Viewing latest data (updated 19/06/2024 14:03)

Request changes for Type of Borehole

AttributeFormat DetailsDeliveryPurposeMandatorygeoCOBie Mapping
Type of Borehole
The type of borehole. Can select multiple options
Abstraction Licensing (Consenting) Active WIMS Site CAMS Climate Change Drought Management Flood Risk Management Groundwater (Req Surv) Groundwater Model Calibration Groundwater Network Coverage Groundwater Resource Assessment GW Chemistry Network Data Record Habitats Directive Inactive WIMS Site Inactive WISKI Site Incident Response Local Investigations NERC (BGS/CEH) Index Well Network monitoring Nitrate Observation (B/h) Other Planned Operational Monitoring River Augmentation Scheme RSA Water Framework Directive Water Protection Zone Consent Order Water Situation Report WFD (2nd Cycle) WFD (Investigation)
EA3P09 OperationsYesFeature.Attribute.Name.TypeOfBorehole