Viewing latest data (updated 28/08/2024 17:00)

History of Inspection Chamber

Asset TypeDescriptionLong Description Changed?Asset CodeUniclass 2015Geometry TypeUpdates
Inspection ChamberA means of inspecting a structure.NoSNSs_50_30_0625-02-2020
Inspection ChamberA means of inspecting a structure.YesSNSs_50_30_0605-05-2020
Inspection ChamberA means of inspecting a structure.NoSNSs_50_30_0627-04-2021
Inspection ChamberAn opening to a confined space such as a culverted watercourse or underground services, providing access for testing, inspecting, maintaining and clearing blockages.YesSNPr_65_52_0127-04-2021
Inspection ChamberAn opening to a confined space such as a culverted watercourse or underground services, providing access for testing, inspecting, maintaining and clearing blockages.YesSNPr_65_52_0117-05-2021
Inspection ChamberAn opening to a confined space such as a culverted watercourse or underground services, providing access for testing, inspecting, maintaining and clearing blockages.YesSNPr_65_52_0105-09-2022
Inspection ChamberAn opening to a confined space such as a culverted watercourse or underground services, providing access for testing, inspecting, maintaining and clearing blockages.YesSNPr_65_52_0111-04-2023
Inspection ChamberAn opening to a confined space such as a culverted watercourse or underground services, providing access for testing, inspecting, maintaining and clearing blockages.YesSNPr_65_52_01Point21-11-2023