Godalming Lower Greensand Operational Catchment
Water bodies
There are 1 water bodies in this operational catchment.
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The Godalming Lower Greensand (LGS) Groundwater Body (GWB) resides in the sands and sandstones that outcrop over 350 sq. km of Surrey and NE Hampshire. These sandy deposits, of Lower Cretaceous age, form large areas of heathland, woodland and relatively poor agricultural land. Drainage is generally good, except where the more clayey Sandgate Formation outcrops. The LGS comprises two main aquifer units: a basal aquifer incorporating the Hythe and Bargate Formations, and a younger aquifer that is the uppermost and youngest member of the LGS Group, the Folkestone Formation. The LGS Group as a whole (and the Godalming LGS GWB) lies between the Weald Clay and the Gault Clay aquicludes. The northern boundary of the LGS outcrop is influenced by a strong east-west lineation. It stretches roughly between Farnham and Dorking and is associated with the North Downs scarp and the Hog’s Back fault monoclinal structure.