Element of Fish Cage

Netting and Non-Reinforcement Mesh

Open-meshed material for the creation of a barrier, either in the water or on the land.



An attribute is a particular piece of data that describes a property of an object. Each Element Type is described by a different set of attributes, although there are some attributes that are common to many Element Types.

The table below lists the attributes that are applicable to this Element Type, along with the data profile requirements for each attribute and details of when and how each should be used and delivered.

AttributeFormat DetailsDeliveryPurposeMandatorygeoCOBie MappingUpdates
Business Function
The Business Function that is responsible for the element
Air Quality Analysis & Reporting Corporate Assets Environment Management FCRM Fisheries, Biodiversity and Geomorphology (FBG) Ground Water & Contaminated Land Hydrometry and Telemetry Navigation Water Quality Water Resources
EA6P09 OperationsYesComponent.Attribute.Name.BusinessFunction19-06-2024
Other comments about the element
Max Length: 2000
EA2P09 OperationsNoComponent.Attribute.Name.Comments19-06-2024
The condition grade of the element
0 - Unchecked 1 - Very Good 2 - Good 3 - Fair 4 - Poor 5 - Very Poor
EA6P09 OperationsNoComponent.Attribute.Name.Condition19-06-2024
Edge LineString 1
A spatial lineString locating the exposed edge or spatial feature of an element further classified by the associated LineStringType attribute. Edge lineStrings may be singular (Edge LineString1) required in all cases, or paired (Edge LineString 1 and 2); the second may not be required indicated by 'n/a'. A lineString is a series of design or measured spatial triple points (easting, northing, elevation) each connected by a single non-crossing line, with single points at each end, that locate an element. A lineString is expressed as a JSON array of type geoJSON lineString, e.g. [[x1,y1,z1],[x2,y2,z2],...] It is further classified by the associated LineStringType attribute confirming its relative location to the element. Interim points should be spaced at a maximum of 2m for lines < 10m in length, or 10m otherwise. The default CRS is a 3D CRS to EPSG 7405 with confirmed type, European reference frame and UK OS transformation with geoCOBie Unit of 'LineString:EPSG7405:ETRS89:OSTN15:OSGM15'
Units: LineString:EPSG7405:ETRS89:OSTN15:OSGM15
EA2P09 OperationsNoComponent.Attribute.Name.EdgeLineString119-06-2024
Edge LineString 2
A spatial lineString locating the landward edge or spatial feature of an element further classified by the associated LineStringType attribute. Edge lineStrings may be singular (Edge LineString1) required in all cases, or paired (Edge LineString 1 and 2); the second may not be required indicated by 'n/a'. A lineString is a series of design or measured spatial triple points (easting, northing, elevation) each connected by a single non-crossing line, with single points at each end, that locate an element. A lineString is expressed as a JSON array of type geoJSON lineString, e.g. [[x1,y1,z1],[x2,y2,z2],...] It is further classified by the associated LineStringType attribute confirming its relative location to the element. Interim points should be spaced at a maximum of 2m for lines < 10m in length, or 10m otherwise. The default CRS is a 3D CRS to EPSG 7405 with confirmed type, European reference frame and UK OS transformation with geoCOBie Unit of 'LineString:EPSG7405:ETRS89:OSTN15:OSGM15'
Units: LineString:EPSG7405:ETRS89:OSTN15:OSGM15
EA2P09 OperationsNoComponent.Attribute.Name.EdgeLineString219-06-2024
Element Description
Description of element if required
Max Length: 400
EA2P09 OperationsNoComponent.Attribute.Name.ElementDescription19-06-2024
Element ID
The Element ID from the AIMS OM system, if known.
Max Length: 200
EA6P01 RegistrationYesComponent.Attribute.Name.ElementID19-06-2024
Element Location
Location of element, control measure or tree(s)
Max Length: 200
EA2P09 OperationsNoComponent.Attribute.Name.ElementLocation19-06-2024
Element Name
The name of the element if it has one
Max Length: 550
EA2P09 OperationsNoComponent.Attribute.Name.ElementName19-06-2024
Element Ref
Unique element reference code in scheme context assigned by scheme designer, e.g. NET0123
Element code NET + sequence number
EA2P01 RegistrationNoComponent.Attribute.Name.ElementRef19-06-2024
Element Sequence
The place in the sequential order of the elements
Max: 100
Min: 0
Number of decimal places: 0
EA3P09 OperationsNoComponent.Attribute.Name.ElementSequence19-06-2024
Element Type
The type of element
Netting and Non-Reinforcement Mesh
EA2P01 RegistrationNoComponent.Attribute.Name.ElementType19-06-2024
FCRM Default Element Weighting
The default weighting for this element type. Only applicable where the element is maintained by Flood and Coastal Risk Management (FCRM)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
AutoP09 OperationsNoComponent.Attribute.Name.FCRMDefaultElementWeighting19-06-2024
FCRM Element Weighting
The weighting of the individual element. The value will be the 'default' weighting predefined for the element type, or if FCRM Use Variant Weighting = True, then the value will be the 'variant' weighting predefined for the element type. Only applicable where the element is maintained by Flood and Coastal Risk Management (FCRM)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
