Ribble Life

Catchment partnership vision

Through collaboration we will create a thriving land and water environment within the Ribble Catchment that will bring economic, health and social benefits for all. The agreed goals to achieve the vision are to:

  • improve the rivers, estuary and other water bodies in the Ribble Catchment, supporting a vibrant and resilient economy and creating a great place to live
  • deliver greater impact through collaborative projects that result in improvements to our water environment with multiple benefits
  • work collaboratively to combat the causes of climate change and ensure that the natural capital (benefits and assets) of the catchment are valued and protected
  • enhance the amenity value of the water environment within the Ribble Catchment.The partnership goals also specifically support the achievement of the government’s 25 Year Plan by delivering activities that will contribute to positive change as measured by the environment plan outcome indicators.

Ronny Marsden

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Find out more about the activities and ambitions of this catchment partnership and how you can get involved to help improve the water environment in the catchment.

Catchment challenges

Current challenges identified by partnership

  • Physical modifications

    Much of our catchment has legacy infrastructure from the industrial revolution - weirs, sluices, mill works

  • Pollution from agriculture and rural areas

    Our catchment is predominantly upland livestock farming, with dairy farms throughout the catchment

  • Pollution from waste water

    With high rainfall, the Ribble Catchment is affected by high flow events resulting in combined sewer overflows

Wider water environment challenges identified by partnership

  • Support Nature Recovery Network and Local Nature Recovery Strategy

    Nature recovery and improving habitat connectivity are key to many of our projects, e.g. riparian woodland creation, weir removal, fish pass projects

  • Connecting communities with nature

    Experience and evidence show that education and connecting people with nature support long-term environmental improvements and project success

  • Protect and restore healthy soils and nutrient balance

    Managing the land through which water flows is hugely important to healthy catchments and forms part of wider education and improvement work

  • Improved bathing waters (including inland)

    Improving bathing waters requires wider improvements that support cleaner water, this aim will encompass a range of projects with multiple benefits

  • Build environmental resilience and adaptation to climate change

    Climate change is a global challenge, healthy catchments create resilience and provide multiple benefits for people, nature and the planet

  • Removing plastics/litter from the water environment

    Straightforward actions like this can engage and involve communities in practical action that makes a difference to their local river environment

Future challenges predicted by partnership

  • Physical modifications

    Species migration is severely limited by legacy infrastructure from the industrial revolution (weirs, channel straightening, sluices, mill works)

  • Pollution from agriculture and rural areas

    Our catchment has a huge variety of farms (dairy, livestock, livestock and arable) with farmers balancing productivity with sustainability

  • Pollution from waste water

    With high rainfall coupled with a growing population and an ageing infrastructure, the catchment suffers significant combined sewer overflows

Future challenges predicted by Environment Agency

Future challenges in 2050

  • Invasive Non-native Species
  • Physical Modifications
  • Pollution from Agriculture and Rural Areas

Emerging challenges

  • Pollution from Agriculture and Rural Areas
  • Pollution from waste water
  • Physical Modifications

Partnership success highlights 2016 to 2021

In March 2022 we finished Ribble Life Together, which started in 2017 and included:

  • 14 weir removal or fish pass creation projects
  • the creation of 30 new woodlands and 15 wetland projects
  • education and engagement activities such as bat walks, sketch workshops, volunteering, river walks, short films and a podcast.Two of our key programmes being delivered are:1) Ribble Life for Water, a £1.5 million Water Environment Grant partnership programme involving several partners, consisting of large infrastructure projects targeting areas of the catchment that are most in need of improvement and restoration. Projects include:
  • peat restoration
  • weir removal
  • a bypass channel fish passage project
  • river naturalisation and the removal of 400 metres of concrete lining a river channel
  • a fish passage feasibility study at arguably the biggest barrier to fish movement in the whole catchment.2) Health and Environmental Action Lancashire (HEAL). Prioritising disadvantaged communities and those with long-term health conditions, HEAL will connect people with nature across the Ribble, Lune and Wyre Catchments, protect species, create and restore habitats. This programme includes:
  • heathland, wildflower meadow and woodland management
  • river enhancement including wetland creation
  • community asset improvement
  • active volunteering and engagement activities which help improve both physical and mental health and wellbeing
  • safeguarding and creating jobs across the partnership.We are developing new partnerships and improving how environmental charities, public bodies and local businesses work together to protect and improve our water resources and the wider environment.

