Viewing latest data (updated 19/06/2024 14:03)

Public Safety Control System

Public Safety

A group of measures at an asset or group of assets that are used to guard public safety and control any risks to public safety caused by that asset.

Public Safety Control Systems are displayed in the Environment Agency's AIMS OM system using a polygon to show the full extent of the area.

Environment Agency symbology for Public Safety Control System.
Environment Agency symbology for Public Safety Control System.

Links to Environment Agency Smart Objects (login required - request access here)


An Element Type is a component part of an Asset Type. Each Asset Type (except Asset Complex assets) will comprise of a prescribed set of Element Types.  Some Element Types are essential and must be present to define an asset of that Asset Type.  Other Element Types are optional, to be included when needed to define a particular Asset Type instance. An individual asset may have more than one instance of each Element Type.

This table lists the Element Types applicable to this Asset Type.

Element TypeDescriptionElement CodeEssentialUniclass 2015Updates
Edge MarkingA visible indicator to warn people about the edge of an asset.EGMNoPr_40_10_77_2611-04-2023
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FencingA barrier that surrounds an asset or group of assets, that can be for security and/or safety purposes.FNCNoPr_45_63_64_6711-04-2023
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Hedgerow or PlantingA line of closely spaced shrubs and sometimes trees, planted and trained to form a barrier or to mark the boundary of an area.HDGNoEn_32_10_3711-04-2023
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Navigation MarkingsSignage specifically for the purpose of controlling public safety in navigable water environments.NMRNoPr_40_10_90_5611-04-2023
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PSRA AccessA method of accessing an asset or group of assets, other than a gate, that is used to control public access.PSANoSL_90_20_2711-04-2023
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PSRA GateA gate situated at an asset or group of assets that is used to control public access.PSGNoPr_30_59_3411-04-2023
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PSRA SignageTextual or graphic information situated at an asset or group of assets that is used to warn members of the public of a risk to their safety caused by that asset.PSSNoPr_40_10_77_7611-04-2023
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Padlock or LockA mechanism for securing an opening.PADNoPr_30_36_08_6211-04-2023
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Public Safety Alert DeviceA device or mechanism situated at an asset or group of assets that is used to warn members of the public of a risk to their safety caused by that asset. May consist of lights, alarms or a combination. An example would be an alarm that sounds when a control gate is operating.PALNoPr_70_75_9411-04-2023
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Rescue EquipmentEquipment to aid in rescuing people who are in danger.RSCNoPr_40_70_7511-04-2023
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Safety BoomA floating barrier strung across a body of water to manage health and safety risks, for example to guide people or vessels away from a hazard.SBMNoPr_40_10_90_5511-04-2023
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Safety ScreenA screen which prevents unauthorised access to culverts, outfalls and channels for safety.SSCNoPr_25_96_35_3711-04-2023
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Security BarrierA barrier situated at an asset or group of assets that is used to create a secure area and keep members of the public out.SBRNoPr_40_30_22_3411-04-2023
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Security CameraA security camera on a building to identify criminal activity or intrusion.SCMNoPr_60_75_8611-04-2023
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An attribute is a particular piece of data that describes a property of an object. Each Asset Type is described by a different set of attributes, although there are some attributes that are common to many Asset Types.

The table below lists the attributes that are applicable to this Asset Type, along with the data profile requirements for each attribute and details of when and how each should be used and delivered.

AttributeFormat DetailsDeliveryPurposeMandatorygeoCOBie MappingUpdates
Alternative Purpose 1
An alternative purpose of the asset, i.e. the reason it was constructed (a natural asset may have an asset management purpose)
Business Support Conservation Environment Management Erosion Protection Fisheries Flood Risk Management Health and Safety Highways Legal / Statutory Leisure and Amenity Navigation Pollution Control Water Level Management Water Resources
EA2P01 RegistrationNoFeature.Attribute.Name.AlternativePurpose127-04-2021

Picklist edited 14-06-2021

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Alternative Purpose 2
An alternative purpose of the asset, i.e. the reason it was constructed (a natural asset may have an asset management purpose)
Business Support Conservation Environment Management Erosion Protection Fisheries Flood Risk Management Health and Safety Highways Legal / Statutory Leisure and Amenity Navigation Pollution Control Water Level Management Water Resources
EA2P01 RegistrationNoFeature.Attribute.Name.AlternativePurpose227-04-2021

Picklist edited 14-06-2021

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Annual Maintenance Costs (Current FY)
How much the asset costs this year to maintain to target condition
Max: 1,000,000,000.00
Min: 0.00
Number of decimal places: 2
Units: pounds
EA7P10 MaintenanceNoFeature.Attribute.Name.AnnualMaintenanceCostsCurrentFY27-04-2021
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Annual Maintenance Costs (Previous FY)
How much the asset cost last year to maintain to target condition
Max: 1,000,000,000.00
Min: 0.00
Number of decimal places: 2
Units: pounds
EA7P10 MaintenanceNoFeature.Attribute.Name.AnnualMaintenanceCostsPreviousFY27-04-2021
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Asset Category
The Category of the asset
Public Safety
EA2P01 RegistrationYesFeature.Attribute.Name.AssetCategory27-04-2021
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Asset Complex 1
The ID (GUID) of the Asset Complex that this asset belongs to
Max Length: 32
EA6P09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.AssetComplex119-06-2024
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Asset Complex 2
The ID (GUID) of the Secondary Asset Complex that the asset belongs to
Max Length: 32
EA6P09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.AssetComplex219-06-2024
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Asset Complex Ref 1
The Asset Reference of the first Asset Complex which contains this asset
Asset code xx + sequence number
EA2P01 RegistrationNoFeature.Attribute.Name.AssetComplexRef127-04-2021
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Asset Complex Ref 2
The Asset Reference of an additional Asset Complex which contains this asset
Asset code xx + sequence number
EA2P01 RegistrationNoFeature.Attribute.Name.AssetComplexRef227-04-2021
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Asset End Date
The end date of the asset. This is only to be populated when asset is withdrawn or fully decommissioned
DateEA7P01 RegistrationNoFeature.Attribute.Name.AssetEndDate27-04-2021
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Asset ID
The Asset ID from the AIMS OM system, if known. For new assets that are not yet in AIMS OM, use "n/a".
Max Length: 50
EA2P01 RegistrationYesFeature.Attribute.Name.AssetID14-06-2021
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Asset Name
The name of the asset if it has one
Max Length: 150
EA2P01 RegistrationNoFeature.Attribute.Name.AssetName27-04-2021
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Asset Ref
Unique asset reference code in scheme context assigned by scheme designer, e.g. KP0123
Asset code KP + sequence number
EA2P01 RegistrationNoFeature.Attribute.Name.AssetRef27-04-2021
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Asset Start Date
The date the asset becomes operational
DateEA7P01 RegistrationNoFeature.Attribute.Name.AssetStartDate27-04-2021
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Asset Start Date DQF
Data Quality Flag for the Asset Start Date attribute. Mandatory if an Asset Start Date value is present.
DQF 1 : Start Date known based on documented evidence (use 1st of month if day uncertain and June if month uncertain) DQF 2 : Start Date estimated based on local knowledge (use 1st of month if day uncertain and June if month uncertain) DQF 3 : Start Date estimated by decade (use 1st Jan and middle year of decade e.g. 01/01/1965) DQF 4: Start Date from legacy system DQF 5: Start date checked but unknown (leave date blank) DQF 0 : unknown quality (given to all existing AIMS OM Start Date)
EA7P01 RegistrationNoFeature.Attribute.Name.AssetStartDateDQF26-02-2024

Picklist edited 18-04-2024

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Asset Start Date DQF Date
The date the Asset Start Date DQF attribute was input. Mandatory if an Asset Start Date value is present.
DateEA7P01 RegistrationNoFeature.Attribute.Name.AssetStartDateDQFDate26-02-2024
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Asset Status
The status of the asset
Active Discontinued New asset record for review No longer in use, but still on site Proposed asset Under construction
EA5P01 RegistrationYesFeature.Attribute.Name.AssetStatus27-04-2021

Picklist edited 18-04-2024

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Asset Status Date
The date the status of the asset was assessed
DateEA5P01 RegistrationYesFeature.Attribute.Name.AssetStatusDate27-04-2021
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Asset Type
The type of asset
Public Safety Control System
EA2P01 RegistrationYesFeature.Attribute.Name.AssetType27-04-2021
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Bounding Box
A geospatial orthogonal bounding box cube containing the extent of the asset. This is to be expressed as a JSON lineString: [[lower left point easting,lower left point northing,lowest point elevation],[upper right point easting,upper right point northing,highest point elevation]] of the cube with geoCOBie Unit of 'bbox:EPSG7405:ETRS89:OSTN15:OSGM15'
Units: bbox:EPSG7405:ETRS89:OSTN15:OSGM15
EA2P01 RegistrationNoFeature.Attribute.Name.BoundingBox05-09-2022
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Calculated Asset Area
The area of the asset (calculated from its geometry)
Max: 100,000.000
Min: 0.000
Number of decimal places: 3
Units: metres squared
AutoP09 OperationsYesFeature.Attribute.Name.CalculatedAssetArea26-02-2024
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Calculated Asset Area DQF
Data Quality Flag for the Calculated Asset Area attribute.
DQF 1 : +/- 0.01m to 0.05m horizontal accuracy (Typically on-site survey) DQF 2 : +/- >0.05m to 0.25m horizontal accuracy (Typically Lidar Point Cloud or Photogrammetry) DQF 3 : +/- 0.25m to 0.50m horizontal accuracy (Typically Lidar raster DEMs or Photogrammetry) DQF 4 : +/- 0.50m to 1.0m horizontal accuracy (Typically captured from OS Mapping (e.g. MasterMap 2023)) DQF 5 : >1m horizontal accuracy (Typically Google Maps etc) DQF 0 : unknown quality
EA3P09 OperationsYesFeature.Attribute.Name.CalculatedAssetAreaDQF26-02-2024
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Calculated Asset Area DQF Date
The date the Calculated Asset Area DQF attribute was input.
DateEA3P09 OperationsYesFeature.Attribute.Name.CalculatedAssetAreaDQFDate26-02-2024
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Calculated Asset Perimeter
The area of the asset (calculated from its geometry)
Max: 100,000.000
Min: 0.000
Number of decimal places: 3
Units: metres
AutoP09 OperationsYesFeature.Attribute.Name.CalculatedAssetPerimeter26-02-2024
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Calculated Asset Perimeter DQF
Data Quality Flag for the Calculated Asset Perimeter attribute.
DQF 1 : +/- 0.01m to 0.05m horizontal accuracy (Typically on-site survey) DQF 2 : +/- >0.05m to 0.25m horizontal accuracy (Typically Lidar Point Cloud or Photogrammetry) DQF 3 : +/- 0.25m to 0.50m horizontal accuracy (Typically Lidar raster DEMs or Photogrammetry) DQF 4 : +/- 0.50m to 1.0m horizontal accuracy (Typically captured from OS Mapping (e.g. MasterMap 2023)) DQF 5 : >1m horizontal accuracy (Typically Google Maps etc) DQF 0 : unknown quality
EA3P09 OperationsYesFeature.Attribute.Name.CalculatedAssetPerimeterDQF26-02-2024
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Calculated Asset Perimeter DQF Date
The date the Calculated Asset Perimeter DQF attribute was input.
DateEA3P09 OperationsYesFeature.Attribute.Name.CalculatedAssetPerimeterDQFDate26-02-2024
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Change Reason
The reason the asset's status has been changed. Mandatory when Reason for Asset Discontinued = Other.
Max Length: 500
EA7P09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.ChangeReason26-02-2024
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Other comments about the asset
Max Length: 2000
EA2P09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.Comments27-04-2021
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Completion Date
The date that the inspection or assessment was completed
DateEA7P15 InspectionNoFeature.Attribute.Name.CompletionDate27-04-2021
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Control LineString
A spatial lineString that locates the asset and further classified by the associated LineStringType attribute confirming its relative location to the asset. A lineString is a series of design or measured spatial triple points (easting, northing, elevation) each connected by a single non-crossing line, with single points at each end, that locate an asset. A lineString is expressed as a JSON array of type geoJSON lineString, e.g. [[x1,y1,z1],[x2,y2,z2],...] It is further classified by the associated LineStringType attribute confirming its relative location to the asset. Interim points should be spaced at a maximum of 2m for lines < 10m in length, or 10m otherwise. LineStrings may be open as in the case of linear asset types or closed (polygon) in the case of land or site assets. For linear assets, see the note in the description above about the maximum length. The default CRS is a 3D CRS to EPSG 7405 with confirmed type, European reference frame and UK OS transformation with geoCOBie Unit of 'LineString:EPSG7405:ETRS89:OSTN15:OSGM15'
Units: LineString:EPSG7405:ETRS89:OSTN15:OSGM15
EA2P02 ComplianceNoFeature.Attribute.Name.ControlLineString05-09-2022
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The county within which the asset falls. System generated based on Spatial Lookup
Max Length: 300
AutoP09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.County27-04-2021
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Date of Last Inspection
The date of the last PSRA inspection
DateEA7P15 InspectionNoFeature.Attribute.Name.DateofLastInspection27-04-2021
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Date Started
The date that the inspection or assessment started
DateEA7P15 InspectionNoFeature.Attribute.Name.DateStarted27-04-2021
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Default AP Team
The default Asset Performance team for inspections. Only applicable when one of the asset's purposes is Flood Risk Management.
Anglian EA Ops-CLA-FCRM OPS-Asset Perf R Valley E&W Lancs EA Ops-CLA-FCRM OPS-Asset Perf S Lakes Lune Fylde EA Ops-CLA-FCRM OPS-Asset Perf W Cumbria & Eden EA Ops-CLA-FCRM OPS-Field N Cumbria EA Ops-CLA-FCRM OPS-Field N Lancs EA Ops-CLA-FCRM OPS-Field N Merseyside EA Ops-CLA-FCRM OPS-Field S Cumbria EA Ops-CLA-FCRM OPS-Field W Lancs EA Ops-CLA-FCRM OPS-Mgt EA Ops-DCS-FCRM OPS-Asset Perf Central EA Ops-DCS-FCRM OPS-Asset Perf East EA Ops-DCS-FCRM OPS-Asset Perf North EA Ops-DCS-FCRM OPS-Asset Perf West EA Ops-DCS-FCRM OPS-Field Central EA Ops-DCS-FCRM OPS-Field East EA Ops-DCS-FCRM OPS-Field Mid EA Ops-DCS-FCRM OPS-Field North EA Ops-DCS-FCRM OPS-Field South EA Ops-DCS-FCRM OPS-Field West EA Ops-DCS-FCRM OPS-Mgt EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS Essex-Asset Perf Blackwater EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS Essex-Asset Perf St & Col EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS Essex-Asset Perf Th Ch & B EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS Essex-Field Chel Blkw'tr EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS Essex-Field Colne EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS Essex-Field MEICA EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS Essex-Field Stour EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS Essex-Field Thameside EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS Essex-Mgt EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS N&S-Asset Perf Broadland EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS N&S-Asset Perf Norfolk EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS N&S-Asset Perf Suffolk EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS N&S-Field N Norfolk EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS N&S-Field N Suffolk EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS N&S-Field S Norfolk EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS N&S-Field S Suffolk EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS N&S-Mgt EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS West-Asset Perf Bedford EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS West-Asset Perf Ely EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS West-Asset Perf Kings Lynn EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS West-Field Bedford EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS West-Field Ely EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS West-Field Kings Lynn EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS West-Field MEICA EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS West-Field Ouse Washes EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS West-Mgt EA Ops-EMD-FCRM OPS North-Asset Perf EA Ops-EMD-FCRM OPS North-Field Askham EA Ops-EMD-FCRM OPS North-Field Owston Ferry 1 EA Ops-EMD-FCRM OPS North-Field Owston Ferry 2 EA Ops-EMD-FCRM OPS North-Field Owston Ferry 3 EA Ops-EMD-FCRM OPS North-Field Owston Ferry 4 EA Ops-EMD-FCRM OPS North-Mgt EA Ops-EMD-FCRM OPS South-Asset Perf East EA Ops-EMD-FCRM OPS South-Asset Perf South EA Ops-EMD-FCRM OPS South-Asset Perf West EA Ops-EMD-FCRM OPS South-Field Draycott EA Ops-EMD-FCRM OPS South-Field Nottingham EA Ops-EMD-FCRM OPS South-Field Rothley EA Ops-EMD-FCRM OPS South-Mgt EA Ops-GMC-FCRM OPS Gtr Mcr-Asset Perf EA Ops-GMC-FCRM OPS Gtr Mcr-Asset Perf Plg&AM EA Ops-GMC-FCRM OPS Gtr Mcr-Field Sale 1 EA Ops-GMC-FCRM OPS Gtr Mcr-Field Sale 2 EA Ops-GMC-FCRM OPS Gtr Mcr-Field Sale 3 EA Ops-GMC-FCRM OPS Gtr Mcr-Field Sale 4 EA Ops-GMC-FCRM OPS Gtr Mcr-Field Sale 5 EA Ops-GMC-FCRM OPS Gtr Mcr-Field Sale 6 EA Ops-GMC-FCRM OPS Gtr Mcr-Mgt EA Ops-GMC-FCRM OPS M'y&Ch-Asset Perf EA Ops-GMC-FCRM OPS M'y&Ch-Field Cheshire EA Ops-GMC-FCRM OPS M'y&Ch-Field Confined space EA Ops-GMC-FCRM OPS M'y&Ch-Field M'yside EA Ops-GMC-FCRM OPS M'y&Ch-Mgt EA Ops-GMC-FCRM OPS M'y&Ch-Supra Area MEICA EA Ops-HNL-FCRM OPS East-Asset Perf Lower Lee & Roding EA Ops-HNL-FCRM OPS East-Asset Perf Upper Lee & Stort EA Ops-HNL-FCRM OPS East-Field Lower Lee EA Ops-HNL-FCRM OPS East-Field Lower Roding EA Ops-HNL-FCRM OPS East-Field Middle Lee EA Ops-HNL-FCRM OPS East-Field Upper Lee&Stort EA Ops-HNL-FCRM OPS East-Mgt EA Ops-HNL-FCRM OPS West-Asset Perf Colne Brent Crane EA Ops-HNL-FCRM OPS West-Field Lower Colne EA Ops-HNL-FCRM OPS West-Field Upper Colne EA Ops-HNL-FCRM OPS West-Mgt EA Ops-HNL-FCRM OPS West-Supra Area MEICA EA Ops-KSL-FCRM OPS East Kent-Asset Perf Rom EA Ops-KSL-FCRM OPS East Kent-Asset Perf Stour EA Ops-KSL-FCRM OPS East Kent-Field Romney EA Ops-KSL-FCRM OPS East Kent-Field Rother EA Ops-KSL-FCRM OPS East Kent-Field Stour EA Ops-KSL-FCRM OPS East Kent-Field Swale EA Ops-KSL-FCRM OPS East Kent-Mgt EA Ops-KSL-FCRM OPS SLN & WK-Asset Perf Med EA Ops-KSL-FCRM OPS SLN & WK-Asset Perf Mole EA Ops-KSL-FCRM OPS SLN & WK-Field Medway EA Ops-KSL-FCRM OPS SLN & WK-Field Mole EA Ops-KSL-FCRM OPS SLN & WK-Field N Kent EA Ops-KSL-FCRM OPS SLN & WK-Field SLN EA Ops-KSL-FCRM OPS SLN & WK-Mgt EA Ops-KSL-FCRM TTD-Asset Perf Thms Barrier EA Ops-KSL-FCRM TTD-Asset Perf Tidal Walls EA Ops-KSL-FCRM TTD-Info Centre EA Ops-KSL-FCRM TTD-MEICA EA Ops-KSL-FCRM TTD-MEICA Electrical EA Ops-KSL-FCRM TTD-MEICA Field EA Ops-KSL-FCRM TTD-MEICA Forecasting EA Ops-KSL-FCRM TTD-MEICA Mechanical EA Ops-KSL-FCRM TTD-MEICA Operations & Maintenance EA Ops-KSL-FCRM TTD-Mgt EA Ops-KSL-FCRM TTD-Projects & Contracts Mgt EA Ops-KSL-FCRM TTD-Security EA Ops-LNA-FCRM OPS Lincs-Asset Perf SHEC EA Ops-LNA-FCRM OPS Lincs-Asset Perf Witham EA Ops-LNA-FCRM OPS Lincs-Field Mablethorpe EA Ops-LNA-FCRM OPS Lincs-Field Short Ferry EA Ops-LNA-FCRM OPS Lincs-Field South Ferriby EA Ops-LNA-FCRM OPS Lincs-Field Swinehead EA Ops-LNA-FCRM OPS Lincs-Mgt EA Ops-LNA-FCRM OPS W&N-Asset Perf EA Ops-LNA-FCRM OPS W&N-Field Kettering EA Ops-LNA-FCRM OPS W&N-Field MEICA EA Ops-LNA-FCRM OPS W&N-Field Spalding EA Ops-LNA-FCRM OPS W&N-Mgt EA Ops-LNA-FCRM OPS W&N-Supra Area MEICA EA Ops-NEA-FCRM OPS-Asset Perf Northumberland EA Ops-NEA-FCRM OPS-Asset Perf Tees EA Ops-NEA-FCRM OPS-Asset Perf Tyne & Wear EA Ops-NEA-FCRM OPS-Field Durham EA Ops-NEA-FCRM OPS-Field Tees EA Ops-NEA-FCRM OPS-Field Tyne EA Ops-NEA-FCRM OPS-Field Wear EA Ops-NEA-FCRM OPS-Mgt EA Ops-SSD-FCRM OPS East-Asset Perf Adur&Arun EA Ops-SSD-FCRM OPS East-Asset Perf Ouse Pev EA Ops-SSD-FCRM OPS East-Field Adur & Arun EA Ops-SSD-FCRM OPS East-Field Pevensey EA Ops-SSD-FCRM OPS East-Field Seaford EA Ops-SSD-FCRM OPS East-Mgt EA Ops-SSD-FCRM OPS West-Asset Perf EH & CH EA Ops-SSD-FCRM OPS West-Asset Perf H&IOW EA Ops-SSD-FCRM OPS West-Field Chichester EA Ops-SSD-FCRM OPS West-Field E Hants EA Ops-SSD-FCRM OPS West-Field W Hants EA Ops-SSD-FCRM OPS West-Mgt EA Ops-SSD-FCRM OPS West-Supra Area MEICA EA Ops-THM-FCRM OPS Lower-Asset Perf Jubilee EA Ops-THM-FCRM OPS Lower-Asset Perf Thames EA Ops-THM-FCRM OPS Lower-Field Depots SE EA Ops-THM-FCRM OPS Lower-Field Loddon & Jubilee EA Ops-THM-FCRM OPS Lower-Field MEICA EA Ops-THM-FCRM OPS Lower-Field Surrey Berks EA Ops-THM-FCRM OPS Lower-Field Wey EA Ops-THM-FCRM OPS Lower-Mgt EA Ops-THM-FCRM OPS Upper-Asset Perf Oxon EA Ops-THM-FCRM OPS Upper-Asset Perf W Thames EA Ops-THM-FCRM OPS Upper-Field Cher Thame Wye EA Ops-THM-FCRM OPS Upper-Field Cotswold & Vale EA Ops-THM-FCRM OPS Upper-Field Kenn & Mid Thames EA Ops-THM-FCRM OPS Upper-Field Thames Oxon EA Ops-THM-FCRM OPS Upper-Mgt EA Ops-WMD-FCRM OPS East-Asset Perf North EA Ops-WMD-FCRM OPS East-Asset