Viewing latest data (updated 19/06/2024 14:03)

History of Ford

Asset TypeDescriptionLong Description Changed?Asset CodeUniclass 2015Geometry TypeUpdates
FordA shallow part of a watercourse that may be crossed on foot or by a vehicle in low flows.NoRFSL_32_50_3027-04-2021
FordA shallow part of a watercourse that may be crossed on foot or by a vehicle in low flows.YesRFSL_32_50_3017-05-2021
FordA shallow part of a watercourse that may be crossed on foot or by a vehicle in low flows. These can occur naturally or can be man-made.YesRFSL_32_50_3011-04-2023
FordA shallow part of a watercourse that may be crossed on foot or by a vehicle in low flows. These can occur naturally or can be man-made.YesRFSL_32_50_30Point21-11-2023