Asset Management API Documentation

These are the Asset Management API Docs, switch to DRL API docs.

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For developers only

The information on this page is provided for developers who wish to access the asset management data.

If you are not a developer and simply wish to view information on some asset then please use the web application at Home.

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The Environment Agency maintains records on assets of many types related to environmental activities particularly flood defences, including some assets owned or managed by other bodies. The API provides access to these asset description records along with information on maintenance activities planned for the assets. Only some assets have an associated maintenance schedule.

In the API the maintenance information is split in to three different types. Maintenance activities represent historic work as well as and presently funded and scheduled work. A single activity may involve several maintenance actions on several different assets. We divide the activities into separate tasks, where each task represents a specific maintenance action on a single asset. Finally maintenance plans represent intended maintenance activities for future financial years but which have not necessarily been scheduled or funded at this stage. The API allows all activities, tasks and plans to be listed for a particular asset, set of assets or across all assets.

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API summary

This is a brief summary of the APIs available, see below for details. In the tables the API links are live examples and offer both JSON and HTML views of the data. Note that the HTML views are offered as an aid to debugging and development, they are not intended for presentation to consumers. All URIs are relative to the service base URI of

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List assets id/asset
[json] [html]
List all assets in a given area, the radius is in km and should be between 0 and 50 asset.{format}
[geojson] [shp]
List maintained assets in a given area, the radius is in km and should be between 0 and 50 maintained-asset.{format}
[geojson] [shp]
Details on a single asset id/asset/{id}
[json] [html]
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Maintenance activities

List maintenance activities id/maintenance-activity
[json] [html]
List maintenance activities related to a particular asset id/asset/{id}/maintenance-activity
[json] [html]
{id} ID of the maintained asset
Details on a single activity id/maintenance-activity/{id}
[json] [html]
{id} ID of the maintenance activity
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Maintenance tasks

List maintenance tasks id/maintenance-task
[json] [html]
List maintenance tasks related to a particular asset id/asset/{id}/maintenance-task
[json] [html]
{id} ID of the maintained asset
Details on a single task id/maintenance-task/{id}
[json] [html]
{id} ID of the maintenance task
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Maintenance plans

List maintenance plans id/maintenance-plan
[json] [html]
List maintenance plans related to a particular asset id/asset/{id}/maintenance-plan
[json] [html]
{id} ID of the maintained asset
Details on a single planned maintenance id/maintenance-plan/{id}
[json] [html]
{id} ID of the maintenance plan
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Capital Schemes

List capital schemes
[json] [geojson] [shapefile] [html]
List capital schemes in a given area, the radius is in km and should be between 0 and 50 capital-project.{format}
[geojson] [shp]
Details on a single scheme /id/capital-project/{id}
[json] [geojson] [shapefile] [html]
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Completed Capital Schemes

List completed capital schemes /id/completed-capital-project
[json] [geojson] [shapefile] [html]
List completed capital schemes in a given area, the radius is in km and should be between 0 and 50 completed-capital-project.{format}
[geojson] [shp]
Details on a single scheme /id/completed-capital-project/{id}
[json] [geojson] [shapefile] [html]
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Code Lists

List activity types def/maintenance/activity-type
[json] [html]
List EA Areas def/ea-areas
[json] [html]
List Westminster Constituencies def/westminster-constituencies
[json] [html]
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API structure

The APIs provide a REST style access to the data via simple HTTP GET requests. Data can be returned in a range of formats including JSON, CSV and web pages.

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Simple requests

For example fetching a list of assets from: id/asset.json?_limit=10

will return a JSON data packet similar to the following:

  "meta": {
    "@id": "",
    "comment": "Asset Management API, alpha",
    "license": "",
    "licenseName": "OGL 3",
    "publisher": "Environment Agency",
    "version": "0.1",
    "limit": 10
  "items": [
      "@id": "",
      "area": {
        "@id": "",
        "label": "Wessex"

The returned JSON data from all API endpoints follows the same structure of elements: metadata and items.

