepool and reach the sea close to this designated beach and are probably more relevant.

2014 Bathing Water Profile for Seaton Carew North

  • Seaton Carew is a small resort on Tees Bay to the south of Hartlepool. Seaton Carew North is the northern end of an extensive sandy beach fronting the town.
  • Hartlepool
  • We are working with Northumbrian Water to identify the source(s) of pollution that have led to the recent deterioration in bathing water quality.
  • Bathing water quality may sometimes be affected by discharges from storm outfalls. Storm overflows may operate during and after rainfall when the sewerage system can be overwhelmed by the amount of surface water entering it. These overflows prevent sewage from backing up pipes and flooding properties. Overflows discharging into streams and along the shore can also contribute. The outfall from an overflow at Mainsforth Terrace, which also carries the Burn Valley stream, has recently been repaired. Other overflows discharge to the Stell but have done so for 20 years during which bathing water quality has improved. Whether these have changed recently is included in the current investigations. Investigations into the performance of the sewerage system are due to be completed by 2016 and any improvements identified as necessary will be implemented with a target for completion before the 2018 bathing season.
  • Sewage from Seaton Carew and Hartlepool was discharged to sea via a number of short sea outfalls until 1993. A long sea outfall was constructed then and these flows were diverted over three kilometres offshore to improve and protect bathing water quality at the Seaton Carew beaches. In 2000, a treatment works was built at Seaton Carew and the sewage flowing to the long sea outfall has since received full treatment and disinfection using ultraviolet light. In 2007, the discharge from Billingham Sewage Treatment Works was diverted from its previous location to this long outfall to ensure that it had no adverse effect on the ecologically important area at Seal Sands. However, in recent years, bathing water quality has declined, leading to renewed investigations by both Environment Agency and Northumbrian Water.
  • 2014 Bathing Water Profile for Seaton Carew North
  • Environment Agency research suggests this bathing water does not have a history of large amounts of seaweed (macroalgae).
  • Modern sewerage systems have two separate systems, one takes foul sewage to sewage treatment, the other takes rainwater runoff through surface water drains to rivers, lakes and the sea. Misconnections occur when waste water pipes are plumbed into surface water drains instead of the foul water sewerage system. This can give rise to pollution when the waste water is discharged directly to the environment through the surface water drain. For example, a washing machine or toilet may be incorrectly plumbed so that it discharges to the surface drain rather than the foul sewage drain.
  • Environment Agency research suggests this bathing water does not have a history of phytoplankton blooms.
  • 2014 Bathing Water Profile for Seaton Carew North
  • The Stell crosses the bathing water. There are a number of consented discharges to this watercourse which may impair water quality during and immediately after heavy rain. The current investigations include determining whether anything has altered which would increase their impact on bathing water quality to explain the observed deterioration.
  • The location of the outfall and the high level of treatment means that those close to Seaton Carew have negligible effect on bathing water quality
  • The beach is close to the mouth of the River Tees, which has a catchment of approximately 2000 square kilometres. It rises in Pennine moorland, draining a largely agricultural catchment before reaching the sea via an urban/industrial estuary. Within this, smaller streams drain an area of approximately 18 square kilometres, mainly the southern half of Hartlepool and reach the sea close to this designated beach and are probably more relevant.

2015 Bathing Water Profile for Seaton Carew North

  • Seaton Carew is a small resort on Tees Bay to the south of Hartlepool. Seaton Carew North is the northern end of an extensive sandy beach fronting the town.
  • Hartlepool
  • We are working with Northumbrian Water to identify the source(s) of pollution that have led to the recent deterioration in bathing water quality.
  • Bathing water quality may sometimes be affected by discharges from storm outfalls. Storm overflows may operate during and after rainfall when the sewerage system can be overwhelmed by the amount of surface water entering it. These overflows prevent sewage from backing up pipes and flooding properties. Overflows discharging into streams and along the shore can also contribute. The outfall from an overflow at Mainsforth Terrace, which also carries the Burn Valley stream, has recently been repaired. Other overflows discharge to the Stell but have done so for 20 years during which bathing water quality has improved. Whether these have changed recently is included in the current investigations. Investigations into the performance of the sewerage system are due to be completed by 2016 and any improvements identified as necessary will be implemented with a target for completion before the 2018 bathing season.
  • Sewage from Seaton Carew and Hartlepool was discharged to sea via a number of short sea outfalls until 1993. A long sea outfall was constructed then and these flows were diverted over three kilometres offshore to improve and protect bathing water quality at the Seaton Carew beaches. In 2000, a treatment works was built at Seaton Carew and the sewage flowing to the long sea outfall has since received full treatment and disinfection using ultraviolet light. In 2007, the discharge from Billingham Sewage Treatment Works was diverted from its previous location to this long outfall to ensure that it had no adverse effect on the ecologically important area at Seal Sands. However, in recent years, bathing water quality has declined, leading to renewed investigations by both Environment Agency and Northumbrian Water.
  • 2015 Bathing Water Profile for Seaton Carew North
  • Environment Agency research suggests this bathing water does not have a history of large amounts of seaweed (macro algae).
  • Modern sewerage systems have two separate systems, one takes foul sewage to sewage treatment, the other takes rainwater runoff through surface water drains to rivers, lakes and the sea. Misconnections occur when waste water pipes are plumbed into surface water drains instead of the foul water sewerage system. This can give rise to pollution when the waste water is discharged directly to the environment through the surface water drain. For example, a washing machine or toilet may be incorrectly plumbed so that it discharges to the surface drain rather than the foul sewage drain.
  • Environment Agency research suggests this bathing water does not have a history of phytoplankton blooms.
  • This bathing water is subject to short term pollution. Short term pollution is caused when heavy rainfall washes faecal material into the sea from livestock, sewage and urban drainage via rivers and streams. At this site the risk of encountering reduced water quality increases after rainfall and typically returns to normal after 1-3 days. The Environment Agency makes daily pollution risk forecasts based on rainfall patterns and will issue a pollution risk warning if heavy rainfall occurs to enable bathers to avoid periods of increased risk. The Environment Agency works to reduce the sources of this pollution through pollution prevention measures, work with agriculture and water companies. 11 warnings advising against swimming due to an increase risk of short term pollution were issued in 2015 for Seaton Carew North bathing water. These warnings were issued because of the effects of heavy rain on the water quality.
  • 2015 Bathing Water Profile for Seaton Carew North
  • 2015-09-30
  • 2015-05-01
  • The Stell crosses the bathing water. There are a number of consented discharges to this watercourse which may impair water quality during and immediately after heavy rain. The current investigations include determining whether anything has altered which would increase their impact on bathing water quality to explain the observed deterioration.
  • The location of the outfall and the high level of treatment means that those close to Seaton Carew have negligible effect on bathing water quality
  • Environment Agency samplers make observations of litter present on the beach at every visit, this includes assessments of sewage debris, litter and tar. At Seaton Carew North for the four year (2012-2015) assessment period where data is available, sewage debris was not noted at this site. Litter was not assessed as being sufficient to be objectionable, but was observed as being present on 9% of visits. Tarry residue was not noted at this site.
  • The beach is close to the mouth of the River Tees, which has a catchment of approximately 2000 square kilometres. It rises in Pennine moorland, draining a largely agricultural catchment before reaching the sea via an urban/industrial estuary. Within this, smaller streams drain an area of approximately 18 square kilometres, mainly the southern half of Hartlepool and reach the sea close to this designated beach and are probably more relevant.

