Teme Catchment Partnership

Catchment partnership vision

Our vision is to see healthy functioning rivers flowing through a balanced living landscape, cherished by all in the Teme catchment

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Find out more about the activities and ambitions of this catchment partnership and how you can get involved to help improve the water environment in the catchment.

Catchment challenges

Current challenges identified by partnership

  • Pollution from agriculture and rural areas

    Sedimentation of fish spawning areas and nutrient loading from agricultural pollutants; flood and drought conditions in the upper catchment

  • Pollution from waste water

    Impact of sewage treatment works on water quality

  • Pollution from towns, cities and transport

    Road runoff impacting on water quality

Wider water environment challenges identified by partnership

  • Protect and restore healthy soils and nutrient balance

    Elevated soil erosion, compaction and associated diffuse pollution and sedimentation

  • Improved shellfish waters

    Halt and reverse the state of declining freshwater pearl mussels in the Clun Special area of conservation and improve water quality and habitat

  • Support Nature Recovery Network and Local Nature Recovery Strategy

    Making space for nature in the farmed landscape and countryside through engagement with landowners and agricultural businesses and communities

  • Connecting communities with nature

    Raising and awareness and understanding of river systems and the natural environment is key to leveraging support

Future challenges predicted by partnership

  • Pollution from agriculture and rural areas

  • Pollution from waste water

  • Changes to the natural flow and water levels

Future challenges predicted by Environment Agency

Future challenges in 2050

  • Invasive Non-native Species
  • Pollution from Agriculture and Rural Areas
  • Changes to the Natural Flow and Water Levels

Emerging challenges

  • Changes to the Natural Flow and Water Levels
  • Pollution from Agriculture and Rural Areas
  • Pollution from waste water

Partnership success highlights 2016 to 2021

A range of partnership projects are being undertaken across the catchments:

  • River Corve River Restoration Project and River Clun lead by Shropshire Council with Shropshire Wildlife Trust, National Flood Forum, University of Cardiff, University of Worcester undertaking and monitoring natural flood management
  • ‘Unlocking the Severn’ - River Teme (confluence with the Severn to Tenbury) led by Canal and River Trust with Natural England, Environment Agency, Severn Rivers Trust restoring the natural range of Alosa fallax associated with the Severn Estuary Special Area of Conservation
  • Knighton Natural Flood Management - installing leaky woody structures, wetlands and other land management and biodiversity improvements with Powys Council, Environment Agency, Severn Rivers Trust, Welsh Government
  • WEGTOC - Worked with farmers to find opportunities to improve infrastructure and change land management practices, underpinned by a need to reduce diffuse agricultural pollution to surface water
  • Upper Teme and Kyre Brook NFM - Landowner engagement and delivery of water quality and natural flood management measures in the Upper Teme and Kyre Brook

Partnership development plans

We will continue to work towards:

  • a balanced partnership working across the border of England and Wales to deliver projects that improve the wider catchment
  • working to engage more effectively at strategic level with the River Severn Partnership whilst reinforcing the value of local operational catchment partnerships
  • establishing a balanced and focused steering group
  • better working with local communities to understand their relationship, concerns and local knowledge
  • providing opportunities to share best practice and information effectively within and outside of the partnership

Partnership priority actions and measures for 2022 to 2027

  • Confident

    Identification and removal of remaining barriers to fish passage on SSSI

    Reason for measure
    Mitigate the impacts on ecology from physical modifications in modified waters
    Delivery mechanism
    Other local funding
    Laughern Bk - source to conf R Teme Clun - source to conf Folly Bk Kemp - source to conf R Clun
  • Confident

    Stepping Stones - Landscape scale approach to conservation, linking wetland, woodland, heath, grassland and wildlife-rich hedgerows

    Reason for measure
    Manage modified habitats
    Delivery mechanism
    Green Recovery Challenge Fund/Challenge Fund
    Quinny Bk - source to conf R Onny
  • Confident

    Improved soil management and reduced sedimentation of rivers

    Reason for measure
    Control or manage rural diffuse pollution
    Delivery mechanism
    Landscape Recovery (ELMS)
    Teme Lower
  • Confident

    Delivery of NFM interventions in England and Wales

    Reason for measure
    Manage modified habitats
    Delivery mechanism
    Other local funding
    Teme Upper
  • Confident

    Nature recovery, land management, carbon and sequestration in the Uplands

    Reason for measure
    Control or manage rural diffuse pollution
    Delivery mechanism
    Other philanthropic/charitable/trust funds
    Teme Upper
  • Confident

    Habitat restoration intervention and fish passage easements on the River Corve

    Reason for measure
    Manage modified habitats
    Delivery mechanism
    Confirmed water industry national environment programme 2020-2025
    Corve - conf Seifton Bk to conf R Teme Corve - source to conf unnamed trib Corve - conf unnamed trib to conf Seifton Bk
  • Less certain

    SINNSI: Manage Invasive Non-native Species

    Reason for measure
    Control or manage invasive non-native species
    Delivery mechanism
    Confirmed water industry national environment programme 2020-2025
    Barriers to delivery
    Identify priority areas and options
    Clun River
  • Less certain

    Fisheries habitat improvements and monitoring for salmonids

    Reason for measure
    Mitigate the impacts on ecology from physical modifications in modified waters
    Delivery mechanism
    WEIF Water Environment Improvement Fund
    Barriers to delivery
    Develop project design and secure funding
  • Less certain

    Reconnect floodplain habitats

    Reason for measure
    Manage modified habitats
    Delivery mechanism
    EA Flood/coastal risk management programme
    Barriers to delivery
    Further project development needed
  • Less certain

    Restoring the wetland and peatland habitats in the Uplands

    Reason for measure
    Manage modified habitats
    Delivery mechanism
    Climate for Nature funds
    Barriers to delivery
    Funding opportunities
    Clun River
  • Less certain

    Understanding water management requirements in the catchment to improve low flows

    Reason for measure
    Control or manage abstractions
    Delivery mechanism
    None identified
    Barriers to delivery
    Stakeholder collaboration to understand causes and solutions
    Teme Lower
  • Wider water environment

    Work with landowners and farmers to improve soil health

    Reason for measure
    Protect and restore healthy soils and nutrient balance
    Delivery mechanism
    Environment Land Management Scheme (future full-scale roll-out)
    Teme Upper Clun River
  • Wider water environment

    Improve the habitat and status of freshwater pearl mussels

    Reason for measure
    Improved shellfish waters
    Delivery mechanism
    None identified
    Clun River
  • Wider water environment

    Water company demo on the Teme to deliver water quality improvements necessary for a bathing quality river

    Reason for measure
    Improved bathing waters (including inland)
    Delivery mechanism
    Confirmed water industry national environment programme 2020-25
    Teme Lower