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Metadata and versioning

The metadata block provides information on the publisher and applicable licence as well as a link to this, or other, documentation. If the resource is also available in other formats then hasFormat will supply list of URLs for those alternative formats (the media type is implied by a suffix, see content types).

"meta": {
    "comment": "Asset Management API, alpha",
    "license": "",
    "licenseName": "OGL 3",
    "publisher": "Environment Agency",
    "version": "0.1",
    "limit": 10

The metadata block also includes version number information. The intention is that, after initial release, updates to the API should maintain backward compatibility. If an incompatible change to the API is required then we will attempt to provide access to the prior version for a transitional period. In that case the meta block will also provide replaces and isReplacedBy links between the new and the old versions of the affected API endpoints.

Finally, in the case of calls which provide lists of results any applied limit to the length of the list and offset from the start of the list will be shown in the metadata as limit and offset values, as in the example above.

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The items element in the JSON response will be an array containing objects describing items in the data. If requesting a description of a single item the items element will still be an array (just with one element). If a list search returns no results then the items array will be empty.

Each item will normally be identified by a URI given in the @id field. Thus, for example in the more complete version of the earlier example we can see the asset has a URI, the last element of which matches the notation field (382266). This is a common pattern and when referencing items in API calls then it is often possible to just use this last element in place of the full URI.

"items": [
      "@id": "",
      "area": {
        "@id": "",
        "label": "Wessex"
      "assetLength": 51.52,
      "assetSubType": {
        "@id": "",
        "prefLabel": "Open Channel"
      "assetType": {
        "@id": "",
        "prefLabel": "Channel"
      "label": "Channel Open Channel: 382266",
      "managementUnit": { ... },
      "notation": "382266",
      "primaryPurpose": { ... },
      "protectionType": { ... },
      "targetCondition": { ... }

When one item references another, such as in this case, the API will typically include key attributes of the referenced item in-line for convenience (e.g. the prefLabel field on the asset types). However, we can always fetch (i.e. HTTP GET) data from the URI of the referenced item to obtain a full description.

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Content Types

The descriptions of individual items can be obtained in multiple formats. The default format is HTML, but all item descriptions can also return information in JSON and RDF formats (RDF/XML and Turtle). The HTML rendering is intended as an aid to help developers understand the data, it is not an end-user application.

Similarly lists of items can be obtained in JSON, CSV and HTML as well as RDF formats.

To select the desired format use standard HTTP content negation. E.g.:

curl -i -H "Accept: text/csv"

All endpoints also support a shortcut of appending a type suffix to the URI to force a particular content type. The supported suffixes are:


Geojson and Shapefile downloads are also supported but by file extension only. The shapefile endpoints supply the data in a zip archive containing multiple shapefile files.


These two endpoints (geojson and shapefile) provide the meta data for pagination using a HTTP Link header containing links for next and previous pages.

Link: <>; rel="next",<>; rel="previous"

So the earlier example is equivalent to simply fetching the URL:

By default the CSV content returns will use column names matching the property paths in the corresponding JSON format.

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Lists: filtering and paging

Some endpoints return information describing a single identified item but many return information on a list of items. Such list endpoints support query parameters to filter the list to only include some items. In most cases these filters take the form:


Here, the props are the short property names that appear in the JSON format and the value is the value that the property is required to have. The value might be a number, a string, a date or a URI. In the case of the URI then you can often use the last segment of the URI on its own. For example, to list just assets of type Outfall we can use:

If the same filter is used twice with different values then the API will return results for both values (i.e. it acts as a disjunction).

List endpoints also support view modification parameters. These are distinguished by starting with an underscore character. The commonly supported modifiers are:

_view=full|..An alternative view of the items. The default view includes just summary properties. The full view includes everything.
_limit=xReturn only x items from the list, some endpoints may impose a default limit and/or a maximum to which the limit can be set.
_offset=xReturn the list of items starting with the xth item, together with _limit this enables paging through a long set of results.

If a limit or offset is applicable, whether explicit in the query or implicitly imposed by the API, then the metadata object will include a limit or offset field to show what limits were applied.

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Link between API outputs

This diagram shows the links between outputs of the different APIs in the Asset Management service, as well as links to external resources.