2016 Bathing Water Profile for Seaton Carew North

  • Seaton Carew is a small resort on Tees Bay to the south of Hartlepool. Seaton Carew North is the northern end of an extensive sandy beach fronting the town.
  • Hartlepool
  • We are working with Northumbrian Water to identify the source(s) of pollution that have led to the recent deterioration in bathing water quality.
  • Bathing water quality may sometimes be affected by discharges from storm outfalls. Storm overflows may operate during and after rainfall when the sewerage system can be overwhelmed by the amount of surface water entering it. These overflows prevent sewage from backing up pipes and flooding properties. Overflows discharging into streams and along the shore can also contribute. The outfall from an overflow at Mainsforth Terrace, which also carries the Burn Valley stream, has recently been repaired. Other overflows discharge to the Stell but have done so for 20 years during which bathing water quality has improved. Whether these have changed recently is included in the current investigations. Investigations into the performance of the sewerage system are due to be completed by 2016 and any improvements identified as necessary will be implemented with a target for completion before the 2018 bathing season.
  • Sewage from Seaton Carew and Hartlepool was discharged to sea via a number of short sea outfalls until 1993. A long sea outfall was constructed then and these flows were diverted over three kilometres offshore to improve and protect bathing water quality at the Seaton Carew beaches. In 2000, a treatment works was built at Seaton Carew and the sewage flowing to the long sea outfall has since received full treatment and disinfection using ultraviolet light. In 2007, the discharge from Billingham Sewage Treatment Works was diverted from its previous location to this long outfall to ensure that it had no adverse effect on the ecologically important area at Seal Sands. However, in recent years, bathing water quality has declined, leading to renewed investigations by both Environment Agency and Northumbrian Water.
  • 2016 Bathing Water Profile for Seaton Carew North
  • Environment Agency research suggests this bathing water does not have a history of large amounts of seaweed (macro algae).
  • Modern sewerage systems have two separate systems, one takes foul sewage to sewage treatment, the other takes rainwater runoff through surface water drains to rivers, lakes and the sea. Misconnections occur when waste water pipes are plumbed into surface water drains instead of the foul water sewerage system. This can give rise to pollution when the waste water is discharged directly to the environment through the surface water drain. For example, a washing machine or toilet may be incorrectly plumbed so that it discharges to the surface drain rather than the foul sewage drain.
  • Environment Agency research suggests this bathing water does not have a history of phytoplankton blooms.
  • This bathing water is subject to short term pollution. Short term pollution is caused when heavy rainfall washes faecal material into the sea from livestock, sewage and urban drainage via rivers and streams. At this site the risk of encountering reduced water quality increases after rainfall and typically returns to normal after 1-3 days. The Environment Agency makes daily pollution risk forecasts based on rainfall patterns and will issue a pollution risk warning if heavy rainfall occurs to enable bathers to avoid periods of increased risk. The Environment Agency works to reduce the sources of this pollution through pollution prevention measures, work with agriculture and water companies. 16 warnings advising against swimming due to an increase risk of short term pollution were issued in 2016 for Seaton Carew North bathing water. These warnings were issued because of the effects of heavy rain on the water quality.
  • 2016 Bathing Water Profile for Seaton Carew North
  • 2016-09-30
  • 2016-05-01
  • The Stell crosses the bathing water. There are a number of consented discharges to this watercourse which may impair water quality during and immediately after heavy rain. The current investigations include determining whether anything has altered which would increase their impact on bathing water quality to explain the observed deterioration.
  • The location of the outfall and the high level of treatment means that those close to Seaton Carew have negligible effect on bathing water quality
  • Environment Agency samplers make observations of litter present on the beach at every visit, this includes assessments of sewage debris, litter and tar. At Seaton Carew North for the four year (2013-2016) assessment period where data is available, sewage debris was not noted at this site. Litter was not assessed as being sufficient to be objectionable, but was observed as being present on 9% of visits. Tarry residue was not noted at this site.
  • The beach is close to the mouth of the River Tees, which has a catchment of approximately 2000 square kilometres. It rises in Pennine moorland, draining a largely agricultural catchment before reaching the sea via an urban/industrial estuary. Within this, smaller streams drain an area of approximately 18 square kilometres, mainly the southern half of Hartlepool and reach the sea close to this designated beach and are probably more relevant.