Perf South EA Ops-WMD-FCRM OPS East-Field Bham and BC EA Ops-WMD-FCRM OPS East-Field Staffs EA Ops-WMD-FCRM OPS East-Field Warks EA Ops-WMD-FCRM OPS East-Mgt EA Ops-WMD-FCRM OPS West-Asset Perf North EA Ops-WMD-FCRM OPS West-Asset Perf South EA Ops-WMD-FCRM OPS West-Field Glouc EA Ops-WMD-FCRM OPS West-Field ShrWest & Hereford EA Ops-WMD-FCRM OPS West-Field Worcs EA Ops-WMD-FCRM OPS West-Mgt EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS E-Asset Perf Bristol EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS E-Asset Perf South EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS E-Field Avon & Stour EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS E-Field Bristol EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS E-Field Frome & SW Dorset EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS E-Field Upper Avon EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS E-Mgt EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS W-Asset Perf N Somerset EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS W-Asset Perf S Somerset EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS W-Field Axe & N Somerset EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS W-Field Bawdrip EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS W-Field Brue EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS W-Field Parrett EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS W-Field Tone & W Somerset EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS W-Mgt EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS W-Supra Area MEICA EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS N&EY-Asset Perf D&E EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS N&EY-Asset Perf H&H EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS N&EY-Asset Perf SUNOW EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS N&EY-Field Derwent & Esk EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS N&EY-Field LH&H EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS N&EY-Field Ouse & Wharfe EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS N&EY-Field Swale Ure & Nidd EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS N&EY-Field Upper Hull EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS N&EY-Mgt EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS W&SY-Asset Perf LA&LD EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS W&SY-Asset Perf UA&CAL EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS W&SY-Asset Perf UD&RO EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS W&SY-Field Lower Aire EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS W&SY-Field Lower Don EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS W&SY-Field UA&C EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS W&SY-Field UD&R EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS W&SY-Mgt EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS-Supra Area MEICA GMMYCH - AP North KSL & HNL Midlands North East North West South West SSD & WT WTHMS - AP Lower Tribs WTHMS - AP Upper Tribs YORKS - AP catchment assets team (N&E) YORKS - AP catchment assets team (S&W)
AutoP15 InspectionNoFeature.Attribute.Name.DefaultAPTeam16-01-2024
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Default AP Team Email Address
The email address of the default Asset Performance team. Only applicable when one of the asset's purposes is Flood Risk Management.
Max Length: 500
AutoP15 InspectionNoFeature.Attribute.Name.DefaultAPTeamEmailAddress16-01-2024
View history
Request changes
Default Field Team
The default Field team carrying our work on this Asset. Only applicable when one of the asset's purposes is Flood Risk Management.
Anglian EA Ops-CLA-FCRM OPS-Asset Perf R Valley E&W Lancs EA Ops-CLA-FCRM OPS-Asset Perf S Lakes Lune Fylde EA Ops-CLA-FCRM OPS-Asset Perf W Cumbria & Eden EA Ops-CLA-FCRM OPS-Field N Cumbria EA Ops-CLA-FCRM OPS-Field N Lancs EA Ops-CLA-FCRM OPS-Field N Merseyside EA Ops-CLA-FCRM OPS-Field S Cumbria EA Ops-CLA-FCRM OPS-Field W Lancs EA Ops-CLA-FCRM OPS-Mgt EA Ops-DCS-FCRM OPS-Asset Perf Central EA Ops-DCS-FCRM OPS-Asset Perf East EA Ops-DCS-FCRM OPS-Asset Perf North EA Ops-DCS-FCRM OPS-Asset Perf West EA Ops-DCS-FCRM OPS-Field Central EA Ops-DCS-FCRM OPS-Field East EA Ops-DCS-FCRM OPS-Field Mid EA Ops-DCS-FCRM OPS-Field North EA Ops-DCS-FCRM OPS-Field South EA Ops-DCS-FCRM OPS-Field West EA Ops-DCS-FCRM OPS-Mgt EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS Essex-Asset Perf Blackwater EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS Essex-Asset Perf St & Col EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS Essex-Asset Perf Th Ch & B EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS Essex-Field Chel Blkw'tr EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS Essex-Field Colne EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS Essex-Field MEICA EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS Essex-Field Stour EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS Essex-Field Thameside EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS Essex-Mgt EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS N&S-Asset Perf Broadland EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS N&S-Asset Perf Norfolk EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS N&S-Asset Perf Suffolk EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS N&S-Field N Norfolk EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS N&S-Field N Suffolk EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS N&S-Field S Norfolk EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS N&S-Field S Suffolk EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS N&S-Mgt EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS West-Asset Perf Bedford EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS West-Asset Perf Ely EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS West-Asset Perf Kings Lynn EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS West-Field Bedford EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS West-Field Ely EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS West-Field Kings Lynn EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS West-Field MEICA EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS West-Field Ouse Washes EA Ops-EAN-FCRM OPS West-Mgt EA Ops-EMD-FCRM OPS North-Asset Perf EA Ops-EMD-FCRM OPS North-Field Askham EA Ops-EMD-FCRM OPS North-Field Owston Ferry 1 EA Ops-EMD-FCRM OPS North-Field Owston Ferry 2 EA Ops-EMD-FCRM OPS North-Field Owston Ferry 3 EA Ops-EMD-FCRM OPS North-Field Owston Ferry 4 EA Ops-EMD-FCRM OPS North-Mgt EA Ops-EMD-FCRM OPS South-Asset Perf East EA Ops-EMD-FCRM OPS South-Asset Perf South EA Ops-EMD-FCRM OPS South-Asset Perf West EA Ops-EMD-FCRM OPS South-Field Draycott EA Ops-EMD-FCRM OPS South-Field Nottingham EA Ops-EMD-FCRM OPS South-Field Rothley EA Ops-EMD-FCRM OPS South-Mgt EA Ops-GMC-FCRM OPS Gtr Mcr-Asset Perf