Viewing latest data (updated 19/06/2024 14:03)

History of Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation

Asset TypeDescriptionLong Description Changed?Asset CodeUniclass 2015Geometry TypeUpdates
Biodiversity and Environmental ConservationA group of associated assets which enhance or conserve biodiversity, habitats or the local environment in a certain area.NoIVSs_45_35_0827-04-2021
Biodiversity and Environmental ConservationA group of associated assets which enhance or conserve biodiversity, habitats or the local environment in a certain area.YesIVSs_45_35_0817-05-2021
Biodiversity and Environmental ConservationA group of associated assets which enhance or conserve biodiversity, habitats or the local environment in a certain area.YesIVSs_45_35_08Polygon21-11-2023