Viewing latest data (updated 18/04/2024 10:00)

History of Asset Height

AttributeFormat DetailsDeliveryPurposeMandatorygeoCOBie MappingUpdates
Asset Height
The total height of the structure, taken from ground level to its highest tangible point.
Max: 200.00
Min: 0.00
Number of decimal places: 2
Units: metres
EA6P09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.AssetHeight27-04-2021
Asset Height
The total height of the structure, taken from ground level to its highest tangible point.
Max: 200.00
Min: 0.00
Number of decimal places: 2
Units: metres
EA3P01 RegistrationNoFeature.Attribute.Name.AssetHeight17-10-2023
Asset Height
The height of the Wall measured from the lowest tangible point on the exposed side (which may be below water) to the Crest.
Max: 200.00
Min: 0.00
Number of decimal places: 2
Units: metres
EA3P01 RegistrationNoFeature.Attribute.Name.AssetHeight26-02-2024