Viewing latest data (updated 26/07/2024 09:17)

Request changes for Bounding Box

AttributeFormat DetailsDeliveryPurposeMandatorygeoCOBie Mapping
Bounding Box
A geospatial orthogonal bounding box cube containing the extent of the asset. This is to be expressed as a JSON lineString: [[lower left point easting,lower left point northing,lowest point elevation],[upper right point easting,upper right point northing,highest point elevation]] of the cube with geoCOBie Unit of 'bbox:EPSG7405:ETRS89:OSTN15:OSGM15'
Units: bbox:EPSG7405:ETRS89:OSTN15:OSGM15
EA2P01 RegistrationNoFeature.Attribute.Name.BoundingBox