Aldermaston Bagshot Beds Operational Catchment

Water bodies

There are 1 water bodies in this operational catchment.

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    The Aldermaston Bagshot Beds Groundwater Body (GWB) describes the London Clay Sand Formation (Secondary A Aquifer). It forms an isolated outcrop of solid geology – known as an” outlier” - that directly overlies the London Clay (mudstone) (Unproductive Strata). Land use within this GWB is agricultural and woodland with parcels of land occupied by towns. The London Clay Sand Formation is exposed at the surface and is therefore susceptible to vertical migration of chemicals, including fertilisers applied at the surface. Reflecting the Secondary A status of this GWB there are no public water abstractions and hence no Safeguard Zones in place to highlight any concerns about the quality of the groundwater in the Aldermaston Bagshot Beds GWB.

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