2017 Bathing Water Profile for Seaton Carew North

  • Seaton Carew is a small resort on Tees Bay to the south of Hartlepool. Seaton Carew North is the northern end of an extensive sandy beach fronting the town.
  • Hartlepool
  • Hartlepool
  • We are working with Northumbrian Water to identify the source(s) of pollution that have led to the recent deterioration in bathing water quality.
  • Bathing water quality may sometimes be affected by discharges from storm outfalls. Storm overflows may operate during and after rainfall when the sewerage system can be overwhelmed by the amount of surface water entering it. These overflows prevent sewage from backing up pipes and flooding properties. Overflows discharging into streams and along the shore can also contribute. The outfall from an overflow at Mainsforth Terrace, which also carries the Burn Valley stream, has recently been repaired. Other overflows discharge to the Stell but have done so for 20 years during which bathing water quality has improved. Whether these have changed recently is included in the current investigations. Investigations into the performance of the sewerage system are due to be completed by 2016 and any improvements identified as necessary will be implemented with a target for completion before the 2018 bathing season.
  • Sewage from Seaton Carew and Hartlepool was discharged to sea via a number of short sea outfalls until 1993. A long sea outfall was constructed then and these flows were diverted over three kilometres offshore to improve and protect bathing water quality at the Seaton Carew beaches. In 2000, a treatment works was built at Seaton Carew and the sewage flowing to the long sea outfall has since received full treatment and disinfection using ultraviolet light. In 2007, the discharge from Billingham Sewage Treatment Works was diverted from its previous location to this long outfall to ensure that it had no adverse effect on the ecologically important area at Seal Sands. However, in recent years, bathing water quality has declined, leading to renewed investigations by both Environment Agency and Northumbrian Water.
  • 2017 Bathing Water Profile for Seaton Carew North
  • Environment Agency research suggests this bathing water does not have a history of large amounts of seaweed (macro algae).
  • Modern sewerage systems have two separate systems, one takes foul sewage to sewage treatment, the other takes rainwater runoff through surface water drains to rivers, lakes and the sea. Misconnections occur when waste water pipes are plumbed into surface water drains instead of the foul water sewerage system. This can give rise to pollution when the waste water is discharged directly to the environment through the surface water drain. For example, a washing machine or toilet may be incorrectly plumbed so that it discharges to the surface drain rather than the foul sewage drain.
  • Environment Agency research suggests this bathing water does not have a history of phytoplankton blooms.
  • This bathing water is subject to short term pollution. Short term pollution is caused when heavy rainfall washes faecal material into the sea from livestock, sewage and urban drainage via rivers and streams. At this site the risk of encountering reduced water quality increases after rainfall and typically returns to normal after 1-3 days. The Environment Agency makes daily pollution risk forecasts based on rainfall patterns and will issue a pollution risk warning if heavy rainfall occurs to enable bathers to avoid periods of increased risk. The Environment Agency works to reduce the sources of this pollution through pollution prevention measures, work with agriculture and water companies. 16 warnings advising against swimming due to an increase risk of short term pollution were issued in 2016 for Seaton Carew North bathing water. These warnings were issued because of the effects of heavy rain on the water quality.
  • 2017 Bathing Water Profile for Seaton Carew North
  • 2017-09-30
  • 2017-05-01
  • The Stell crosses the bathing water. There are a number of consented discharges to this watercourse which may impair water quality during and immediately after heavy rain. The current investigations include determining whether anything has altered which would increase their impact on bathing water quality to explain the observed deterioration.
  • The location of the outfall and the high level of treatment means that those close to Seaton Carew have negligible effect on bathing water quality
  • Environment Agency samplers make observations of litter present on the beach at every visit, this includes assessments of sewage debris, litter and tar. At Seaton Carew North for the four year (2013-2016) assessment period where data is available, sewage debris was not noted at this site. Litter was not assessed as being sufficient to be objectionable, but was observed as being present on 9% of visits. Tarry residue was not noted at this site.
  • The beach is close to the mouth of the River Tees, which has a catchment of approximately 2000 square kilometres. It rises in Pennine moorland, draining a largely agricultural catchment before reaching the sea via an urban/industrial estuary. Within this, smaller streams drain an area of approximately 18 square kilometres, mainly the southern half of Hartlepool and reach the sea close to this designated beach and are probably more relevant.

2018 Bathing Water Profile for Seaton Carew North

  • Seaton Carew is a small resort on Tees Bay to the south of Hartlepool. Seaton Carew North is the northern end of an extensive sandy beach fronting the town.
  • Hartlepool
  • Hartlepool
  • We are working with Northumbrian Water to identify the source(s) of pollution that have led to the recent deterioration in bathing water quality.
