Viewing latest data (updated 19/06/2024 14:03)

History of Hole in gate for fish passage?

AttributeFormat DetailsDeliveryPurposeMandatorygeoCOBie MappingUpdates
Hole in gate for fish passage?
Is there a hole in the gate to enable fish passage?
Yes No
EA3P09 OperationsNoComponent.Attribute.Name.HoleInGateForFishPassage26-02-2024
Hole in gate for fish passage?
Is there a hole in the gate to enable fish passage?
Yes No
EA3P09 OperationsNoComponent.Attribute.Name.HoleInGateForFishPassage26-02-2024
Hole in gate for fish passage?
Is there a hole in the gate to enable fish passage?
Yes No
EA3P09 OperationsNoComponent.Attribute.Name.HoleInGateForFishPassage26-02-2024
Hole in gate for fish passage?
Is there a hole in the gate to enable fish passage?
Yes No
EA3P09 OperationsNoComponent.Attribute.Name.HoleInGateForFishPassage26-02-2024
Hole in gate for fish passage?
Is there a hole in the gate to enable fish passage?
Yes No
EA3P09 OperationsNoComponent.Attribute.Name.HoleInGateForFishPassage26-02-2024
Hole in gate for fish passage?
Is there a hole in the gate to enable fish passage?
Yes No
EA3P09 OperationsNoComponent.Attribute.Name.HoleInGateForFishPassage26-02-2024
Hole in gate for fish passage?
Is there a hole in the gate to enable fish passage?
Yes No
EA3P09 OperationsNoComponent.Attribute.Name.HoleInGateForFishPassage26-02-2024
Hole in gate for fish passage?
Is there a hole in the gate to enable fish passage?
Yes No
EA3P09 OperationsNoComponent.Attribute.Name.HoleInGateForFishPassage26-02-2024