Diagram showing details of Asset Management API outputs, with links between datasets highlighted. Back to contents


The assets endpoint provides a list of all assets, this can be filtered by any attribute as described above. See below for examples of useful filters.

Note that the asset category and asset type were previously named asset type and asset sub type and that these attributes remain in the API for compatibility reasons.

List assets id/asset
[json] [html]
List all assets in a given area, the radius is in km and should be between 0 and 50 asset.{format}
[geojson] [shp]
List maintained assets in a given area, the radius is in km and should be between 0 and 50 maintained-asset.{format}
[geojson] [shp]
Details on a single asset id/asset/{id}
[json] [html]

The data returned for each asset is shown below. When list assets then the default view limits the view to show only the main attributes of the asset as shown in the table. However, individual asset descriptions show everything and it is possible to show everything in the list view by using _view=full.

actualConditionThe actual condition of the Assetskos:Conceptoptionalfull, default
actualCondition.prefLabeloptionalfull, default
actualDclThe actual downstream crest levelxsd:decimaloptionalfull, default
actualDclDqfThe data quality flag for the actual downstream crest level. Refer to OI 57_06skos:Conceptoptionalfull
actualUclThe actual upstream crest levelxsd:decimaloptionalfull, default
actualUclDqfThe data quality flag for the actual upstream crest level. Refer to OI 57_06skos:Conceptoptionalfull
areaThe EA Management areaskos:Conceptoptionalfull, default
area.labeloptionalfull, default
assetLengthThe length of the asset calculated from its geometryxsd:decimaloptionalfull, default
assetStartDateThe date the asset became operationalxsd:dateoptionalfull, default
assetSubTypeThe type of asset.skos:Conceptoptionalfull, default
assetSubType.prefLabeloptionalfull, default
assetTypeThe category of assetskos:Conceptoptionalfull, default
assetType.prefLabeloptionalfull, default
bankThe bank that the asset is on when looking downstream for fluvial assets. For coastal assets use coastalskos:Conceptoptionalfull, default
bank.prefLabeloptionalfull, default
currentSopThe Standard of Protection (1:n) that the asset currently provides, if knownxsd:decimaloptionalfull, default
currentSopDateThe date the Current Standard of Protection was appraisedxsd:dateoptionalfull
dataOwnerAssetRefAsset reference used by the management group, for example: EA NFCDD Referencexsd:stringoptionalfull
designDclThe designed downstream crest levelxsd:decimaloptionalfull, default
designSopThe Standard of Protection (1:n) that the asset was designed to providexsd:decimaloptionalfull, default
designSopDqfThe data quality flag for the design Standard of Protection. Refer to OI 57_06skos:Conceptoptionalfull
designUclThe designed upstream crest levelxsd:decimaloptionalfull, default
effectiveClThe lowest crest level along a coastal defencexsd:decimaloptionalfull, default
effectiveClDqfThe data quality flag for the effective crest level. Refer to OI 57_06skos:Conceptoptionalfull
geometryfull, default
includeInFloodMapThe Floodmap inclusion assessment. Refer to Floodmap Guidanceskos:Conceptoptionalfull
inspectionDataQualityFlagThe inspection data quality. Refer to OI 57_06skos:Conceptoptionalfull
invertLevelThe invert level of the culvert or pipexsd:decimaloptionalfull, default
labelOptional name for the assetoptionalfull, default
lastInspectionDateThe date of the most recent inspectionxsd:dateoptionalfull, default
maintenanceActivityAn open domained property that can be used to make reference to a maintenance activity.local:SimplifiedActivitymulti-valuedfull, default
maintenanceActivity.activitySubTypeMaintentance activity sub-typeskos:Conceptoptionalfull, default
maintenanceActivity.activityTypeMaintenance activity typeskos:Conceptfull, default
maintenanceActivity.actualFinishMonthThe month in which an activity actually finished.xsd:gYearMonthoptionalfull
maintenanceActivity.actualStartMonthThe actual month in which a maintenance activity startedxsd:gYearMonthoptionalfull
maintenanceActivity.plannedFinishMonthThe month in which a maintenance activity is planned to finsih.xsd:gYearMonthoptionalfull
maintenanceActivity.plannedStartMonthThe month in which a maintenance activity is planned to startxsd:gYearMonthoptionalfull
managementGroupGroup who has the responsibility to maintain the data associated with the Aset in the systemam-core:ManagementGroupoptionalfull
managementUnitManagement Unit associated with an Assetam-core:ManagementUnitoptionalfull, default
managementUnit.labelfull, default
notationIdentifier code for the assetoptionalfull, default
primaryPurposeThe main purpose of the asset, i.e.: the reason it was constructed (a natural asset may have an asset management purpose)skos:Conceptoptionalfull, default
primaryPurpose.prefLabeloptionalfull, default
protectionTypeThe type of protection the asset givesskos:Conceptoptionalfull, default
protectionType.labeloptionalfull, default
recommendationThe inspectors recommendations from the asset inspectionxsd:stringoptionalfull, default
secondaryPurposeThe secondary purpose of the asset if it has one, i.e.: an incidental purposeskos:Conceptmulti-valuedfull, default
secondaryPurpose.prefLabeloptionalfull, default
spatialQualityFlagThe data quality flag for the spatial position of the asset. Refer to OI 57_06skos:Conceptoptionalfull
structureHeightThe total height of the structure, taken from ground level to its highest tangible pointxsd:decimaloptionalfull, default
targetConditionThe target condition of the asset – Refer to OI 026_08skos:Conceptoptionalfull, default
targetCondition.prefLabeloptionalfull, default
toeLevelThe toe level at the exposed face. Refer to OI 144_07xsd:decimaloptionalfull, default
urgencyThe urgency of the action required following the asset inspectionskos:Conceptoptionalfull, default
urgency.prefLabeloptionalfull, default
westminsterConstituencyThe Westminster Constinuency containing the asset. This information will only be present on maintained assets.optionalfull
yearLastRefurbishedThe year the asset was last refurbishedxsd:yearoptionalfull, default
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Example Asset API calls

