Viewing latest data (updated 19/06/2024 14:03)

Request changes for Eel Pass Type

AttributeFormat DetailsDeliveryPurposeMandatorygeoCOBie Mapping
Eel Pass Type
The type of Eel Pass. Only applicable when Fish Class Type = Eel Pass.
Bristle substrate cassette eel pass systems Bristle substrate channel eel pass systems Bristle substrate recessed eel pass systems Bristle substrate tilting weir eel pass systems Combined substrate eel pass systems Netting substrate eel pass systems Peg substrate cassette eel pass systems Peg substrate channel eel pass systems Peg substrate recessed eel pass systems Rope eel pass systems Textured substrate eel pass systems Bristle substrate pumped eel pass systems Combined substrate pumped eel pass systems Peg substrate pumped eel pass systems Textured substrate pumped eel pass systems
EA3P09 OperationsNoFeature.Attribute.Name.EelPassType