
The most recent classification is , based on samples taken from through to .

The bathing water that you have searched for has been de-designated.

Please use our search tool to see water quality information for currently designated bathing waters.


Advice against bathing



Here you can see the recent results from water quality assessments under the Bathing Water Directive. For historical measurements, view the detailed water quality data.

Water quality

Most recent sample

Site details

Local authority
Bathing water controller
Year of designation:
Water sampling point location lat, long: ,
easting, northing:
Map links Google Maps, Bing Maps, OpenStreetMap
Nearby bathing waters

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  • map marker Bathing water sampling location

Water quality sample results

No water quality samples have yet been collected at this newly-designated bathing water.

See the help page for additional information on interpreting these charts.

Intestinal Enterococci (IE)

Escherichia coli (EC)

  • map marker Bathing water sampling location
  • catchment boundary Surface water catchment boundary