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Burnham Jetty North

water quality impacted by heavy rain false more like this
eubwid notation ukk2302-35300 more like this
dedesignation reason text Permanent advice against bathing is in place at Burnham Jetty. Burnham Jetty is no longer designated as a bathing water under the Bathing Water Regulations. The beach sits at the mouth of two large rivers, the Brue and Parrett which greatly influence the bathing water quality. Despite extensive investigations and investment bathing water quality cannot be guaranteed to achieve the �Sufficient� standard required under the Bathing Water Regulations. more like this
Sedgemoor more like this
sediment types present
appointed sewerage undertaker
Wessex Water Services Limited
company profile Companies House profile for Wessex Water Services Limited more like this
country England more like this
dedesignation reason code PAAB-CP
envelope Map bounds for Burnham Jetty North more like this
latest profile 2019:1
latest risk prediction
expires at less than 2020-10-01T08:29:00more like thismore than 2020-10-01T08:29:00
risk level normal more like this
latest sample assessment 20210412
regional organization South West more like this
same as burnham-jetty-north
sampling point
Sampling point at Burnham Jetty North
easting 330322
northing 148972
lat 51.23565347114896
long -2.999431565704091
uri set Bathing waters monitored by the Environment Agency for England and Wales. more like this
year dedesignated 2020
year designated 1988
zone of influence Zone of influence at Burnham Jetty North more like this