  • Bathing water quality may sometimes be affected by discharges from storm outfalls. Storm overflows may operate during and after rainfall when the sewerage system can be overwhelmed by the amount of surface water entering it. These overflows prevent sewage from backing up pipes and flooding properties. Overflows discharging into streams and along the shore can also contribute. The outfall from an overflow at Mainsforth Terrace, which also carries the Burn Valley stream, has recently been repaired. Other overflows discharge to the Stell but have done so for 20 years during which bathing water quality has improved. Whether these have changed recently is included in the current investigations. Investigations into the performance of the sewerage system are due to be completed by 2016 and any improvements identified as necessary will be implemented with a target for completion before the 2018 bathing season.
  • Sewage from Seaton Carew and Hartlepool was discharged to sea via a number of short sea outfalls until 1993. A long sea outfall was constructed then and these flows were diverted over three kilometres offshore to improve and protect bathing water quality at the Seaton Carew beaches. In 2000, a treatment works was built at Seaton Carew and the sewage flowing to the long sea outfall has since received full treatment and disinfection using ultraviolet light. In 2007, the discharge from Billingham Sewage Treatment Works was diverted from its previous location to this long outfall to ensure that it had no adverse effect on the ecologically important area at Seal Sands. However, in recent years, bathing water quality has declined, leading to renewed investigations by both Environment Agency and Northumbrian Water.
  • 2018 Bathing Water Profile for Seaton Carew North
  • Environment Agency research suggests this bathing water does not have a history of large amounts of seaweed (macro algae).
  • Modern sewerage systems have two separate systems, one takes foul sewage to sewage treatment, the other takes rainwater runoff through surface water drains to rivers, lakes and the sea. Misconnections occur when waste water pipes are plumbed into surface water drains instead of the foul water sewerage system. This can give rise to pollution when the waste water is discharged directly to the environment through the surface water drain. For example, a washing machine or toilet may be incorrectly plumbed so that it discharges to the surface drain rather than the foul sewage drain.
  • Environment Agency research suggests this bathing water does not have a history of phytoplankton blooms.
  • This bathing water is subject to short term pollution. Short term pollution is caused when heavy rainfall washes faecal material into the sea from livestock, sewage and urban drainage via rivers and streams. At this site the risk of encountering reduced water quality increases after rainfall and typically returns to normal after 1-3 days. The Environment Agency makes daily pollution risk forecasts based on rainfall patterns and will issue a pollution risk warning if heavy rainfall occurs to enable bathers to avoid periods of increased risk. The Environment Agency works to reduce the sources of this pollution through pollution prevention measures, work with agriculture and water companies. 12 warnings advising against swimming due to an increase risk of short term pollution were issued in 2017 for Seaton Carew North bathing water. These warnings were issued because of the effects of heavy rain on the water quality.
  • 2018 Bathing Water Profile for Seaton Carew North
  • 2018-09-30
  • 2018-05-01
  • Bathing water quality can be affected by The Stell stream, surface water outfalls and storm overflows, particularly after rainfall. During or after periods of heavy rainfall run off from urban areas, and occasional discharges from storm overflows can increase the risk of reduced water quality.
  • This bathing water is subject to short term pollution. The Environment Agency makes daily pollution risk forecasts based on rainfall patterns. A pollution risk warning is issued if heavy rainfall occurs to enable bathers to avoid periods when bathing water quality may be reduced. This may last between 1-3 days. In 2017 warnings were issued on 12 days.
  • The Stell crosses the bathing water. There are a number of consented discharges to this watercourse which may impair water quality during and immediately after heavy rain. The current investigations include determining whether anything has altered which would increase their impact on bathing water quality to explain the observed deterioration.
  • The location of the outfall and the high level of treatment means that those close to Seaton Carew have negligible effect on bathing water quality
  • Environment Agency samplers make observations of litter present on the beach at every visit, this includes assessments of sewage debris, litter and tar. At Seaton Carew North for the four year (2014-2017) assessment period where data is available, sewage debris was not noted at this site. Litter was not assessed as being sufficient to be objectionable, but was observed as being present on 12% of visits. Tarry residue was not noted at this site.
  • The beach is close to the mouth of the River Tees, which has a catchment of approximately 2000 square kilometres. It rises in Pennine moorland, draining a largely agricultural catchment before reaching the sea via an urban/industrial estuary. Within this, smaller streams drain an area of approximately 18 square kilometres, mainly the southern half of Hartlepool and reach the sea close to this designated beach and are probably more relevant.

