App gallery
Our Data is used in a wide range of Defra and third-party applications. Some of the applications below have been designed to meet a particular need, but they also provide examples of how the data can be used.
The terminology and categories we use to classify and describe Environment Agency assets. We also document the attributes we use to describe the properties of each Asset Type and its Element Types.
Records relating to assets for environmental activities, particularly flood defences. This includes some assets owned or managed by others, and information on planned maintenance activities for the assets.
Our Bathing Waters app, SWIMFO allows you to look up details of a designated bathing water by name or location.
Show up-to-date bathing-water quality information from the Environment Agency on your own web site.
Check where biodiversity gain sites are, and what habitats are being enhanced. Check what type, and how many, off-site biodiversity enhancements are allocated to a particular development.
Explore and download information about the water environment in your area and access river basin management plans.
Check for Drinking Water Safeguard Zones and Nitrate Vulnerable Zones map.
This explorer can be used to search, filter and download the Environment Agency's fish and ecology open data.
Find marine planning information for England, including data on marine licenses, environmental designations and policy information from regional marine plans.
Find objectives and measures for the second cycle of Flood Risk Management Plans.
Show up-to-date live flood information from the Environment Agency on your own web site.
Our MAGIC website provides geographic information about the natural environment from across government. This covers rural, urban, coastal and marine environments across Great Britain.
Search for Environmental permits and licences, exemptions, scrap metal dealers, waste carriers, brokers and dealers.
Browse data from the network of tipping-gauge rainfall sensors maintained by the Environment Agency.
Download reservoir flood maps. These show where water may go in the very unlikely event of a reservoir failure.
If you are a farmer, land manager or land agent you can obtain a snapshot of your land data held by the RPA through a REST API Map Service.
Explore and download information on Shoreline Management Plans around the coast of England
Browse data from the UK National Tide Gauge Network. This network is owned and operated by the Environment Agency, on behalf of the UK Coastal Flood Forecasting service.
If you are a waste carrier, broker or dealer you can embed details about your registration on your own website.
Data on our water quality measurements. Samples are taken at sampling points around England and can be from coastal or estuarine waters, rivers, lakes, ponds, canals or groundwaters.