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  3. LIDAR Composite Digital Terrain Model (DTM) 2m

LIDAR Composite Digital Terrain Model (DTM) 2m


The LIDAR Composite DTM (Digital Terrain Model) is a raster elevation model covering ~99% of England at 2m spatial resolution. The DTM (Digital Terrain Model) is produced from the last or only laser pulse returned to the sensor. We remove surface objects from the Digital Surface Model (DSM), using bespoke algorithms and manual editing of the data, to produce a terrain model of just the surface. Produced by the Environment Agency in 2022, the DTM is derived from a combination of our Time Stamped archive and National LIDAR Programme surveys, which have been merged and re-sampled to give the best possible coverage. Where repeat surveys have been undertaken the newest, best resolution data is used. Where data was resampled a bilinear interpolation was used before being merged. The 2022 LIDAR Composite contains surveys undertaken between 6th June 2000 and 2nd April 2022. Please refer to the metadata index catalgoues which show for any location which survey was used in the production of the LIDAR composite. The data is available to download as GeoTiff rasters in 5km tiles aligned to the OS National grid. The data is presented in metres, referenced to Ordinance Survey Newlyn and using the OSTN’15 transformation method. All individual LIDAR surveys going into the production of the composite had a vertical accuracy of +/-15cm RMSE.

Use limitation statement

There are no public access constraints to this data. Use of this data is subject to the licence identified.

Attribution statement

© Environment Agency copyright and/or database right 2022. All rights reserved.

Technical information

Update frequency



Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) is an airborne mapping technique, which uses a laser to measure the height of the terrain and surface objects on the ground such as trees and buildings. Hundreds of thousands of measurements per second are made of the ground allowing highly detailed terrain models to be generated at spatial resolutions of between 25cm and 2 metres. The vertical accuracy of the LIDAR dataset is +/-15cm RMSE.

Spatial information

Geographic extent

  • Latitude from: 49.943 to 55.816
  • Longitude from: -6.236 to 2.072
Metadata information



Metadata identifier


Published by

Environment Agency

Contact publisher

Defra Data Services Forum

Dataset reference dates

Creation date

08 February 2023

Revision date

15 December 2023

Publication date



  • From: 06 June 2000
  • To: 02 April 2022


Data and Supporting Information
Data services and download by area of interestLinkAction
Download the survey dataOpen link
Download the coverage metadata files N/AOpen link
LIDAR Composite Digital Terrain Model (DTM) - 2m - WMSCopy linkPreview
Metadata Survey Index Catalogues - WMSCopy linkPreview
Metadata Survey Index Catalogues - WFSCopy linkN/A
Survey Data FAQsCopy linkN/A
LIDAR Composite Digital Terrain Model (DTM) - 2m - WCSCopy linkN/A
LIDAR Composite Digital Terrain Model (DTM) - 2m - WMTSCopy linkN/A
OGC API - Features serviceCopy linkOpen link
Full downloads and supporting documentationFormatAction
LIDAR Composite Technical Information Guide.docxDOCXDownload