EA Ops-GMC-FCRM OPS Gtr Mcr-Asset Perf Plg&AM EA Ops-GMC-FCRM OPS Gtr Mcr-Field Sale 1 EA Ops-GMC-FCRM OPS Gtr Mcr-Field Sale 2 EA Ops-GMC-FCRM OPS Gtr Mcr-Field Sale 3 EA Ops-GMC-FCRM OPS Gtr Mcr-Field Sale 4 EA Ops-GMC-FCRM OPS Gtr Mcr-Field Sale 5 EA Ops-GMC-FCRM OPS Gtr Mcr-Field Sale 6 EA Ops-GMC-FCRM OPS Gtr Mcr-Mgt EA Ops-GMC-FCRM OPS M'y&Ch-Asset Perf EA Ops-GMC-FCRM OPS M'y&Ch-Field Cheshire EA Ops-GMC-FCRM OPS M'y&Ch-Field Confined space EA Ops-GMC-FCRM OPS M'y&Ch-Field M'yside EA Ops-GMC-FCRM OPS M'y&Ch-Mgt EA Ops-GMC-FCRM OPS M'y&Ch-Supra Area MEICA EA Ops-HNL-FCRM OPS East-Asset Perf Lower Lee & Roding EA Ops-HNL-FCRM OPS East-Asset Perf Upper Lee & Stort EA Ops-HNL-FCRM OPS East-Field Lower Lee EA Ops-HNL-FCRM OPS East-Field Lower Roding EA Ops-HNL-FCRM OPS East-Field Middle Lee EA Ops-HNL-FCRM OPS East-Field Upper Lee&Stort EA Ops-HNL-FCRM OPS East-Mgt EA Ops-HNL-FCRM OPS West-Asset Perf Colne Brent Crane EA Ops-HNL-FCRM OPS West-Field Lower Colne EA Ops-HNL-FCRM OPS West-Field Upper Colne EA Ops-HNL-FCRM OPS West-Mgt EA Ops-HNL-FCRM OPS West-Supra Area MEICA EA Ops-KSL-FCRM OPS East Kent-Asset Perf Rom EA Ops-KSL-FCRM OPS East Kent-Asset Perf Stour EA Ops-KSL-FCRM OPS East Kent-Field Romney EA Ops-KSL-FCRM OPS East Kent-Field Rother EA Ops-KSL-FCRM OPS East Kent-Field Stour EA Ops-KSL-FCRM OPS East Kent-Field Swale EA Ops-KSL-FCRM OPS East Kent-Mgt EA Ops-KSL-FCRM OPS SLN & WK-Asset Perf Med EA Ops-KSL-FCRM OPS SLN & WK-Asset Perf Mole EA Ops-KSL-FCRM OPS SLN & WK-Field Medway EA Ops-KSL-FCRM OPS SLN & WK-Field Mole EA Ops-KSL-FCRM OPS SLN & WK-Field N Kent EA Ops-KSL-FCRM OPS SLN & WK-Field SLN EA Ops-KSL-FCRM OPS SLN & WK-Mgt EA Ops-KSL-FCRM TTD-Asset Perf Thms Barrier EA Ops-KSL-FCRM TTD-Asset Perf Tidal Walls EA Ops-KSL-FCRM TTD-Info Centre EA Ops-KSL-FCRM TTD-MEICA EA Ops-KSL-FCRM TTD-MEICA Electrical EA Ops-KSL-FCRM TTD-MEICA Field EA Ops-KSL-FCRM TTD-MEICA Forecasting EA Ops-KSL-FCRM TTD-MEICA Mechanical EA Ops-KSL-FCRM TTD-MEICA Operations & Maintenance EA Ops-KSL-FCRM TTD-Mgt EA Ops-KSL-FCRM TTD-Projects & Contracts Mgt EA Ops-KSL-FCRM TTD-Security EA Ops-LNA-FCRM OPS Lincs-Asset Perf SHEC EA Ops-LNA-FCRM OPS Lincs-Asset Perf Witham EA Ops-LNA-FCRM OPS Lincs-Field Mablethorpe EA Ops-LNA-FCRM OPS Lincs-Field Short Ferry EA Ops-LNA-FCRM OPS Lincs-Field South Ferriby EA Ops-LNA-FCRM OPS Lincs-Field Swinehead EA Ops-LNA-FCRM OPS Lincs-Mgt EA Ops-LNA-FCRM OPS W&N-Asset Perf EA Ops-LNA-FCRM OPS W&N-Field Kettering EA Ops-LNA-FCRM OPS W&N-Field MEICA EA Ops-LNA-FCRM OPS W&N-Field Spalding EA Ops-LNA-FCRM OPS W&N-Mgt EA Ops-LNA-FCRM OPS W&N-Supra Area MEICA EA Ops-NEA-FCRM OPS-Asset Perf Northumberland EA Ops-NEA-FCRM OPS-Asset Perf Tees EA Ops-NEA-FCRM OPS-Asset Perf Tyne & Wear EA Ops-NEA-FCRM OPS-Field Durham EA Ops-NEA-FCRM OPS-Field Tees EA Ops-NEA-FCRM OPS-Field Tyne EA Ops-NEA-FCRM OPS-Field Wear EA Ops-NEA-FCRM OPS-Mgt EA Ops-SSD-FCRM OPS East-Asset Perf Adur&Arun EA Ops-SSD-FCRM OPS East-Asset Perf Ouse Pev EA Ops-SSD-FCRM OPS East-Field Adur & Arun EA Ops-SSD-FCRM OPS East-Field Pevensey EA Ops-SSD-FCRM OPS East-Field Seaford EA Ops-SSD-FCRM OPS East-Mgt EA Ops-SSD-FCRM OPS West-Asset Perf EH & CH EA Ops-SSD-FCRM OPS West-Asset Perf H&IOW EA Ops-SSD-FCRM OPS West-Field Chichester EA Ops-SSD-FCRM OPS West-Field E Hants EA Ops-SSD-FCRM OPS West-Field W Hants EA Ops-SSD-FCRM OPS West-Mgt EA Ops-SSD-FCRM OPS West-Supra Area MEICA EA Ops-THM-FCRM OPS Lower-Asset Perf Jubilee EA Ops-THM-FCRM OPS Lower-Asset Perf Thames EA Ops-THM-FCRM OPS Lower-Field Depots SE EA Ops-THM-FCRM OPS Lower-Field Loddon & Jubilee EA Ops-THM-FCRM OPS Lower-Field MEICA EA Ops-THM-FCRM OPS Lower-Field Surrey Berks EA Ops-THM-FCRM OPS Lower-Field Wey EA Ops-THM-FCRM OPS Lower-Mgt EA Ops-THM-FCRM OPS Upper-Asset Perf Oxon EA Ops-THM-FCRM OPS Upper-Asset Perf W Thames EA Ops-THM-FCRM OPS Upper-Field Cher Thame Wye EA Ops-THM-FCRM OPS Upper-Field Cotswold & Vale EA Ops-THM-FCRM OPS Upper-Field Kenn & Mid Thames EA Ops-THM-FCRM OPS Upper-Field Thames Oxon EA Ops-THM-FCRM OPS Upper-Mgt EA Ops-WMD-FCRM OPS East-Asset Perf North EA Ops-WMD-FCRM OPS East-Asset Perf South EA Ops-WMD-FCRM OPS East-Field Bham and BC EA Ops-WMD-FCRM OPS East-Field Staffs EA Ops-WMD-FCRM OPS East-Field Warks EA Ops-WMD-FCRM OPS East-Mgt EA Ops-WMD-FCRM OPS West-Asset Perf North EA Ops-WMD-FCRM OPS West-Asset Perf South EA Ops-WMD-FCRM OPS West-Field Glouc EA Ops-WMD-FCRM OPS West-Field ShrWest & Hereford EA Ops-WMD-FCRM OPS West-Field Worcs EA Ops-WMD-FCRM OPS West-Mgt EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS E-Asset Perf Bristol EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS E-Asset Perf South EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS E-Field Avon & Stour EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS E-Field Bristol EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS E-Field Frome & SW Dorset EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS E-Field Upper Avon EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS E-Mgt EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS W-Asset Perf N Somerset EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS W-Asset Perf S Somerset EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS W-Field Axe & N Somerset EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS W-Field Bawdrip EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS W-Field Brue EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS W-Field Parrett EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS W-Field Tone & W Somerset EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS W-Mgt EA Ops-WSX-FCRM OPS W-Supra Area MEICA EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS N&EY-Asset Perf D&E EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS N&EY-Asset Perf H&H EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS N&EY-Asset Perf SUNOW EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS N&EY-Field Derwent & Esk EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS N&EY-Field LH&H EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS N&EY-Field Ouse & Wharfe EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS N&EY-Field Swale Ure & Nidd EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS N&EY-Field Upper Hull EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS N&EY-Mgt EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS W&SY-Asset Perf LA&LD EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS W&SY-Asset Perf UA&CAL EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS W&SY-Asset Perf UD&RO EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS W&SY-Field Lower Aire EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS W&SY-Field Lower Don EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS W&SY-Field UA&C EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS W&SY-Field UD&R EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS W&SY-Mgt EA Ops-YOR-FCRM OPS-Supra Area MEICA GMMYCH - AP North KSL & HNL Midlands North East North West South West SSD & WT WTHMS - AP Lower Tribs WTHMS - AP Upper Tribs YORKS - AP catchment assets team (N&E) YORKS - AP catchment assets team (S&W)