2019 Bathing Water Profile for Seaton Carew North

  • Seaton Carew is a small resort on Tees Bay to the south of Hartlepool. Seaton Carew North is the northern end of an extensive sandy beach fronting the town.
  • Hartlepool
  • Hartlepool
  • We are working with Northumbrian Water to identify the source(s) of pollution that have led to the recent deterioration in bathing water quality.
  • Bathing water quality may sometimes be affected by discharges from storm outfalls. Storm overflows may operate during and after rainfall when the sewerage system can be overwhelmed by the amount of surface water entering it. These overflows prevent sewage from backing up pipes and flooding properties. Overflows discharging into streams and along the shore can also contribute. The outfall from an overflow at Mainsforth Terrace, which also carries the Burn Valley stream, has recently been repaired. Other overflows discharge to the Stell but have done so for 20 years during which bathing water quality has improved. Whether these have changed recently is included in the current investigations. Investigations into the performance of the sewerage system are due to be completed by 2016 and any improvements identified as necessary will be implemented with a target for completion before the 2018 bathing season.
  • Sewage from Seaton Carew and Hartlepool was discharged to sea via a number of short sea outfalls until 1993. A long sea outfall was constructed then and these flows were diverted over three kilometres offshore to improve and protect bathing water quality at the Seaton Carew beaches. In 2000, a treatment works was built at Seaton Carew and the sewage flowing to the long sea outfall has since received full treatment and disinfection using ultraviolet light. In 2007, the discharge from Billingham Sewage Treatment Works was diverted from its previous location to this long outfall to ensure that it had no adverse effect on the ecologically important area at Seal Sands. However, in recent years, bathing water quality has declined, leading to renewed investigations by both Environment Agency and Northumbrian Water.
  • 2019 Bathing Water Profile for Seaton Carew North
  • For the four year (2015-2018) assessment period where data is available, seaweed (macroalgae) was not assessed as being sufficient to be objectionable, but was observed as being present on 23% of visits. Environment Agency research suggests this bathing water does not have a history of large amounts of seaweed (macro algae).
  • Modern sewerage systems have two separate systems, one takes foul sewage to sewage treatment, the other takes rainwater runoff through surface water drains to rivers, lakes and the sea. Misconnections occur when waste water pipes are plumbed into surface water drains instead of the foul water sewerage system. This can give rise to pollution when the waste water is discharged directly to the environment through the surface water drain. For example, a washing machine or toilet may be incorrectly plumbed so that it discharges to the surface drain rather than the foul sewage drain.
  • For the four year (2015-2018) assessment period where data is available, phytoplankton (microscopic algae) was not noted at this site. Environment Agency research suggests this bathing water does not have a history of phytoplankton blooms. The risks to human health from contact, ingestion or inhalation with marine algae that currently occur in UK coastal waters are considered to be low. However, some individuals may be more sensitive and display some reactions. A common marine algae found in UK coastal waters is Phaeocystis, which is often mistaken for sewage as it forms foam and a brown scum, but it is non-toxic.
  • This bathing water is subject to short term pollution. Short term pollution is caused when heavy rainfall or high tides wash faecal material into the sea from livestock, sewage and urban drainage via rivers and streams. At this site the risk of encountering reduced water quality increases after rainfall and typically returns to normal after 1-3 days. The Environment Agency makes daily pollution risk forecasts based on rainfall and tidal patterns and will issue a pollution risk warning if high tides or heavy rainfall occurs to enable bathers to avoid periods of increased risk. The Environment Agency works to reduce the sources of this pollution through pollution prevention measures, work with agriculture and water companies. 6 warnings advising against swimming due to an increase risk of short term pollution were issued in 2018 for Seaton Carew North bathing water. These warnings were issued because of the effects of heavy rain on the water quality.
  • 2019 Bathing Water Profile for Seaton Carew North
  • 2019-09-30
  • 2019-05-01
  • Bathing water quality can be affected by The Stell stream, surface water outfalls and storm overflows, particularly after rainfall. During or after periods of heavy rainfall run off from urban areas, and occasional discharges from storm overflows can increase the risk of reduced water quality.
  • This bathing water is subject to short term pollution. The Environment Agency makes daily pollution risk forecasts based on rainfall and tidal patterns. A pollution risk warning is issued if heavy rainfall occurs to enable bathers to avoid periods when bathing water quality may be reduced. This may last between 1-3 days. In 2018 warnings were issued on 6 days.
  • The Stell crosses the bathing water. There are a number of consented discharges to this watercourse which may impair water quality during and immediately after heavy rain. The current investigations include determining whether anything has altered which would increase their impact on bathing water quality to explain the observed deterioration.
  • The location of the outfall and the high level of treatment means that those close to Seaton Carew have negligible effect on bathing water quality
  • Environment Agency samplers make observations of litter present on the beach at every visit, this includes assessments of sewage debris, litter and tar. At Seaton Carew North for the four year (2015-2018) assessment period where data is available, sewage debris was not noted at this site. Litter was not assessed as being sufficient to be objectionable, but was observed as being present on 9% of visits. Tarry residue was not noted at this site.
  • The beach is close to the mouth of the River Tees, which has a catchment of approximately 2000 square kilometres. It rises in Pennine moorland, draining a largely agricultural catchment before reaching the sea via an urban/industrial estuary. Within this, smaller streams drain an area of approximately 18 square kilometres, mainly the southern half of Hartlepool and reach the sea close to this designated beach and are probably more relevant.

