Macrophytes and Phytobenthos Combined RNAG in Gilwiskaw Brook from Source to River Mease

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RNAG in Gilwiskaw Brook from Source to River Mease with macrophytes and phytobenthos combined classification element

Cycle 3

IDSWMISWMI certaintyActivityActivity certaintyCategoryCategory certaintyBusiness sectorClassification element
570318Diffuse sourceConfirmedPoor Livestock ManagementConfirmedAgriculture and rural land managementConfirmedAgriculture - LivestockMacrophytes and Phytobenthos Combined
570329Diffuse sourceConfirmedPoor nutrient managementConfirmedAgriculture and rural land managementConfirmedAgriculture - ArableMacrophytes and Phytobenthos Combined
570340measures delivered to address reason, awaiting recoveryConfirmedNot applicableNot applicableNo sector responsibleNot applicableNot applicableMacrophytes and Phytobenthos Combined