List just outfalls, show first 50 results:

List outfalls that relate to fluvial-tidal protection:

Return those as a CSV file:

List 50 Open Channels within the EA Area Wessex:

Get summary data, including geometry as geojson, for a specific asset:

Get all assets within 5 km of the point 53.1, -0.1

Get all maintained assets within 5 km of the point 53.1, -0.1

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Maintenance activities

Maintenance activities represent historic work and funded and scheduled work for the next financial year. A single actitivity may involve several maintenance actions on several different assets. We call an individual action to be carred out on a single asset a task so activities are treated as groups of tasks. The maintenance-activity endpoint provides a list of all maintenance activities, this can be filtered by any attribute as described above. See below for examples of useful filters.

Note that the asset category and asset type were previously named asset type and asset sub type and that these attributes remain in the API for compatibility reasons.

List maintenance activities id/maintenance-activity
[json] [html]
List maintenance activities related to a particular asset id/asset/{id}/maintenance-activity
[json] [html]
{id} ID of the maintained asset
Details on a single activity id/maintenance-activity/{id}
[json] [html]
{id} ID of the maintenance activity

The data returned for each activity is shown below.

areaNo definition foundskos:Conceptoptionaldefault
area.labelNo definition foundoptionaldefault
hasRfccNo definition foundskos:Conceptoptionaldefault
hasRfcc.prefLabelNo definition foundoptionaldefault
maintainedAssetThe asset(s) maintained by a maintenance activityam-core:Assetmulti-valueddefault
maintainedAsset.assetSubTypeThe type of assetskos:Conceptoptionaldefault
maintainedAsset.assetTypeThe category of assetskos:Conceptoptionaldefault
maintainedAsset.labelNo definition foundoptionaldefault
maintenanceTaskNo definition foundlocal:SimplifiedTaskmulti-valueddefault
maintenanceTask.activitySubTypeMaintentance activity sub-typeskos:Conceptoptionaldefault
maintenanceTask.activitySubType.prefLabelNo definition foundoptionaldefault
maintenanceTask.activityTypeMaintenance activity typeskos:Conceptdefault
maintenanceTask.activityType.prefLabelNo definition foundoptionaldefault
maintenanceTask.statusA subclass of skos:Concept for maintenance activity status codesskos:Conceptoptionaldefault
maintenanceTask.status.prefLabelNo definition foundoptionaldefault
notationNo definition foundoptionaldefault
programmeThe maintenance programme associated with an maintenance activityam-maint:Programmeoptionaldefault
programme.labelNo definition founddefault
westminsterConstituencyNo definition foundoptionaldefault
westminsterConstituency.labelNo definition founddefault
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Example Maintenance Activity API calls

