Macrophytes and Phytobenthos Combined RNAG in The Syme form Source to Thornton/Dalby/Staindale

Get macrophytes and phytobenthos combined RNAG data

RNAG in The Syme form Source to Thornton/Dalby/Staindale with macrophytes and phytobenthos combined classification element

Cycle 3

IDSWMISWMI certaintyActivityActivity certaintyCategoryCategory certaintyBusiness sectorClassification element
576483Physical modificationSuspectedLand drainage - operational managementSuspectedAgriculture and rural land managementSuspectedNot applicableMacrophytes and Phytobenthos Combined
576486Diffuse sourceSuspectedPoor Livestock ManagementSuspectedAgriculture and rural land managementSuspectedAgriculture - LivestockMacrophytes and Phytobenthos Combined
