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History of Demountable Defence

Asset TypeDescriptionLong Description Changed?Asset CodeUniclass 2015Geometry TypeUpdates
Demountable DefenceA temporary defence that is brought to, or stored on, site and erected when necessary to form a flood defence.NoDMSs_25_95_3025-02-2020
Demountable DefenceA temporary defence that is brought to, or stored on, site and erected when necessary to form a flood defence.YesDMSs_25_95_3005-05-2020
Demountable DefenceA temporary defence that is brought to, or stored on, site and erected when necessary to form a flood defence.NoDMSs_25_95_3027-04-2021
Demountable DefenceSections of flood defence that are removable (e.g. for visual amenity or access reasons).YesDMSs_25_95_3027-04-2021
Demountable DefenceSections of flood defence that are removable (e.g. for visual amenity or access reasons).YesDMSs_25_95_3017-05-2021
Demountable DefenceSections of flood defence that are removable (e.g. for visual amenity or access reasons).YesDMSs_25_95_3005-09-2022
Demountable DefenceSections of flood defence that are removable (e.g. for visual amenity or access reasons).YesDMSs_25_95_3002-12-2022
Demountable DefenceSections of flood defence that are removable (e.g. for visual amenity or access reasons). The removable sections must be designed to fit, and be used in, one particular location/site. There will usually be fixings on site, such as holes to bolt posts into or slots in flood walls for flood boards to fit into. This includes flood boards in doorways/driveways that formally form part of the line of defence.
Mobile temporary barriers which can be deployed in multiple locations and are not site-specific are NOT included in this asset type.
Demountable DefenceSections of flood defence that are removable (e.g. for visual amenity or access reasons). The removable sections must be designed to fit, and be used in, one particular location/site. There will usually be fixings on site, such as holes to bolt posts into or slots in flood walls for flood boards to fit into. This includes flood boards in doorways/driveways that formally form part of the line of defence.
Mobile temporary barriers which can be deployed in multiple locations and are not site-specific are NOT included in this asset type.
Demountable DefenceSections of flood defence that are removable (e.g. for visual amenity or access reasons). The removable sections must be designed to fit, and be used in, one particular location/site. There will usually be fixings on site, such as holes to bolt posts into or slots in flood walls for flood boards to fit into. This includes flood boards in doorways/driveways that formally form part of the line of defence.
Mobile temporary barriers which can be deployed in multiple locations and are not site-specific are NOT included in this asset type.