Maintenance activities for a particular asset:

Shorter alternatives to above:


List activities which include a task of maintain raised defences:

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Maintenance tasks

A Maintenace Task is a single planned action on a single asset. Tasks are grouped into activities. The maintenance-task endpoint provides a list of all maintenance tasks, this can be filtered by any attribute as described above. See below for examples of useful filters.

Note that the asset category and asset type were previously named asset type and asset sub type and that these attributes remain in the API for compatibility reasons.

List maintenance tasks id/maintenance-task
[json] [html]
List maintenance tasks related to a particular asset id/asset/{id}/maintenance-task
[json] [html]
{id} ID of the maintained asset
Details on a single task id/maintenance-task/{id}
[json] [html]
{id} ID of the maintenance task

The data returned for each activity is shown below.

activitySubTypeMaintentance activity sub-typeskos:Conceptoptionaldefault
activitySubType.prefLabelNo definition foundoptionaldefault
activityTypeMaintenance activity typeskos:Conceptdefault
activityType.prefLabelNo definition foundoptionaldefault
actualFinishMonthThe month in which an activity actually finished.xsd:gYearMonthoptionaldefault
actualFinishQuarterThe calendar quarter in which an activity actually finished.xsd:stringoptionaldefault
actualStartMonthThe actual month in which a maintenance activity startedxsd:gYearMonthoptionaldefault
actualStartQuarterThe quarter in which a maintenance activity was actually startedxsd:stringoptionaldefault
areaNo definition foundskos:Conceptoptionaldefault
area.labelNo definition foundoptionaldefault
hasRfccNo definition foundskos:Conceptoptionaldefault
hasRfcc.prefLabelNo definition foundoptionaldefault
maintainedAssetThe asset(s) maintained by a maintenance activityam-core:Assetmulti-valueddefault
maintainedAsset.assetSubTypeThe type of assetskos:Conceptoptionaldefault
maintainedAsset.assetTypeThe category of assetskos:Conceptoptionaldefault
maintainedAsset.labelNo definition foundoptionaldefault
maintenanceActivityAn open domained property that can be used to make reference to a maintenance
maintenanceActivity.programmeThe maintenance programme associated with an maintenance activityam-maint:Programmeoptionaldefault
maintenanceActivity.programme.labelNo definition founddefault
notationNo definition foundoptionaldefault
plannedFinishMonthThe month in which a maintenance activity is planned to finsih.xsd:gYearMonthoptionaldefault
plannedFinishQuarterThe quarter in which a maintenance activity is planned to finishxsd:stringoptionaldefault
plannedStartMonthThe month in which a maintenance activity is planned to startxsd:gYearMonthoptionaldefault
plannedStartQuarterThe quarter in which a maintenance activity is planned to start.xsd:stringoptionaldefault
statusA subclass of skos:Concept for maintenance activity status codesskos:Conceptoptionaldefault
status.prefLabelNo definition foundoptionaldefault
westminsterConstituencyNo definition foundoptionaldefault
westminsterConstituency.labelNo definition founddefault
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Example Maintenance Task API calls

Maintenance tasks for a particular asset:


List maintain raised defences tasks:

List tasks within the Forest of Dean constituency:

List all tasks which make up a single activity:

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Maintenance plans

Maintenance plans represent intended maintenance activities for future financial years but which have not necessarily been scheduled or funded at this stage. The maintenance-plan endpoint provides a list of all maintenance plans, this can be filtered by any attribute as described above. See below for examples of useful filters.

