North West River Basin District


The North West river basin district covers approximately 13,200km2. It extends from Cumbria in the north and includes parts of Staffordshire to the south, parts of North Yorkshire in the east and Merseyside to the west. In total, nearly 7 million people live and work in the North West and the district includes large urban areas such as Liverpool and Manchester. The North West river basin district has a rich diversity of wildlife and habitats, supporting many species of global and national importance. These include migratory salmon rivers with native white clawed crayfish and pearl mussel populations and lakes containing the Arctic char and the rare vendace. The management catchments that make up the river basin district include many interconnected rivers, lakes, groundwater and coastal waters. These catchments include, for example, lakes and rivers in the Lake District and significant sandstone aquifers used for public water abstraction. Around 80% of the river basin district is rural, with the majority of land being used for agriculture. Livestock farming is the most common rural land use, which has shaped much of the landscape. The Lake District and Lancashire coast are tourism centres and make a significant contribution to the local economy.

Aerial photograph of scenery in the Lake District

Classifications data for North West River Basin District

Number of water bodies

The number of water bodies in the river basin district. It shows whether these are natural, artificial (such as canals and reservoirs) or have been modified ('heavily modified') for particular uses.

Water body categoriesNaturalArtificialHeavily modifiedTotal
River, canals and surface water transfers26025153438

Ecological status for surface waters

Table summarises the current ecological status of surface water bodies. Water bodies are classified as being at high, good, moderate, poor or bad ecological status or potential.

Ecological status or potentialBadPoorModerateGoodHighTotal
Number of water bodies17613901301599
Number of water body elements8828665677832685076

Chemical status for surface waters

Table summarises the current chemical status of water bodies. These are classified as being at good or fail.

Chemical statusFailGoodTotal
Number of water bodies5990599
Number of water body elements148068618341

Why do all water bodies have a chemical status of fail?

Quantitative status for groundwater

Table summarises the quantitative status of groundwater water bodies. These are classified as being at good or poor.

Quantitative statusPoorGoodTotal
Number of water bodies51318
Number of water body elements56772

Chemical status for groundwater

Table summarises the chemical status of groundwater water bodies. These are classified as being at good or poor.

Chemical statusPoorGoodTotal
Number of water bodies10818
Number of water body elements167490

Challenges data for North West River Basin District

Reasons for not achieving good status by business sector

The issues preventing waters reaching good status and the sectors identified as contributing to them. The numbers in the table are individual counts of the reasons for not achieving good status with a confidence status of 'confirmed' and 'probable', where the latest classification is less than good status. There may be more than one reason in a single water body. Note, table does not include reasons for deterioration.

Significant water management issueChanges to the natural flow and level of waterInvasive non-native speciesPhysical modificationsPollution from abandoned minesPollution from rural areasPollution from towns, cities and transportPollution from waste water
Agriculture and rural land management1018075310
Domestic general public000007314
Local & central government00760000
Mining and quarrying00121000
No sector responsible0300000
Sector under investigation001340000
Urban and transport001010010318
Waste treatment and disposal0000011
Water Industry4053004314

Objectives data for North West River Basin District

Ecological status or potential objectives for surface water bodies

Table summarises the ecological status and ecological potential objectives set for water bodies in the river basin management plan. Each water body is only counted once in this table. Each water body objective consists of a target status and a date when it was, or is expected to be, met.

By 201511421310175
By 202100428032
By 202702193710392

389 of the "by 2027" objectives are low confidence

Chemical status objectives for surface water bodies

Including those with less stringent objectives and extended deadlines

By 20630598598

0 of the "by 2027" objectives are low confidence

Quantitative status objectives for groundwater

Including those with less stringent objectives and extended deadlines

By 201501414
By 2021011
By 2027033

3 of the "by 2027" objectives are low confidence

Chemical status objectives for groundwater

Including those with less stringent objectives and extended deadlines

By 2015167
By 2021033
By 2027088

8 of the "by 2027" objectives are low confidence

Protected Areas data for North West River Basin District

Drinking water protected areas current status and at risk

Water body typeNumber of drinking water protected areasNumber ‘at risk’Number at poor chemical status for drinking water protected area objectives
Surface water11760Does not apply to surface waters