Partnership development plans

The partnership is strong with high levels of engagement with our meetings, consultations, and wider activities. We will build on the success of the last few years by developing and delivering more collaborative projects. We have developed GIS, data and evidence-based tools to support more effective identification and prioritisation of projects, helping us focus our work. In future we will use these assets to grow our network and continue our work and positive impact throughout the catchment. We would like to become more inclusive – reflecting the catchment we serve and engaging more widely with communities. We will engage with Defra’s new Environmental Land Management Schemes (ELMS), and ensure strong local representation of the water environment through engagement with Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS). We will build stronger working relationships with local stakeholders and providing local expertise to support ongoing investment and enhancement of our catchment area.

Partnership priority actions and measures for 2022 to 2027

  • Confident

    Enhancement/no deterioration measures in 2020-2025 Water Industry National Environment Programme

    Reason for measure
    Control or manage point source discharges
    Delivery mechanism
    Confirmed water industry national environment programme 2020-2025
  • Confident

    'Ribble Tributrees' – woodland creation programme

    Reason for measure
    Control or manage urban diffuse pollution
    Delivery mechanism
    WEIF Water Environment Improvement Fund
  • Confident

    Lancashire Woodland Connect

    Reason for measure
    Mitigate the impacts on ecology from physical modifications in modified waters
    Delivery mechanism
    Other local funding
    Ribble Wyre Lune
  • Confident

    Loud catchment natural flood management programme

    Reason for measure
    Control or manage rural diffuse pollution
    Delivery mechanism
    Confirmed water industry national environment programme 2020-2025
    Loud - Lower Chipping Brook
  • Confident

    Health and Environmental Action Lancashire (HEAL)

    Reason for measure
    Manage modified habitats
    Delivery mechanism
    Green Recovery Challenge Fund/Challenge Fund
    Ribble Wyre Lune Douglas
  • Confident

    Deeper Connections: restoring Long Preston Deeps

    Reason for measure
    Control or manage regulated flows
    Delivery mechanism
    Green Recovery Challenge Fund/Challenge Fund
    Ribble (Stainforth to Long Preston Beck)
  • Less certain

    Preston Flood Resilience mitigation and enhancement programme

    Reason for measure
    Mitigate the impacts on ecology from physical modifications in modified waters
    Delivery mechanism
    EA Flood/coastal risk management programme
    Barriers to delivery
    Delays in woodland creation process due to implementation of new guidance
    Big Ribble
  • Less certain

    Flood and coastal resilience innovation programme

    Reason for measure
    Control or manage regulated flows
    Delivery mechanism
    Flood and Coastal Innovation and Resilience Fund
    Barriers to delivery
    Funding application submitted awaiting result
    Ribble Wyre Lune Douglas
  • Less certain

    Invasive Non-native Species monitoring and management

    Reason for measure
    Control or manage invasive non-native species
    Delivery mechanism
    Voluntary initiatives
    Barriers to delivery
    Funding to support the co-ordination of work
  • Less certain

    Darwen, Trawden and Whalley NFM

    Reason for measure
    Control or manage regulated flows
    Delivery mechanism
    EA Flood/coastal risk management programme
    Barriers to delivery
    Awaiting funding decision
    Calder Darwen Colne Water
  • Less certain

    Evidence & Engagement for Planning

    Reason for measure
    Feasibility study to build commitment to deliver
    Delivery mechanism
    WEIF Water Environment Improvement Fund
    Barriers to delivery
    Confirmation of funding and detailed plan
  • Wider water environment

    Community project development

    Reason for measure
    Connecting communities with nature
    Delivery mechanism
    Other philanthropic/charitable/trust funds
  • Wider water environment

    Ribble Bathing Water Project

    Reason for measure
    Improved bathing waters (including inland)
    Delivery mechanism
    Other philanthropic/charitable/trust funds
    Ribble Middle - Settle to Calder
  • Wider water environment

    River Clean Up Programme

    Reason for measure
    Removing plastics/litter from the water environment
    Delivery mechanism
    Voluntary initiatives