List maintenance plans id/maintenance-plan
[json] [html]
List maintenance plans related to a particular asset id/asset/{id}/maintenance-plan
[json] [html]
{id} ID of the maintained asset
Details on a single planned maintenance id/maintenance-plan/{id}
[json] [html]
{id} ID of the maintenance plan

The data returned for each activity is shown below.

activitySubTypeMaintentance activity sub-typeskos:Conceptoptionaldefault
activitySubType.prefLabelNo definition foundoptionaldefault
activityTypeMaintenance activity typeskos:Conceptdefault
activityType.prefLabelNo definition foundoptionaldefault
areaNo definition foundskos:Conceptoptionaldefault
area.labelNo definition foundoptionaldefault
assetPerformanceTeamNo definition foundam-maint:FieldTeamoptionaldefault
assetPerformanceTeam.labelNo definition founddefault
hasRfccNo definition foundskos:Conceptoptionaldefault
hasRfcc.prefLabelNo definition foundoptionaldefault
maintainedAssetThe asset(s) maintained by a maintenance activityam-core:Assetmulti-valueddefault
maintainedAsset.assetSubTypeThe type of assetskos:Conceptoptionaldefault
maintainedAsset.assetTypeThe category of assetskos:Conceptoptionaldefault
maintainedAsset.labelNo definition foundoptionaldefault
notationNo definition founddefault
planStatusNo definition foundskos:Conceptoptionaldefault
planStatus.prefLabelNo definition foundoptionaldefault
plannedFinishMonthThe month in which a maintenance activity is planned to finsih.xsd:gYearMonthoptionaldefault
plannedFinishQuarterThe quarter in which a maintenance activity is planned to finishxsd:stringoptionaldefault
plannedFinishYearNo definition foundxsd:gYearoptionaldefault
programmeMonthNo definition foundxsd:intoptionaldefault
programmeYearNo definition foundxsd:intoptionaldefault
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Example Maintenance Plan API calls

Maintenance plans for a particular asset:


Plans for a particular asset for FY2020:

Plans for a particular asset for FY2021 or beyond:

List maintain raised defences plans:

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Capital Schemes

The capital schemes endpoint provides a list of all capital schemes, this can be filtered by any attribute as described above. See below for examples of useful filters.

List capital schemes
[json] [geojson] [shapefile] [html]
List capital schemes in a given area, the radius is in km and should be between 0 and 50 capital-project.{format}
[geojson] [shp]
Details on a single scheme /id/capital-project/{id}
[json] [geojson] [shapefile] [html]

The data returned for each scheme is shown below.

