Viewing latest data (updated 19/06/2024 14:03)

History of Asset Length

AttributeFormat DetailsDeliveryPurposeMandatorygeoCOBie MappingUpdates
Asset Length
The length of the asset
Max: 10,000.00
Min: 0.00
Number of decimal places: 2
Units: metres
EA3P01 RegistrationNoFeature.Attribute.Name.AssetLength17-10-2023
Asset Length
The length of the Fish Pass measured from the point at which fish enter the pass (downstream) to the point at which they leave it (upstream).
Max: 10,000.00
Min: 0.00
Number of decimal places: 2
Units: metres
EA3P01 RegistrationNoFeature.Attribute.Name.AssetLength26-02-2024