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Find Defra data

Environmental data to inform actions and decisions

Announcement 28 Jan, 2025

The Environment Agency has published new national risk information for flooding and coastal erosion. This includes future scenarios accounting for climate change. 

Go to Announcement

Data Services Platform


Defra group have put in place the Data Services Platform to make environmental data openly available to a wide range of users. The more people know about the environment, the better informed will be their actions and decisions that can help safeguard our natural environment, support our food and farming industry and sustain a thriving rural economy. All our data can also be found in the catalogue.

Data and services

Our data feeds ensure you are using the most up to date data, but nearly all of our data is also available for download in commonly used formats. Much of our data is spatial and can be readily used in GIS applications. But we also provide data via API Portal, built on Linked Data, which are aimed at system and application developers. We use the same open APIs and spatial services available to you to provide our own applications. But others can innovate, use and deliver our information in different ways, raising environmental awareness much further than we can do acting alone.


Although we make our data openly available when we can, certain data we hold has third party rights that mean we can only provide it to certain partner organisations or to contractors working for us on specific projects. If you are a partner or a Defra group contractor you can create an account to access additional data.