AutoP09 OperationsNoComponent.Attribute.Name.FCRMElementWeighting19-06-2024
FCRM Use Variant Weighting
Has the weighting value been amended using the variant from the asset element record? Only applicable where the element is maintained by Flood and Coastal Risk Management (FCRM)
BooleanEA6P09 OperationsYesComponent.Attribute.Name.FCRMUseVariantWeighting19-06-2024
FCRM Variant Element Weighting
The variant weighting for this element type. Only applicable where the element is maintained by Flood and Coastal Risk Management (FCRM)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
AutoP09 OperationsNoComponent.Attribute.Name.FCRMVariantElementWeighting19-06-2024
LineString 1 Type
The type of Edge LineString 1
Axial Crest Invert
EA2P09 OperationsNoComponent.Attribute.Name.LineString1Type19-06-2024
LineString 2 Type
The type of Edge LineString 2
Axial Crest Invert
EA2P09 OperationsNoComponent.Attribute.Name.LineString2Type19-06-2024
The material of the element
Ferrous Metal - Cast Steel Ferrous Metal - Corrugated/Armco Ferrous Metal - Galvanised Steel Ferrous Metal - Iron Ferrous Metal - Mild Steel Ferrous Metal - Other (describe) Ferrous Metal - Stainless Steel Ferrous Metal - Wire Mesh Non-ferrous Metal - Aluminium Non-ferrous Metal - Copper Non-ferrous Metal - Lead Non-ferrous Metal - Other (describe) Non-ferrous Metal - Zinc Plastic - GRP (Glass Reinforced Plastic) Plastic - HDPE (High-density polyethylene) Plastic - LDPE (Low-density polyethylene) Plastic - Other (describe) Plastic - Perspex Acrylic Plastic - PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) Other Material (describe)
EA3P09 OperationsYesComponent.Attribute.Name.Material19-06-2024
Material Description
A description of the element's material. Only applicable where Material = Concrete - Other, Ferrous Metal - Other, Masonry - Other, Non-ferrous Metal - Other, Other Material, Plastic - Other, or Timber - Other
Max Length: 100
EA3P09 OperationsNoComponent.Attribute.Name.MaterialDescription19-06-2024
Navigation Default Element Weighting
The default weighting for this element type. Only applicable where the element is maintained by Navigation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
AutoP09 OperationsNoComponent.Attribute.Name.NavigationDefaultElementWeighting19-06-2024
Navigation Element Weighting
The weighting of the individual element. The value will be the 'default' weighting predefined for the element type, or if Navigation Use Variant Weighting = True, then the value will be the 'variant' weighting predefined for the element type. Only applicable where the element is maintained by Navigation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
AutoP09 OperationsNoComponent.Attribute.Name.NavigationElementWeighting19-06-2024
Navigation Use Variant Weighting
Has the weighting value been amended using the variant from the asset element record? Only applicable where the element is maintained by Navigation
BooleanEA6P09 OperationsYesComponent.Attribute.Name.NavigationUseVariantWeighting19-06-2024
Navigation Variant Element Weighting
The variant weighting for this element type. Only applicable where the element is maintained by Navigation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
AutoP09 OperationsNoComponent.Attribute.Name.NavigationVariantElementWeighting19-06-2024
Parent Asset Ref
The Asset Reference of the parent asset that this element is part of, e.g. TC0123
Asset code TC + sequence number
EA2P09 OperationsNoComponent.Attribute.Name.ParentAssetRef19-06-2024
A photograph or image related to the element.
PhotoEA4P09 OperationsNoComponent.Attribute.Name.Photo19-06-2024
WLB Default Element Weighting
The default weighting for this element type. Only applicable where the element is maintained by Water, Land and Biodiversity (WLB)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
AutoP09 OperationsNoComponent.Attribute.Name.WLBDefaultElementWeighting19-06-2024
WLB Element Weighting
The weighting of the individual element. The value will be the 'default' weighting predefined for the element type, or if WLB Use Variant Weighting = True, then the value will be the 'variant' weighting predefined for the element type. Only applicable where the element is maintained by Water, Land and Biodiversity (WLB)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
AutoP09 OperationsNoComponent.Attribute.Name.WLBElementWeighting19-06-2024
WLB Use Variant Weighting
Has the weighting value been amended using the variant from the asset element record? Only applicable where the element is maintained by Water, Land and Biodiversity (WLB)
BooleanEA6P09 OperationsYesComponent.Attribute.Name.WLBUseVariantWeighting19-06-2024
WLB Variant Element Weighting
The variant weighting for this element type. Only applicable where the element is maintained by Water, Land and Biodiversity (WLB)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
AutoP09 OperationsNoComponent.Attribute.Name.WLBVariantElementWeighting19-06-2024
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