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Water quality data archive

This data is updated regularly

The data is updated within two working days of a new sample being added. We also do a complete data refresh each month which may include corrections to earlier data.

The data was last updated on 22 September 2024 and the latest complete refresh was on 17 September 2024

About this service

The Water Quality Archive provides data on water quality measurements. Samples are taken at sampling points around England and can be from coastal or estuarine waters, rivers, lakes, ponds, canals or groundwaters. They are taken for a number of purposes including compliance assessment against discharge permits, investigation of pollution incidents or environmental monitoring. The archive provides data on measurements and samples dating from 2000.

Only complete samples, where all analyses have been completed, are included. Currently the dataset does not include all groundwater or third party data. In addition, where measurement results are reported as text, we are currently unable to display the results due to size limitations. Examples where this may happen are for some location data at default sampling sites and gas chromatography mass spectroscopy or metals scans. These results are available on request. Data may also be subject to change after publication.


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Documentation on the structure of data in this archive, and the meanings of the terms used.


Explore the data to find water sampling points at a particular location and their associated data.