2020 Bathing Water Profile for Seaton Carew North

  • Seaton Carew is a small resort on Tees Bay to the south of Hartlepool. Seaton Carew North is the northern end of an extensive sandy beach fronting the town.
  • Hartlepool
  • Hartlepool
  • We are working with Northumbrian Water to identify the source(s) of pollution that have led to the recent deterioration in bathing water quality.
  • Bathing water quality may sometimes be affected by discharges from storm outfalls. Storm overflows may operate during and after rainfall when the sewerage system can be overwhelmed by the amount of surface water entering it. These overflows prevent sewage from backing up pipes and flooding properties. Overflows discharging into streams and along the shore can also contribute. The outfall from an overflow at Mainsforth Terrace, which also carries the Burn Valley stream, has recently been repaired. Other overflows discharge to the Stell but have done so for 20 years during which bathing water quality has improved. Whether these have changed recently is included in the current investigations. There is an ongoing investigation by Northumbrian Water to assess the performance of their sewerage system to determine what improvements are required.
  • Sewage from Seaton Carew and Hartlepool was discharged to sea via a number of short sea outfalls until 1993. A long sea outfall was constructed then and these flows were diverted over three kilometres offshore to improve and protect bathing water quality at the Seaton Carew beaches. In 2000, a treatment works was built at Seaton Carew and the sewage flowing to the long sea outfall has since received full treatment and disinfection using ultraviolet light. In 2007, the discharge from Billingham Sewage Treatment Works was diverted from its previous location to this long outfall to ensure that it had no adverse effect on the ecologically important area at Seal Sands. However, in recent years, bathing water quality has declined, leading to renewed investigations by both Environment Agency and Northumbrian Water.
  • 2020 Bathing Water Profile for Seaton Carew North
  • For the four year (2016-2019) assessment period where data is available, seaweed (macroalgae) was not assessed as being sufficient to be objectionable, but was observed as being present on 31% of visits. Environment Agency research suggests this bathing water does not have a history of large amounts of seaweed (macro algae).
  • Modern sewerage systems have two separate systems, one takes foul sewage to sewage treatment, the other takes rainwater runoff through surface water drains to rivers, lakes and the sea. Misconnections occur when waste water pipes are plumbed into surface water drains instead of the foul water sewerage system. This can give rise to pollution when the waste water is discharged directly to the environment through the surface water drain. For example, a washing machine or toilet may be incorrectly plumbed so that it discharges to the surface drain rather than the foul sewage drain.
  • For the four year (2016-2019) assessment period where data is available, phytoplankton (microscopic algae) was not noted at this site. Environment Agency research suggests this bathing water does not have a history of phytoplankton blooms. The risks to human health from contact, ingestion or inhalation with marine algae that currently occur in UK coastal waters are considered to be low. However, some individuals may be more sensitive and display some reactions. A common marine algae found in UK coastal waters is Phaeocystis, which is often mistaken for sewage as it forms foam and a brown scum, but it is non-toxic.
  • The Environment Agency makes a daily pollution risk forecast at this site based on the effects of rain, tide and wind on bathing water quality. These factors affect the levels of bacteria that get washed into the sea from livestock, sewage and urban drainage via rivers and streams and how they disperse. When these factors combine to cause a temporary reduction in water quality, we will issue a pollution risk warning on this website. Water quality will typically return to normal after a day or so, but it’s possible to have several warning days in a row. Details of the work to reduce the sources of bacteria at this bathing water are detailed in this profile. In 2019 17 pollution risk warnings were issued for this bathing water. All bathing waters have the potential to be affected by a pollution incident and if this occurs a pollution risk warning will be issued with associated advice against bathing on this website.
  • 2020 Bathing Water Profile for Seaton Carew North
  • 2020-09-30
  • 2020-05-01
  • Bathing water quality can be affected by The Stell stream, surface water outfalls and storm overflows, particularly after rainfall. During or after periods of heavy rainfall run off from urban areas, and occasional discharges from storm overflows can increase the risk of reduced water quality.
  • The Environment Agency makes a daily pollution risk forecast at this site based on the effects of rain, tide and wind on bathing water quality. These factors affect the levels of bacteria that get washed into the sea from livestock, sewage and urban drainage via rivers and streams and how they disperse. When these factors combine to cause a temporary reduction in water quality, we will issue a pollution risk warning on this website. Water quality will typically return to normal after a day or so, but it’s possible to have several warning days in a row. Details of the work to reduce the sources of bacteria at this bathing water are detailed in this profile. In 2019 17 pollution risk warnings were issued for this bathing water. All bathing waters have the potential to be affected by a pollution incident and if this occurs a pollution risk warning will be issued with associated advice against bathing on this website.
  • The Stell crosses the bathing water. There are a number of consented discharges to this watercourse which may impair water quality during and immediately after heavy rain. The current investigations include determining whether anything has altered which would increase their impact on bathing water quality to explain the observed deterioration.
  • The location of the outfall and the high level of treatment means that those close to Seaton Carew have negligible effect on bathing water quality
  • Environment Agency samplers make observations of litter present on the beach at every visit, this includes assessments of sewage debris, litter and tar. At Seaton Carew North for the four year (2016-2019) assessment period where data is available, sewage debris was not noted at this site.litter was not assessed as being sufficient to be objectionable, but was observed as being present on 8% of visits. Tarry residue was not noted at this site.
  • The beach is close to the mouth of the River Tees, which has a catchment of approximately 2000 square kilometres. It rises in Pennine moorland, draining a largely agricultural catchment before reaching the sea via an urban/industrial estuary. Within this, smaller streams drain an area of approximately 18 square kilometres, mainly the southern half of Hartlepool and reach the sea close to this designated beach and are probably more relevant.