AutoP15 InspectionNoFeature.Attribute.Name.DefaultFieldTeam16-01-2024
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Request changes
Default Field Team Email Address
The email address of the default Field team. Only applicable when one of the asset's purposes is Flood Risk Management.
Max Length: 500
AutoP15 InspectionNoFeature.Attribute.Name.DefaultFieldTeamEmailAddress16-01-2024
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Request changes
Default Geo Type
The default geographic feature type of the asset in AIMS OM
EA2P09 OperationsYesFeature.Attribute.Name.DefaultGeoType02-12-2022
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Request changes
A brief description of the asset and/or its construction type
Max Length: 400
EA2P09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.Description27-04-2021
View history
Request changes
EA Water Management Area
The Area the Asset is located in
Cumbria and Lancashire Devon Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly East Anglia East Midlands Greater Manchester Merseyside and Cheshire Hertfordshire and North London Kent South London and East Sussex Lincolnshire and Northamptonshire North East Solent and South Downs Thames Wessex West Midlands Yorkshire
EA7P09 OperationsYesFeature.Attribute.Name.EAWaterManagementArea27-04-2021
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Request changes
The easting of the asset's geographic location (British National Grid)
Max: 700,000.00
Min: 0.00
Number of decimal places: 2
Units: metres
EA7P15 InspectionYesFeature.Attribute.Name.Easting27-04-2021
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Request changes
End of Life Liabilities
How much an asset will eventually cost to decommission (e.g. how much it will cost to demolish or make safe, how much we would need to pay to get out of a signed maintenance agreement, etc)
Max: 9,999,999,999.00
Min: 0.00
Number of decimal places: 2
Units: pounds
EA7P09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.EndofLifeLiabilities27-04-2021
View history
Request changes
Exclude from External Publication
Should the asset be excluded from being shared publicly? E.g. if the values recorded are sensitive information, personal information or contact details.
BooleanEA7P06 SecurityYesFeature.Attribute.Name.ExcludefromExternalPublication17-07-2023
View history
Request changes
FCRM Strategically Important Asset (SIA)
Is the Asset an FCRM Strategically Important Asset?
BooleanEA7P09 OperationsYesFeature.Attribute.Name.FCRMStrategicallyImportantAssetSIA27-04-2021
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Request changes
FCRM Strategically Important Asset (SIA) Band
The banding of the SIA. Mandatory where FCRM Strategically Important Asset (SIA) = True
EA7P09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.FCRMStrategicallyImportantAssetSIABand27-04-2021
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Request changes
The name and code of the Flood Risk Management System covering the asset. Only applicable when one of the asset's purposes is Flood Risk Management.
Max Length: 50
AutoP09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.FRMS16-01-2024
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Request changes
The code of the Flood Risk Management System covering the asset. Only applicable when one of the asset's purposes is Flood Risk Management.
Max Length: 10
AutoP09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.FRMSCode16-01-2024
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Request changes
FRMS Consequence
A measure of the vulnerability of the FRMS to failures of assets, considering the time lag between failure and flooding occuring, and critical infrastructure that may be affected as well as houses. Only applicable when one of the asset's purposes is Flood Risk Management.
AutoP09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.FRMSConsequence16-01-2024
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Request changes
The name of the Flood Risk Management System covering the asset. Only applicable when one of the asset's purposes is Flood Risk Management.
Max Length: 37
AutoP09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.FRMSName16-01-2024
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Request changes
Honeypot Site
Is this a Honeypot site? (A Public Safety Site that attracts people, usually the public, who, due to their numbers, frequency, or activities, place pressure on the Control Measures in place to manage the hazards on site.)
BooleanEA3P09 OperationsYesFeature.Attribute.Name.HoneypotSite31-08-2021
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Request changes
Insp Freq PSRA Land/Water
The required frequency of Public Safety Risk Assessment (PSRA) inspection.
Max: 999,999,999
Min: 0
Number of decimal places: 0
Units: months
EA7P09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.InspFreqPSRALandWater17-10-2023
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Request changes
Inspection Unit (PSRA Land/Water)
The inspection unit reference for Public Safety Risk Assemessment (PSRA) inspection. Populated via a picklist in AIMS OM.
Max Length: 100
EA7P15 InspectionNoFeature.Attribute.Name.InspectionUnitPSRALandWater27-04-2021
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Request changes
Interested Party
The details for any parties that have a particular interest in the asset.
Set of linked fields for each interested party:
Party Type (Individial, Organisation), Party, Preferred Contact Method (Email, In Person, Mail, Phone, Text), Address, Post Code, Phone Number 1, Phone Number 2, Fax Number, E-Mail, Consent Obtained, Landowner?
LinkEA7P02 ComplianceNoFeature.Attribute.Name.InterestedParty27-04-2021
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Request changes
Internal Drainage Board (IDB)
The Internal Drainage Board within which the asset falls. System generated based on Spatial Lookup
Max Length: 100
AutoP02 ComplianceNoFeature.Attribute.Name.InternalDrainageBoardIDB27-04-2021
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Request changes
Key / Access Card Details
Details of the key or access card that is required to gain entry. Applicable where Key / Access Card Required = Yes
Max Length: 100
EA7P02 ComplianceNoFeature.Attribute.Name.KeyAccessCardDetails27-04-2021
View history
Request changes
Key / Access Card Required?
Is a key or access card required to gain entry?
Yes No
EA7P02 ComplianceNoFeature.Attribute.Name.KeyAccessCardRequired27-04-2021
View history
Request changes
KPI881 - Inspections - FCRM 2.3
Is the asset included in the KPI881 (Inspections) report?
BooleanEA7P02 ComplianceYesFeature.Attribute.Name.KPI881Inspections27-04-2021
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Request changes
