Viewing latest data (updated 19/06/2024 14:03)

History of Tidal Barrier

Asset TypeDescriptionLong Description Changed?Asset CodeUniclass 2015Geometry TypeUpdates
Tidal BarrierWhere the main purpose of the assets in the site is to provide protection from high tides.NoITCo_32_85_8825-02-2020
Tidal BarrierWhere the main purpose of the assets in the site is to provide protection from high tides.YesITCo_32_85_8805-05-2020
Tidal BarrierWhere the main purpose of the assets in the site is to provide protection from high tides.NoITCo_32_85_8827-04-2021
Tidal BarrierA group of assets which work together in a complex to provide a barrier to tidal flooding in an estuary or bay. A tidal barrier would usually includes assets such as control gates, central piers, a control building and any mechanical and electrical assets used to operate the control gates.YesITCo_32_85_8827-04-2021
Tidal BarrierA group of assets which work together in a complex to provide a barrier to tidal flooding in an estuary or bay. A tidal barrier would usually includes assets such as control gates, central piers, a control building and any mechanical and electrical assets used to operate the control gates.YesITCo_32_85_8817-05-2021
Tidal BarrierA group of assets which work together in a complex to provide a barrier to tidal flooding in an estuary or bay. A tidal barrier would usually include assets such as control gates, central piers, a control building and any mechanical and electrical assets used to operate the control gates.YesITCo_32_85_8811-04-2023
Tidal BarrierA group of assets which work together in a complex to provide a barrier to tidal flooding in an estuary or bay. A tidal barrier would usually include assets such as control gates, central piers, a control building and any mechanical and electrical assets used to operate the control gates.YesITCo_32_85_88Polygon21-11-2023