Macrophytes and Phytobenthos Combined RNAG in Holton Brook and tributaries

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RNAG in Holton Brook and tributaries with macrophytes and phytobenthos combined classification element

Cycle 3

IDSWMISWMI certaintyActivityActivity certaintyCategoryCategory certaintyBusiness sectorClassification element
549201Physical modificationSuspectedLand use - arableSuspectedAgriculture and rural land managementSuspectedAgriculture - ArableMacrophytes and Phytobenthos Combined
549200Diffuse sourceProbablePoor nutrient managementProbableAgriculture and rural land managementProbableAgriculture - ArableMacrophytes and Phytobenthos Combined
549199Point sourceConfirmedSewage discharge (continuous)ConfirmedWater IndustryConfirmedOther (not in list)Macrophytes and Phytobenthos Combined