2021 Bathing Water Profile for Seaton Carew North

  • Seaton Carew is a small resort on Tees Bay to the south of Hartlepool. Seaton Carew North is the northern end of an extensive sandy beach fronting the town.
  • Hartlepool
  • Hartlepool
  • Bathing water quality may sometimes be affected by discharges from storm outfalls into streams and along the shore. Improvement works were carried out at Mainsforth Terrace outfall in 2012 and between 2017-2019 to refurbish pumps and screens. There was also a major site refurbishment at the Headworks before the 2016 bathing water season to replace aged components. These schemes have increased operational efficiency at the works and reduced emergency discharges. Other overflows discharge to the Stell but have done so for 20 years during which bathing water quality has improved.
  • Sewage from Seaton Carew and Hartlepool was discharged to sea via a number of short sea outfalls until 1993. A long sea outfall was constructed then and these flows were diverted 4km offshore to improve and protect bathing water quality at the Seaton Carew beaches. In 2000, a treatment works was built at Seaton Carew and the sewage flowing to the long sea outfall has since received full treatment and disinfection using ultraviolet light. In 2007, the discharge from Billingham Sewage Treatment Works was diverted from its previous location to this long outfall to ensure that it had no adverse effect on the ecologically important area at Seal Sands. The location of the outfall and the level of treatment mean that this discharge has no perceptible impact on bathing water quality.
  • 2021 Bathing Water Profile for Seaton Carew North
  • For the four year (2017-2020) assessment period where data is available, seaweed (macroalgae) was not assessed as being sufficient to be objectionable, but was observed as being present on 40% of visits. Environment Agency research suggests this bathing water does not have a history of large amounts of seaweed (macro algae).
  • Modern sewerage systems have two separate systems, one takes foul sewage to sewage treatment, the other takes rainwater runoff through surface water drains to rivers, lakes and the sea. Misconnections occur when waste water pipes are plumbed into surface water drains instead of the foul water sewerage system. This can give rise to pollution when the waste water is discharged directly to the environment through the surface water drain. For example, a washing machine or toilet may be incorrectly plumbed so that it discharges to the surface drain rather than the foul sewage drain.
  • For the four year (2017-2020) assessment period where data is available, phytoplankton (microscopic algae) was not noted at this site. Environment Agency research suggests this bathing water does not have a history of phytoplankton blooms. The risks to human health from contact, ingestion or inhalation with marine algae that currently occur in UK coastal waters are considered to be low. However, some individuals may be more sensitive and display some reactions. A common marine algae found in UK coastal waters is Phaeocystis, which is often mistaken for sewage as it forms foam and a brown scum, but it is non-toxic.
  • This bathing water is subject to short term pollution procedures. The Environment Agency makes a daily pollution risk forecast at this site based on the effects of rain and wind on bathing water quality. These factors affect the levels of bacteria that get washed into the sea from livestock, sewage and urban drainage via rivers and streams and how they disperse. When these factors combine to make short term pollution likely we issue a pollution risk warning on this website and the beach manager will display a sign advising against bathing at the bathing water. After a short term pollution event, levels of bacteria typically return to normal after a day or so but it’s possible to have several warning days in a row. Details of the work to reduce the sources of bacteria at this bathing water are detailed in this profile. In 2020 19 pollution risk warnings were issued for this bathing water. All bathing waters have the potential to be affected by a pollution incident and if this occurs a pollution risk warning will be issued with associated advice against bathing on this website.
  • 2021 Bathing Water Profile for Seaton Carew North
  • 2021-09-30
  • 2021-05-01
  • Bathing water quality can be affected by The Stell stream, surface water outfalls and storm overflows. During or after periods of heavy rainfall, run off from urban areas, and occasional discharges from storm overflows can increase the risk of reduced water quality.
  • This bathing water is subject to short term pollution procedures. The Environment Agency makes a daily pollution risk forecast based on the effects of rain and wind. These factors affect the levels of bacteria that get washed into the sea from livestock, sewage and urban drainage via rivers and streams and how they disperse. When short term pollution is likely a pollution risk warning is issued and a warning is displayed at this bathing water and online. After a pollution risk warning, levels of bacteria usually return to normal after a day or so, but it’s possible to have several warning days in a row. In 2020 19 pollution risk warnings were issued at this bathing water.
  • The Stell crosses the bathing water. There are a number of consented discharges to this watercourse which may impair water quality during and immediately after heavy rain.
  • Environment Agency samplers make observations of litter present on the beach at every visit, this includes assessments of sewage debris, litter and tar. At Seaton Carew North for the four year (2017-2020) assessment period where data is available, sewage debris was not noted at this site. Litter was not assessed as being sufficient to be objectionable, but was observed as being present on 13% of visits. Tarry residue was not noted at this site.
  • The beach is close to the mouth of the River Tees, which has a catchment of approximately 2000 square kilometres. It rises in Pennine moorland, draining a largely agricultural catchment before reaching the sea via an urban/industrial estuary. Within this, smaller streams drain an area of approximately 18 square kilometres, mainly the southern half of Hartlepool and reach the sea close to this designated beach and are probably more relevant.

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