labelLabel for the Capital Schemexsd:stringrequireddefault, full
notationUnique Scheme IDxsd:stringrequireddefault, full
typeThe type of resourcerequireddefault, full
eastingThe Easting coordinate for this schemexsd:integerrequireddefault, full
northingThe Northing coordinate for this schemexsd:integerrequireddefault, full
areaThe identifier for the EA area in which this scheme liesoptionalfull
area.labelThe label for the EA area in which this scheme liesxsd:stringoptionalfull
contributionsContributions 2021/22 (£)xsd:integer, filterableoptionalfull
countyThe county in which this scheme liesxsd:stringoptionalfull
districtThe identifier for the EA district in which this scheme liesoptionalfull
district.labelThe label for the EA district in which this scheme liesxsd:stringoptionalfull
forecastConstructionCompletionDate the scheme is forecast to completexsd:dateoptionalfull
forecastConstructionStartDate the scheme is forecast to startxsd:dateoptionalfull
governmentIndicativeInvestmentGovernment indicative investment 2021/22-2026/27 (£)xsd:integer, filterableoptionalfull
governmentInvestmentGoverment Investment 2021/22 (£)xsd:integer, filterableoptionalfull
grantInAidGrant in aid (£). This is deprecated but remains for compatibility reasons. Use govermentInvestment instead.xsd:integer, filterableoptionalfull
hasRfccThe identifier for the Regional Flood and Coastal Committee for this schemeoptionalfull
hasRfcc.labelThe label for the Regional Flood and Coastal Committee for this schemeoptionalfull
homesProtectedNumber of homes protectedxsd:integer, filterableoptionalfull
homesProtectedOnCompletionNumber of homes projected on scheme completionxsd:integer, filterableoptionalfull
indicativeContributionsIndicative contributions 2021/22-2026/27 (£)xsd:integer, filterableoptionalfull
inRegionThe idenfifier for the ONS region in which this scheme liesoptionalfull
inRegion.officialnameThe official name of the ONS region in which this scheme liesxsd:stringoptionalfull
leadRiskManagementAuthorityThe identifier for the Lead Risk Management Authority for this schemeoptionalfull
leadRiskManagementAuthority.labelThe label for the Lead Risk Management Authority for this schemexsd:stringoptionalfull
partnershipFundingPartnership funding (£). This is deprecated but remains for compatibility reasons. Use contributions instead.xsd:integer, filterableoptionalfull
projectStageStage that the scheme is inxsd:stringoptionalfull
projectTypeType of project that this scheme isoptionalfull
projectType.labelThe label for the project typexsd:stringoptionalfull
riskSourceThe source of risk for this scheme/td>optionalfull
riskSource.labelThe label for the risk sourcexsd:stringoptionalfull
westminsterConstituencyThe Identifier for the Westminster Constituency in which this scheme liesrequiredfull
westminsterConstituency.labelThe label for the Westminster Constituency in which this scheme liesxsd:stringrequiredfull
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Example Capital Schemes API Calls

List all capital schemes in Solent and South Downs EA Area

List all capital schemes in Southern RFCC

List all capital schemes in Adur and Worthing Councils Lead Risk Management Authority

List all capital schemes with more than £2M partnership funding.

Get summary data, including geometry as geojson, for a specific capital scheme:

Get all capital schemes within 15 km of the point 53.1, -0.1

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Completed Capital Schemes

The completed capital schemes endpoint provides a list of all completed capital schemes, this can be filtered by any attribute as described above. See below for examples of useful filters.

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Completed Capital Schemes

List completed capital schemes /id/completed-capital-project
[json] [geojson] [shapefile] [html]
List completed capital schemes in a given area, the radius is in km and should be between 0 and 50 completed-capital-project.{format}
[geojson] [shp]
Details on a single scheme /id/completed-capital-project/{id}
[json] [geojson] [shapefile] [html]

The data returned for each completed scheme is shown below.

labelLabel for the Capital Schemexsd:stringrequireddefault, full
notationUnique Scheme IDxsd:stringrequireddefault, full
typeThe type of resourcerequireddefault, full
eastingThe Easting coordinate for this schemexsd:integerrequireddefault, full
northingThe Northing coordinate for this schemexsd:integerrequireddefault, full
isPartOfThe parent Capital Programme to which this scheme belongsfilterablerequireddefault, full
areaThe identifier for the EA area in which this scheme liesoptionalfull
area.labelThe label for the EA area in which this scheme liesxsd:stringoptionalfull
inRegionThe idenfifier for the ONS region in which this scheme liesoptionalfull
inRegion.officialnameThe official name of the ONS region in which this scheme liesxsd:stringoptionalfull
hasRfccThe identifier for the Regional Flood and Coastal Committee for this schemeoptionalfull
hasRfcc.labelThe label for the Regional Flood and Coastal Committee for this schemexsd:stringoptionalfull
homesBetterProtectedNumber of homes better protectedxsd:integer, filterableoptionalfull
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Example Completed Capital Schemes API Calls

List all completed capital schemes in East Midlands region

List all completed capital schemes with EA authority type

Get all completed capital schemes within 15 km of the point 53.1, -0.1

List all completed capital schemes that are part of the Capital Programme 2015-2021

Get summary data, including geometry as geojson, for a specific completed capital scheme:

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Code lists

These API endpoints provide lists of controlled terms used in describing assets and maintenance activities.

List activity types def/maintenance/activity-type
[json] [html]
List EA Areas def/ea-areas
[json] [html]
List Westminster Constituencies def/westminster-constituencies
[json] [html]