Macrophytes and Phytobenthos Combined RNAG in Tributary of Eden at Four Elms

Get macrophytes and phytobenthos combined RNAG data

RNAG in Tributary of Eden at Four Elms with macrophytes and phytobenthos combined classification element

Cycle 3

IDSWMISWMI certaintyActivityActivity certaintyCategoryCategory certaintyBusiness sectorClassification element
547802FlowProbableLow Flow (not drought)ProbableNo sector responsibleNot applicableNot applicableMacrophytes and Phytobenthos Combined
547803Point sourceProbablePrivate Sewage TreatmentProbableDomestic General PublicProbableNot applicableMacrophytes and Phytobenthos Combined
547801Diffuse sourceProbablePoor nutrient managementProbableAgriculture and rural land managementProbableAgriculture - ArableMacrophytes and Phytobenthos Combined
547804Point sourceProbableLeaking utility sewersProbableWater IndustryProbableWaste water treatmentMacrophytes and Phytobenthos Combined
576988Diffuse sourceProbablePoor soil managementProbableAgriculture and rural land managementProbableAgriculture - ArableMacrophytes and Phytobenthos Combined
