Ribble Management Catchment

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    Catchment Partnerships Pages

    Catchment Partnerships work at a catchment scale to improve local environmental understanding and encourage community participation through collaboration and integration leading to improved actions.


    The urban areas, such as Preston, Blackburn, Burnley and Clitheroe, have been identified for housing growth and renewal. This growth needs to be planned and delivered in a way that reduces pressures on the water environment. The Ribble and its tributaries provide good habitat for iconic species such as salmon and otters. Significant efforts to increase numbers have been undertaken in recent years, but further action is required to improve habitats and water quality further. The upper Ribblesdale area also supports significant populations of native crayfish. The Ribble Estuary is one of the largest in the UK and its wetlands are home to thousands of overwintering migratory birds, which account for its designation as a Special Protection Area.

    Bridges over the River Ribble