KPI885 - Public Safety Sites
Is the asset included in the KPI885 (Public safety sites) report?
BooleanEA7P02 ComplianceYesFeature.Attribute.Name.KPI885PublicSafetySites27-04-2021
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Request changes
KPI962 - Maintaining above required condition - FCRM 1.3
Is the asset included in the KPI962 (Maintaining above required condition) report?
BooleanEA7P02 ComplianceYesFeature.Attribute.Name.KPI962Maintainingaboverequiredcondition27-04-2021
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Request changes
KPI965 - Conveyance - FCRM 2.8
Is the asset included in the KPI965 (Conveyance) report?
BooleanEA7P02 ComplianceYesFeature.Attribute.Name.KPI965Conveyance27-04-2021
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Request changes
KPI965 - Households at risk - FCRM 2.5
Is the asset included in the KPI965 (Households at risk) report?
BooleanEA7P02 ComplianceYesFeature.Attribute.Name.KPI965Householdsatrisk27-04-2021
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Request changes
KPI970 - Performance vs Engineering deadline - FCRM 2.6
Is the asset included in the KPI970 (Performance vs engineering deadline) report?
BooleanEA7P02 ComplianceYesFeature.Attribute.Name.KPI970PerformancevsEngineeringdeadline27-04-2021
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Request changes
Landowner Contact Required
Is contact with the landowner needed in order to gain entry?
Yes No
EA7P02 ComplianceNoFeature.Attribute.Name.LandownerContactRequired27-04-2021
View history
Request changes
The latitude of the asset's geographic location
Max: 56.000000
Min: 49.000000
Number of decimal places: 6
Units: degrees
AutoP09 OperationsYesFeature.Attribute.Name.Latitude27-04-2021
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Request changes
Legacy CMMS ID
The element's ID from the legacy CMMS system. Applicable where asset has MEICA maintained elements.
Max Length: 50
AutoP09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.LegacyCMMSID27-04-2021
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Request changes
Legacy MEICA Site / Asset Name
The element's legacy MEICA site or asset name. Applicable where asset has MEICA maintained elements.
Max Length: 100
AutoP09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.LegacyMEICASiteAssetName27-04-2021
View history
Request changes
LineString Type
The type of the Control LineString
Axial Crest Invert
EA2P08 ImpactsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.LineStringType27-04-2021
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Request changes
Local Authority
The local authority within which the asset falls. System generated based on Spatial Lookup
Max Length: 300
AutoP09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.LocalAuthority27-04-2021
View history
Request changes
The location of the asset, for example: nearest town and/or distance downstream of named bridge
Max Length: 400
EA2P09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.Location27-04-2021
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Request changes
The longitude of the asset's geographic location
Max: 2.000000
Min: -7.000000
Number of decimal places: 6
Units: degrees
AutoP09 OperationsYesFeature.Attribute.Name.Longitude27-04-2021
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Request changes
The organisation or private individual recognised to be the maintainer of the asset. The maintainer is the organisation or person who manages, and provides for, the maintenance of the asset but they may instruct others to carry out works on their behalf. This information is not mandatory if the asset is not maintained. This is a mandatory field where Not Maintained = No
Environment Agency Local Authority Internal Drainage Board Water Company Transport Authority Other Public Body Private Individual, Company or Charity Unknown
EA6P09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.Maintainer05-09-2022
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Request changes
Maintainer Date Change
The date the Maintainer was changed.
DateEA6P09 OperationsYesFeature.Attribute.Name.MaintainerDateChange18-12-2023
View history
Request changes
Maintainer Function
Department within Maintaining Organisation
Air Quality Analysis & Reporting Corporate Assets Environment Management FCRM Fisheries, Biodiversity and Geomorphology (FBG) Ground Water & Contaminated Land Hydrometry and Telemetry Navigation Water Quality Water Resources
EA7P09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.MaintainerFunction27-04-2021
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Request changes
Maintainer Reason for Change
The reason the Maintainer was changed.
Abandonment Handover Incorrectly Recorded New Asset Record
EA6P09 OperationsYesFeature.Attribute.Name.MaintainerReasonForChange18-12-2023
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Request changes
The manufacturer of the asset
Max Length: 50
EA4P09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.Manufacturer27-04-2021
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Request changes
MP Constituency
The parliamentary constituency within which the asset falls. System generated based on Spatial Lookup
Max Length: 300
AutoP09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.MPConstituency27-04-2021
View history
Request changes
National Grid Reference. Will be populated by a spatial lookup
Max Length: 12
AutoP09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.NGR27-04-2021
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Request changes
No PSRA Control Measures Comment
Comment about why no PSRA control measures are present. Mandatory when No PSRA Control Meaures Present = True
Max Length: 2000
EA7P09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.NoPSRAControlMeasuresComment27-04-2021
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Request changes
No PSRA Control Measures Present
Are no PSRA control measures present?
BooleanEA7P09 OperationsYesFeature.Attribute.Name.NoPSRAControlMeasuresPresent27-04-2021
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Request changes
The northing of the asset's geographic location (British National Grid)
Max: 700,000.00
Min: 0.00
Number of decimal places: 2
Units: metres
EA7P09 OperationsYesFeature.Attribute.Name.Northing27-04-2021
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Request changes
Operational Area
The asset's Operational Area. Only applicable when one of the asset's purposes is Flood Risk Management.
AutoP09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.OperationalArea16-01-2024
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Request changes
The organisation or private individual recognised to be the operator of the asset
Environment Agency Local Authority Internal Drainage Board Water Company Transport Authority Other Public Body Private Individual, Company or Charity Unknown
EA6P09 OperationsYesFeature.Attribute.Name.Operator27-04-2021

