Viewing latest data (updated 28/08/2024 17:00)

History of Insp Freq PUWER

AttributeFormat DetailsDeliveryPurposeMandatorygeoCOBie MappingUpdates
Insp Freq PUWER
The required frequency of Provisions of Use and Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) inspection. Only applicable when MEICA Elements Present = True.
Max: 999,999,999
Min: 0
Number of decimal places: 0
EA7P15 InspectionNoFeature.Attribute.Name.InspFreqPUWER02-12-2022
Insp Freq PUWER
The required frequency of Provisions of Use and Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) inspection. Only applicable when MEICA Elements Present = True.
Max: 999,999,999
Min: 0
Number of decimal places: 0
Units: months
EA7P15 InspectionNoFeature.Attribute.Name.InspFreqPUWER17-10-2023