Viewing latest data (updated 19/06/2024 14:03)

Commercial Financial Products

Information Deliverables


Any commercial financial products generated in the delivery of the project.


An Element Type is a component part of an Asset Type. Each Asset Type (except Asset Complex assets) will comprise of a prescribed set of Element Types.  Some Element Types are essential and must be present to define an asset of that Asset Type.  Other Element Types are optional, to be included when needed to define a particular Asset Type instance. An individual asset may have more than one instance of each Element Type.

This table lists the Element Types applicable to this Asset Type.

Element TypeDescriptionElement CodeEssentialUniclass 2015Updates
F0100 Early WarningsEarly Warnings.F01NoPM_60_30_2611-04-2023
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F0200 Compensation EventCompensation Event.F02NoPM_60_50_1611-04-2023
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F0300 Contract Change to ForecastContract change to forecast.F03NoPM_60_50_1911-04-2023
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F0500 QuotesQuotes received from suppliers.F05NoPM_60_50_6911-04-2023
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F0600 Employers AssessmentsEmployer's Assessment of costs.F06NoPM_50_30_1811-04-2023
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F0700 PM InstructionsPM Instructions.F07NoPM_60_50_2011-04-2023
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F0800 Cost ForecastCost Forecast.F08NoPM_60_50_2511-04-2023
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F0900 Fee NotesFee Notes.F09NoPM_60_50_3511-04-2023
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F1000 TimesheetsTimesheets for project staff (when requested by the EA Project Manager or ECC Project Manager).F10NoPM_60_50_9011-04-2023
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F1100 InvoicesInvoices.F11NoPM_60_50_6011-04-2023
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F1200 Payment Applications or CertificatesPayment applications or certificates.F12NoPM_60_50_6211-04-2023
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F1300 Completion CertificatesCertificate at the end of a contract confirming that all the works required in the Scope have been completed.F13NoPM_60_50_1711-04-2023
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An attribute is a particular piece of data that describes a property of an object. Each Asset Type is described by a different set of attributes, although there are some attributes that are common to many Asset Types.

The table below lists the attributes that are applicable to this Asset Type, along with the data profile requirements for each attribute and details of when and how each should be used and delivered.

AttributeFormat DetailsDeliveryPurposeMandatorygeoCOBie MappingUpdates
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