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Entry: Greater Manchester Merseyside and Cheshire - showing version 6


An area of operations defined by the Environment Agency that focuses mainly on Greater Manchester, Merseyside and Cheshire, but may also cover parts of other neighbouring locations.

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is a Organization
changed on 26 Jul 2016 15:24:30.516
submitted byDave Reynolds (profile)
superseded by 12

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date submitted 5 Mar 2014 17:24:25.469
entity Greater Manchester Merseyside and Cheshire
source graph graph

description An area of operations defined by the Environment Agency that focuses mainly on Greater Manchester, Merseyside and Cheshire, but may also cover parts of other neighbouring locations.
item class Organization
label Greater Manchester Merseyside and Cheshire
modified 26 Jul 2016 15:24:30.516
notation 4-12
register ea areas
status status superseded
name Dave Reynolds (profile)
openid 114719444327647609228

successor 12
type register item
version info 6
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description An area of operations defined by the Environment Agency that focuses mainly on Greater Manchester, Merseyside and Cheshire, but may also cover parts of other neighbouring locations.
in scheme EA Areas
label Greater Manchester Merseyside and Cheshire
notation 4-12
pref label Greater Manchester Merseyside and Cheshire
top concept of EA Areas
type Organization
valid to 30 Jun 2016