Picklist edited 05-09-2022

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Request changes
Operator Date Change
The date the Operator was changed.
DateEA6P09 OperationsYesFeature.Attribute.Name.OperatorDateChange18-12-2023
View history
Request changes
Operator Function
Department of Operator
Air Quality Analysis & Reporting Corporate Assets Environment Management FCRM Fisheries, Biodiversity and Geomorphology (FBG) Ground Water & Contaminated Land Hydrometry and Telemetry Navigation Water Quality Water Resources
EA7P09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.OperatorFunction27-04-2021
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Request changes
Operator Reason for Change
The reason the Operator was changed.
Abandonment Handover Incorrectly Recorded New Asset Record
EA6P09 OperationsYesFeature.Attribute.Name.OperatorReasonForChange18-12-2023
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Request changes
The organisation or private individual known to be the owner of the asset
Environment Agency Local Authority Internal Drainage Board Water Company Transport Authority Other Public Body Private Individual, Company or Charity Unknown
EA6P09 OperationsYesFeature.Attribute.Name.Owner27-04-2021

Picklist edited 05-09-2022

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Request changes
Owner Date Change
The date the Owner was changed.
DateEA6P09 OperationsYesFeature.Attribute.Name.OwnerDateChange18-12-2023
View history
Request changes
Owner Function
The Department within the Organisation with Owner responsibility
Air Quality Analysis & Reporting Corporate Assets Environment Management FCRM Fisheries, Biodiversity and Geomorphology (FBG) Ground Water & Contaminated Land Hydrometry and Telemetry Navigation Water Quality Water Resources
EA6P09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.OwnerFunction27-04-2021
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Request changes
Owner Reason for Change
The reason the Owner was changed.
Incorrectly Recorded New Asset Record Sale
EA6P09 OperationsYesFeature.Attribute.Name.OwnerReasonForChange18-12-2023
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Request changes
Parish Council
The parish council within which the asset falls. System generated based on Spatial Lookup
Max Length: 200
AutoP09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.ParishCouncil27-04-2021
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Request changes
A photograph or image related to the asset.
PhotoEA4P09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.Photo17-07-2023
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Request changes
Post Code
The postcode within which the asset falls. System generated based on Spatial Lookup
Max Length: 15
AutoP09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.PostCode27-04-2021
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Primary Purpose
The main purpose of the asset, i.e. the reason it was constructed (a natural asset may have an asset management purpose)
Business Support Conservation Environment Management Erosion Protection Fisheries Flood Risk Management Health and Safety Highways Legal / Statutory Leisure and Amenity Navigation Pollution Control Water Level Management Water Resources
EA2P09 OperationsYesFeature.Attribute.Name.PrimaryPurpose27-04-2021

Picklist edited 14-06-2021

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PSRA Outcome
Calculated from last completed PSRA Inspection (Land/Water)
Fail Pass
EA7P09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.PSRAOutcome19-06-2024
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PSRA Risk Rating Date
The date the PSRA Risk Rating was assessed
DateEA7P09 OperationsYesFeature.Attribute.Name.PSRARiskRatingDate27-04-2021
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PSRA Underlying Risk
The Risk Rating of the site determined by the Public Safety Risk Assessment
Archived High Low Medium N/A
EA7P09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.PSRAUnderlyingRisk27-04-2021
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Reason for Asset Discontinued
The reason the asset has been marked as Discontinued. Only applicable when Asset Status = Discontinued.
Asset replaced Demolition Other Withholding repair following failure
EA7P09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.ReasonForAssetDiscontinued26-02-2024
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Regional Flood & Coastal Committee (RFCC)
The Regional Flood & Coastal Committee within which the asset falls. System generated based on Spatial Lookup
Max Length: 50
AutoP09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.RegionalFloodCoastalCommitteeRFCC27-04-2021
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Replacement Cost
How much would the Asset cost to completely replace?
Max: 9,999,999,999.00
Min: 0.00
Number of decimal places: 2
Units: pounds
EA6P08 ImpactsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.ReplacementCost27-04-2021
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Replacement Cost Assessment Date
The date the replacement cost of the asset was assessed
DateEA6P08 ImpactsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.ReplacementCostDate27-04-2021
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Residual Life
The estimated residual life of the asset
Max: 100
Min: 0
Number of decimal places: 0
Units: years
EA6P09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.ResidualLife27-04-2021
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Residual Life Date
The date the residual life was assessed
DateEA6P09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.ResidualLifeDate27-04-2021
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Responsibility Split - Organisation
An organisation that has shared responsibility for the asset. Multiple options can be made
Environment Agency Local Authority Internal Drainage Board Water Company Transport Authority Other Public Body Private Individual, Company or Charity Unknown
EA6P09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.ResponsibilitySplitOrganisation27-04-2021

Picklist edited 05-09-2022

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Responsibility Split - Organisation Function
The department within the organisation with shared responsibility
Air Quality Analysis & Reporting Corporate Assets Environment Management FCRM Fisheries, Biodiversity and Geomorphology (FBG) Ground Water & Contaminated Land Hydrometry and Telemetry Navigation Water Quality Water Resources
EA6P09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.ResponsibilitySplitOrganisationFunction27-04-2021
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Responsibility Split - Percentage Split
The percentage of the organisation's responsibility for the asset. All values must total 100%
Max: 99
Min: 0
Number of decimal places: 0
Units: %
EA6P09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.ResponsibilitySplitPercentageSplit27-04-2021
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Schedule Date
The scheduled date of the inspection or assessment.
DateEA6P15 InspectionYesFeature.Attribute.Name.ScheduleDate27-04-2021
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SIA Contingency Document Link
The link to the SIA contingency document. Applicable only where FCRM Strategically Important Asset (SIA) = True and SIA Contingency Plans in Place = True
LinkEA7P08 ImpactsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.SIAContingencyDocumentLink27-04-2021
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SIA Contingency Plans in Place
Are SIA contingency plans in place? Applicable only where FCRM Strategically Important Asset (SIA) = True
BooleanEA7P08 ImpactsYesFeature.Attribute.Name.SIAContingencyPlansInPlace19-06-2024
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SIA Reason for Submission
The reason for the SIA submission. Mandatory where FCRM Strategically Important Asset (SIA) = True
Max Length: 2000
EA7P08 ImpactsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.SIAReasonforSubmission27-04-2021
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Spatial Quality
The data quality flag for the spatial position of the asset
1 - Good 2 - Adequate 3 - Suspect 4 - Poor 5 - Missing 6 - Unchecked
EA7P09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.SpatialQuality27-04-2021
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The supplier of the asset
Max Length: 50
EA4P09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.Supplier27-04-2021
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Unknown or Not Maintained
Is the asset not maintained?
BooleanEA7P09 OperationsYesFeature.Attribute.Name.UnknownorNotMaintained27-04-2021
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Water Course Details Set By User
Were the Watercourse details set by the user?
BooleanEA6P15 InspectionYesFeature.Attribute.Name.WaterCourseDetailsSetByUser27-04-2021
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Water Course GML ID
The GML ID of the Watercourse where the Asset is located
Max Length: 50
EA6P09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.WaterCourseGMLID27-04-2021
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Water Course Valid From
The date that the watercourse was recorded, established, constructed or classified as main river
Max Length: 50
EA6P09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.WaterCourseValidFrom27-04-2021
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Watercourse Alt Name
An alternative name of the Watercourse where the Asset is located. Automatically populated in AIMS OM based on a geographic lookup.
Max Length: 200
AutoP09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.WatercourseAltName19-06-2024
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Watercourse Name
The name of the Watercourse where the Asset is located. Automatically populated in AIMS OM based on a geographic lookup.
Max Length: 200
AutoP09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.WatercourseName19-06-2024
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WFD Waterbody ID
The ID of the Water Framework Directive waterbody within which the asset falls. System generated based on Spatial Lookup
Max Length: 50
AutoP09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.WFDWaterbodyID27-04-2021
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WFD Waterbody Name
The name of the Water Framework Directive waterbody within which the asset falls. System generated based on Spatial Lookup
Max Length: 50
AutoP09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.WFDWaterbodyName27-04-2021
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Year Last Refurbished
The year the asset was last refurbished
Max: 2,999
Min: 1,900
Number of decimal places: 0
EA6P09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.YearLastRefurbished27-04-2021
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