Shellfish water protected areas current status and objectives

Number of shellfish watersObjectiveNumber currently achieving standardNumber not sampled due to lack of commercial activity
10Endeavour to observe the Shellfish Directions standard of ≤300 E.coli/100ml shellfish flesh and intravalvular liquid12

Bathing water protected areas current status and objectives

Number of bathing watersObjectiveNumber which met at least the sufficient classification in 2021Number expected to achieve at least sufficient in 2022Number at risk of not achieving sufficient in 2022
28At least sufficient classification28217

There are 0 unassessed bathing waters

Nutrient sensitive areas (nitrate vulnerable zones)

Reason for designationNumber of NVZsLand area (ha) covered by NVZ type% of river basin district covered by NVZ type
High nitrates in surface waters22292,14422
Eutrophication in lakes or reservoirs89,3391
High nitrates in groundwater1220,3202

Nutrient sensitive areas (Urban Waste Water Treatment Regulations)

Reason for designationNumber of Sensitive areasLength (KM)/Area (km2) designated
Eutrophication in rivers20532
Eutrophication in lakes or reservoirs219.85
Eutrophication in canals162.00

Habitats site (European site) protected areas*

Site typeNumber of sites
Ramsar Site13
Special Area of Conservation27
Special Protection Area12

Condition of underlying water-dependent Site of Special Scientific Interest units**

RBMP water-dependent conditionUnit area (ha)% of total unit area
RBMP-Favourable (Compliant)61,00858.3
RBMP-Unfavourable - Recovering33,08031.6
RBMP-Unfavourable - No change6,0955.8
RBMP-Unfavourable - Declining4,4044.2
RBMP-Partially destroyed00.0
RBMP-Not Recorded460.0

Download European Sites target data

*Ramsar sites are not protected areas under the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) Regulations 2017. However they are treated in line with Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Areas (SPA) as a matter of Government policy. Most Ramsar sites coincide with SACs and/or SPAs, but a small number are designated as Ramsar sites only. These are included in the water-dependent site condition data.

**Includes SSSI units underlying European sites and Ramsar sites where the habitat is water-dependent. The "RBMP-favourable" category in these tables includes units where any reasons for not being in "favourable condition", as far as can be ascertained, do not relate to the water-dependent features. As a result, all condition categories have the prefix "RBMP" to distinguish these from conventional SSSI condition reporting, in which pressures not relevant to river basin planning are included in determining site condition. Data retrieved 2019. Methodology changes mean this data does not form a continuous series with data reported in 2015.

Summary Statistics data for North West River Basin District

Ecological status and potential

Summary statisticRivers, Canals and SWTsLakesEstuariesCoastalSurface Waters Combined
% of water bodies at good or better ecological status/potential25%12%27%20%22%
% of biological elements, phys-chem elements and specific pollutants at good or better status80%76%80%82%80%
% of water bodies with an objective of good ecological status/potential or better89%86%91%100%88%
% of biological elements, phys-chem elements and Specific Pollutants with an objective of good status or better97%97%100%100%97%


Summary statisticRivers, Canals and SWTsLakesEstuariesCoastalSurface Waters Combined
% of water bodies at good chemical status0%0%0%0%0%
% of chemical elements at good status82%81%85%85%82%
% of water bodies at good chemical status without uPBT88%100%91%100%91%
% of chemical elements at good status without uPBT98%100%Greater than 99%100%99%
% of water bodies with an objective of good chemical status100%99%100%100%Greater than 99%
% of chemical elements with an objective of good100%100%100%100%100%
% of water bodies with an objective of good chemical status without uPBT100%100%100%100%100%
% of chemical elements with an objective of good without uPBTs100%100%100%100%100%


Summary statisticGround water
% of water bodies at good chemical (GW) status44%
% of groundwater chemical elements at good status82%
% of water bodies with an objective of good chemical (GW) status94%
% of groundwater chemical elements with an objective of good99%
% of water bodies at good quantitative status72%
% of groundwater quantitative elements at good status93%
% of water bodies with an objective of good quantitative status100%
% of groundwater quantitative elements with an objective of good100%