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Change your cookie settings

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Cookies on Defra Data Services Platform

Cookie settings

We use 2 types of cookie. You can choose which cookies you're happy for us to use.

Cookies are files saved on your phone, tablet or computer when you visit a website. On this service we only use strictly necessary cookies.

Strictly necessary cookies

These essential cookies do things like remember who you are and whether you are authorised. They always need to be on.

defra-cookie-banner-dismissedIndicates that the user has dismissed the cookie policy banner via accepting or rejecting sections of the cookie policy1 year
defra-cookie-acceptance-levelIndicates the user’s preference regarding non-essential cookies on the Data Services Platform. True means they accept them, False means they do not1 year

Support Website Cookies

JSESSIONIDThe JSESSIONID cookie is created by the application server and used for session tracking purposes. This cookie contains a random string and the cookie expires at the end of every session or when the browser is closedEnd of session
seraph.rememberme .cookie

The 'remember my login' cookie, seraph.rememberme.cookie, is a long-lived HTTP cookie. This cookie can be used to authenticate an unauthenticated session. Jira generates this cookie when the user selects the Remember my login on this computer checkbox on the login page.

The cookie contains a unique identifier plus a securely-generated random string (i.e. token). This token is generated by Jira and is also stored for the user in the Jira database.

25 days
atlassian.xsrf.tokenHelps prevent XSRF attacks. Ensures that during a user's session, browser requests sent to a Jira server originated from that Jira server. For more information about XSRF checking by Jira, see Form Token Checking on the Atlassian Developers site.At the end of every session or when the browser is closed.
jira.issue.navigator.typeTracks which type of search view was last used (i.e. simple or advanced searching).Approximately 10 years from the date it is set or was last updated.
AJS.conglomerate.cookieTracks which general tabs were last used (e.g. in Jira's plugin manager) or expansion elements were last opened or closed.One year from the date it is set or was last updated.
Acknowledges that the user has read a message displayed by Jira indicating that the user's browser is not supported by Jira.At the end of every session or when the browser is closed.

Cookies that are essential for providing the Service

Our Service make use of the below cookies in order to function. These cookies are necessary for us to provide a service you have explicitly requested and therefore your consent is not required for our use of these cookies.

connect.sidTo technically make our Service work we use a cookie to enable us to keep track of your session and authenticate your deviceCookie, stored until you close the browser
_cfdiudTo maintain security, we use a cookie that enable us to e.g. eliminate robots from using the Service. This cookie is provided by Cloudflare.Cookie, stored until you close the browser
accept-cookieTo keep track of whether you have given your consent or not we use a cookie to remember if you have chosen to consent to our use of cookies.Cookie stored for six months after your visit

Cookies that measure website use

We use Google Analytics to measure how you use the website so we can improve it based on user needs. We do not allow Google to use or share the data about how you use this site.

Google Analytics sets cookies that store anonymised information about:

  1. how you got to the site
  2. the pages you visit on GOV.UK and government digital services, and how long you spend on each page
  3. what you click on while you're visiting the site
session_cookieUsed to keep you signed in20 hours
cookie_policySaves your cookie consent settings1 year

Non-essential cookies

We are continually working on improving the services we provide you with. To support this work, we need to understand how users navigate through, and use our pages and services.

The following cookies, whilst not essential to the running of the core DSP functions, are needed for Google Analytics to provide us with statistics on how you use our platform, so we can improve it based on user experiences. These cookies collect information about:

  1. Technical problems preventing you from using the service
  2. The pages you visit - how long you spend on each page
  3. How you got to the service
  4. What you click on while you are using the service
_gaUsed to distinguish users2 years

We do not allow Google to use or share the data about how you use this site.

Please select below how you would like to interact with the Google Analytics cookies: