Data Requirements Library

This Data Requirements Library documents the terminology and categories used to classify and describe Environment Agency (EA) assets. It also documents the specific data attributes that are used to describe the properties of each Asset Type and its Element Types.

Asset Categories

The EA has identified different types of Asset. These Asset Types are grouped into Asset Category groupings, as listed below.

The Asset Complex Category is a special case because its Assets are used to define geospatial areas, not physical assets. Similarly, the Information Deliverables Category defines document types and attributes to be used in filenames.

You can explore each Asset Type further by clicking on its name. This will take you to a more detailed description which may be supported by photos and diagrams that highlight key elements. There is also a table which lists the Element Types and specific data attributes that are used to describe that Asset Type.

Data about each Asset Type, Element Type and their attributes can also be accessed in JSON or CSV. These formats can be directly queried by remote applications to support supplier-side automation.

Please read the Data Requirements Library in conjunction with the Environment Agency Exchange Information Requirements.

The 'View History' link at the top of the page gives you access to older versions of the DRL content. A summary of the changes made in each version can be found on Data Services Platform Support.

For a detailed history of changes made to a particular Asset Category, Asset Type, Element Type or attribute, click on the 'View history' links under its description, or within the data tables.

To suggest changes to the content of the Data Requirements Library, click on the relevant 'Request new...' or 'Request changes' link, and provide details of your suggestion.

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Quick Links

The following links provide quick access to the complete lists of Asset Categories, Asset Types, Elements, Attributes and Picklists defined in the currently-selected version of the DRL data.

Asset Categories
Asset Types are grouped into Asset Categories. These links provide access to the complete list of Asset Categories defined in the currently-selected version of the data.
Asset Types
These links provide access to the complete list of Asset Types defined in the currently-selected version of the data.
Each Asset Type is composed of a set of Element Types. These links provide access to the completed set of Element Types defined across all Asset Types in the currently-selected version of the data.
Each Asset and Element Type is described by a set of attributes. These links provide access to the complete list of Attributes defined across all Asset and Element Types in the currently-selected version of the data. Warning: The attributes file is large, and may take some time to download.
These links provide access to the complete set of picklists defined in the currently-selected version of the data.

Aids to Navigation

Assets that are used to aid navigation in the marine and fluvial environment.

Asset TypeDescriptionAsset CodeUniclass 2015Geometry TypeUpdates
BeaconA marker structure that is fixed either to land or piled into the seabed/riverbed and is used to show ships and boats where they can go and to warn them of danger.ABPr_40_10_90_0717-05-2021
Boat LiftA machine which moves boats between bodies of water at two different elevations. It is an alternative to a lock or inclined plane.AFSs_80_50_92_0817-05-2021
BoatrollerA bankside structure which incorporates rollers to allow small unpowered craft, such as canoes, to bypass a lock.ARSL_32_50_7217-05-2021
BuoyA marker object that floats on the surface of the water and is used to show ships and boats where they can go and to warn them of danger.AUPr_40_10_90_1017-05-2021
Canoe PassA channel of water designed to allow the bypass of locks by canoes and kayaks.ACSL_32_50_1117-05-2021
Canoe Portage PointA prepared area designed to allow the ingress and egress of small boats, kayaks and canoes.APSL_32_50_1217-05-2021
DockAn enclosed area of water used for loading, unloading, building or repairing ships. A dock may have control gates at one end to facilitate the drainage of water to create a dry dock.AOEn_30_8517-05-2021
DolphinA man-made marine structure that extends above the water level and is not connected to shore.ADEn_32_85_2417-05-2021
LandingA place for boats to wait or be temporarily parked before entering a lock.ALEn_32_50_4617-05-2021
LockA chamber or stretch of channel enclosed by lock gates at each end, which allow the water level inside the lock to be adjusted.AKSL_80_70_1117-05-2021
Lock IslandThe area of land between a lock and its associated water level control structure such as a weir or control gate.AISL_80_70_4817-05-2021
MooringA place where a boat or vessel can be secured to stop it floating away.AMSL_32_50_5317-05-2021
Navigation BoomA floating barrier strung across a navigable stretch of water to control or block navigation.ANPr_40_10_90_5517-05-2021
Navigation SignageSignage in the marine and fluvial environment which provides information or warnings to aid navigation.AGPr_40_10_9017-05-2021
SignalAn asset which sends signals (light, sound or radio) to ships at sea, such as fog signals or traffic control signals.ASPr_40_10_90_5017-05-2021
Warning FlagA flag used to warn boats or vessels about danger.AWSs_40_10_30_9317-05-2021
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Assets that contribute to the accessibility or usability of a location.

Asset TypeDescriptionAsset CodeUniclass 2015Geometry TypeUpdates
Car Park or HardstandingAn area of prepared ground with either hardcore or tarmac used for parking vehicles.YCEn_80_45_8517-05-2021
Information BoardA structure which is designed to convey information to people (typically visitors).YIPr_40_30_2517-05-2021
PathwayA route, way or track laid out for walking or travelling on (but not with motor vehicles - see Vehicle Access Road).YPEn_80_4031-08-2021
Vehicle Access RoadA purpose built track or road that allows vehicular access to an asset or group of assets.YAEn_80_35_0117-05-2021
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Asset Complex

A grouping together of individual assets that can be considered as parts of a single site or complex with a high level purpose.

Asset TypeDescriptionAsset CodeUniclass 2015Geometry TypeUpdates
Biodiversity and Environmental ConservationA group of associated assets which enhance or conserve biodiversity, habitats or the local environment in a certain area.IVSs_45_35_0817-05-2021
Complex Beach StructureA collection of beach assets which work together to protect the coast from erosion.IBCo_32_55_2017-05-2021
Complex DefenceA collection of assets which work together to provide flood defence or coastal protection functions.IDCo_32_55_3017-05-2021
Complex StructureA collection of assets which work together to enable, restrict or affect the movement of water, people, fish, animals or materials.ISEn_32_85_3017-05-2021
Control StructureA group of assets which make up a control structure, to control water levels or flow in a watercourse.ICCo_32_8517-05-2021
Erosion ProtectionA group of assets which work together to reduce erosion a particular feature or area.IECo_32_55_2717-05-2021
Fish FarmA place for artificial breeding, hatching, and rearing through the early life stages of animals for commercial and generic restocking purposes.IFCo_32_10_2817-05-2021
Fish HatcheryA place for artificial breeding, hatching, and rearing through the early life stages of animals for conservation purposes.IICo_32_10_3017-05-2021
Flood Alleviation SchemeA group of assets which work together to alleviate flooding to a defined area from a defined source.IQCo_3217-05-2021
HarbourA group of assets which make up a harbour. A harbour is an area of water next to the coast, often sheltered from the sea by a wall, where ships and boats can shelter.IHCo_80_70_3617-05-2021
Lock ComplexA group of associated assets which form a complex of locks, for example a series of locks.ILCo_32_85_5017-05-2021
Monitoring StationA group of assets which make up a monitoring station. A monitoring station measures different parameters in the field depending on the type of monitoring station it is, such as:
- Rain Gauge;
- Borehole (measuring quality and / or quantity);
- Climate station measuring atmospheric conditions including temperature, wind speed and direction, net radiation, atmospheric pressure, humidity, air quality;
- Surface water quality.
Navigation ComplexA group of assets which work together in a defined location to aid or enable the navigation of waterways or coastlines.INCo_32_5017-05-2021
Pumping StationA group of assets which make up a pumping station. A pumping station could be:
1. A groundwater pumping station abstracts groundwater and delivers it to a water body. A groundwater scheme can be made up of multiple pumping stations.
2. A Surface Water Pumping Station abstracts water from one water body and delivers it to a different water body. A surface water transfer scheme can be made up of multiple pumping stations.
Recreational ComplexA group of assets providing a recreational facility in a certain location.IACo_4017-05-2021
ReservoirA group of assets which make up a reservoir. A reservoir is a large area for storing water which is created or enlarged by artificial means, and the associated impounding and control structures and assets.IRCo_32_85_7017-05-2021
Tidal BarrierA group of assets which work together in a complex to provide a barrier to tidal flooding in an estuary or bay. A tidal barrier would usually includes assets such as control gates, central piers, a control building and any mechanical and electrical assets used to operate the control gates.ITCo_32_85_8817-05-2021
Water Level and Flow Monitoring ComplexA group of assets making up a water level and flow monitoring complex, which is in place to monitor water levels and flow in a watercourse, tide levels, or surface water levels.IUCo_32_85_9717-05-2021
Water Transfer SchemeA group of associated assets which transfer water from one catchment or waterbody to another.IWCo_55_70_2017-05-2021
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Beach Structure

Assets used to protect the coast from erosion.

Asset TypeDescriptionAsset CodeUniclass 2015Geometry TypeUpdates
BreakwaterA wall or piled barrier built out into the sea or waterway to protect a shore, harbour or asset from the force of waves, or water flow or motion.BBEn_32_85_1031-08-2021
GroyneA linear structure extending from the shore into the sea that traps sediment moving along the shore, thus preventing longshore drift.BGEn_32_85_3517-05-2021
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Buildings and Compounds

Assets that are used to provide shelter for equipment, storage or personnel.

Asset TypeDescriptionAsset CodeUniclass 2015Geometry TypeUpdates
Amenity BuildingA building designed and/or used primarily for the provision of amenities. Amenities are something which makes life more pleasant or comfortable for people.VYEn_40_05_6817-05-2021
BoathouseA building designed and/or used for the storage and/or maintenance of boats.VBEn_30_85_0717-05-2021
Control BuildingA building designed and/or used to house the controls for operational assets.VCEn_75_70_6017-05-2021
GarageA building designed and/or used for the storage and/or maintenance of vehicles.VASL_90_50_3317-05-2021
Gauging Station BuildingA building designed and/or used for the housing of apparatus, equipment and fixtures for measuring river levels and flow.VGEn_90_90_3517-05-2021
Lab BuildingA building designed and/or used for laboratory activities.VLEn_25_30_4017-05-2021
Maintenance BuildingA building designed for the maintenance of equipment and assets or elements.VMEn_30_60_5017-05-2021
Monitoring BuildingA building designed and/or used for the housing of apparatus, equipment and fixtures for the purpose of monitoring the environment.VNEn_90_90_2717-05-2021
Office BuildingA building containing offices where work is done.VFCo_20_15_5817-05-2021
Pump HouseA building designed and used to house pumps and the controls and facilities which support their operation.VPEn_90_90_6817-05-2021
Residential BuildingA building designed and/or used primarily for people to dwell in.VREn_45_1017-05-2021
ShelterA place giving temporary protection from the elements.VSSs_20_10_7017-05-2021
Storage LocationThe location where equipment, such as temporary barriers or mobile instrumentation, is stored.VECo_90_50_7717-05-2021
Visitor CentreA building designed and/or used as a centre for providing information and facilities to members of the public.VVEn_40_75_9417-05-2021
WatermillA building designed and/or used for the housing of machinery for converting potential energy of water into useful power.VTEn_30_80_9617-05-2021
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Assets that convey water.

Asset TypeDescriptionAsset CodeUniclass 2015Geometry TypeUpdates
Complex CulvertA covered channel or pipe which conveys a watercourse through an obstacle. A complex culvert has a cross section which is made of more than one material.CCEn_32_95_1617-05-2021
Open ChannelA conduit in which water flows with a free surface, i.e. not culverted.CPEn_32_95_5917-05-2021
Simple CulvertA covered channel or pipe which conveys a watercourse through an obstacle. A simple culvert has a cross section which is made of the same material throughout.CSEn_32_95_8017-05-2021
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Channel Crossings

Assets that allow access across a channel.

Asset TypeDescriptionAsset CodeUniclass 2015Geometry TypeUpdates
BridgeA structure that spans a watercourse and allows the passage of road, rail, pedestrian and farm access. It also includes aqueducts.RBEn_80_9417-05-2021
FordA shallow part of a watercourse that may be crossed on foot or by a vehicle in low flows.RFSL_32_50_3017-05-2021
Utility Services CrossingA structure that spans a watercourse and allows a utility service to cross the watercourse.RUSs_20_10_30_6517-05-2021
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Asset that provide flood defence or coastal protection functions. These include both man-made and natural defences. Natural defences may include man-made elements to make them more effective or protect them from erosion.

Asset TypeDescriptionAsset CodeUniclass 2015Geometry TypeUpdates
Barrier BeachA sand or shingle bar above high tide, parallel to the coastline and usually separated from it by a lagoon.DAEn_32_85_0617-05-2021
BeachA pebbly or sandy shore found at the coast.DBEn_32_65_0617-05-2021
Bridge AbutmentA supporting structure at the end of a bridge span that also acts as a flood defence. It ties into other flood defences and completes the line of defence against high river levels.DGSs_20_50_1017-05-2021
CliffA steep rock face, especially one that runs along the coast.DCCo_32_65_1517-05-2021
Demountable DefenceSections of flood defence that are removable (e.g. for visual amenity or access reasons).DMSs_25_95_3017-05-2021
DunesWind-blown sand mounds found along the coast.DDEn_32_65_7517-05-2021
EmbankmentAn artificially raised, earthen ridge used in the fluvial, tidal and coastal environments for flood defence, erosion protection, or channel containment.DEEn_32_85_4517-05-2021
Engineered High GroundRetained, engineered or otherwise modified ground along watercourses or the coastline, that is not covered by one of the other defence asset types.DREn_32_40_3717-05-2021
Flood GateA gate providing access for pedestrians or vehicles through a flood defence, while maintaining flood protection when closed.DFSs_25_36_30_3017-05-2021
Natural High GroundAny extent along a watercourse or coastline which completes the line of continuous defence, but has not been modified in any way, so does not qualify as any of the other defence asset types.DNEn_32_40_3717-05-2021
PromenadeA paved public walking area along the coast.DPEn_80_40_6617-05-2021
QuayA structure adjacent to or protruding into watercourse or the sea to load or unload boats.DQEn_32_50_6917-05-2021
SpillwayA structure designed to allow the controlled overflow or release of water from a reservoir or flood storage area, or over flood defences.DSEn_32_85_8217-05-2021
WallA wall which is raised above the surrounding land and acts as a barrier against flooding from rivers or the sea.DWEn_32_85_9617-05-2021
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Information Deliverables

Specific Information Deliverables scheduled in each project Information Delivery Plan (IDP) for each required delivery stage.
The *File Naming Attributes and *Information Purposes assets are not specific information deliverables but list the allowable values for different parts of the file names, and the purposes for which the the information may be used.

Asset TypeDescriptionAsset CodeUniclass 2015Geometry TypeUpdates
*File Naming AttributesLists of the allowable values for different parts of the file names, such as Author, Type and Delivery Stage, according to the required file-naming convention.n/an/a27-04-2021
*Information PurposesThe purposes that the information will or may be used to support.n/an/a14-06-2021
Asset ManagementInformation required relating to asset management.J0000PM_8027-04-2021
Commercial Financial ProductsAny commercial financial products generated in the delivery of the project.F0000PM_5027-04-2021
Commissioning and Performance Evaluation (GSL)Information required relating to commissioning and performance evaluation including Government Soft Landings (GSL).M0000PM_3527-04-2021
Communications and EngagementInformation relating to communications, engagement and consultation.N0000PM_80_2014-06-2021
DesignAll supporting and analytical information relating to the design for the project outcome including calculations and justifications.B0000PM_40_3027-04-2021
Economic ViabilityInformation required relating to economic viability.H0000PM_50_3027-04-2021
EnvironmentalAll supporting and analytical information relating to the environmental considerations of the design for the project outcome including assessments and agreements.C0000PM_30_3027-04-2021
Health and SafetyAll Health and Safety documentation relating to the project.K0000PM_35_5027-04-2021
ModellingInformation required relating to hydraulic and fluvial modelling.L0000PM_40_3527-04-2021
Permissions, ownership and responsibilityRecords of any approvals granted.I0000PM_40_5027-04-2021
PlanningInformation required relating to planning.R0000PM_80_1027-04-2021
Procurement ProductsInformation required relating to supplier procurement, tender and appointment.G0000PM_50_5027-04-2021
Project ManagementAny project management related information generated in the delivery of the project.E0000PM_10_1027-04-2021
Site and Asset ConditionsPhysical information about the project area (discovery).A0000PM_60_1027-04-2021
Site-based worksAll information relating to the works carried out on site, including construction.D0000PM_60_1027-04-2021
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Assets used to measure water level and flow.

Asset TypeDescriptionAsset CodeUniclass 2015Geometry TypeUpdates
CCTV Camera SystemA CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) camera or group of connected CCTV cameras at a site and the associated onsite equipment.NCSs_75_40_53_8617-05-2021
Flood Warning SystemA device or mechanism situated in a flood risk area that warns people in the area of imminent flooding.NFSs_75_60_55_3017-05-2021
Gauge BoardA board with numeral markings, used to measure and indicate the depth or level of water in a water body.NGPr_80_51_70_9617-05-2021
InstrumentationA device installed in a particular location to measure physical quantities.NIPr_80_5117-05-2021
PiezometerAn instrument for measuring pressure or depth in groundwater.NPPr_80_51_51_6217-05-2021
Rain GaugeAn instrument for collecting and measuring the amount of precipitation falling in a particular location.NRPr_75_50_5217-05-2021
Sample or Survey PointA known point in the physical world from where correct orientation or a sample can be taken.NSZz_35_8017-05-2021
Telemetry SystemA telemetry system communicates data from an asset to a receiving system.NTSs_75_70_54_0317-05-2021
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Areas of land that are involved in water management.

Asset TypeDescriptionAsset CodeUniclass 2015Geometry TypeUpdates
MudflatsCoastal wetlands that form in intertidal areas where sediments have been deposited by tides or rivers.LMEn_32_65_5517-05-2021
Salt MarshMudflats that have built up to a higher elevation so that vegetation is able to colonise.LSCo_32_65_7517-05-2021
Water Storage AreaAn area of land that is deliberately engineered to hold water where it wouldn't naturally accumulate.LWCo_55_15_9617-05-2021
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Mechanical, electrical, instrumentation, control and automation assets.

Asset TypeDescriptionAsset CodeUniclass 2015Geometry TypeUpdates
Automation ControlsEquipment used as an automated method of controlling a structure such as a pumping station.MTSs_75_7017-05-2021
Engine AssemblyThe assembled elements of a machine which burns or consumes fuel to perform mechanical work.MESs_85_50_65_4014-06-2021
GeneratorA device that converts movement (mechanical energy) into electrical power for use in an external circuit.MJPr_60_70_65_3417-05-2021
High Voltage Electrical EquipmentElectrical equipment with a high voltage, usually 1000V or more.MHSs_70_30_3517-05-2021
Hydraulic System AssemblyThe assembled elements of a system that uses pressurised hydraulic fluid to power hydraulic machinery.MYSs_85_50_65_3817-05-2021
Motor Control Centre ControlsControl panels that operate motorised equipment such as pumps or gates.MCPr_75_50_18_5317-05-2021
Power TransmissionThe asset(s) used for the movement of energy from its source to the location where it is used to perform its useful work.MOSs_85_50_6517-05-2021
Pressure System AssemblyThe assembled elements of a pressure system, which includes all plant/systems that contain a 'relevant fluid' under pressure.MDSs_55_20_60_1517-05-2021
Pump AssemblyThe assembled elements of a device that raises, transports or compresses fluids by mechanical action.MPPr_65_5317-05-2021
Sand Bagging EquipmentEquipment used to fill sand bags for use in Incident Response.MKPr_40_70_66_7517-05-2021
Solar FarmA group of photovoltaic solar panels that supply electricity to the national grid; it does not directly supply electricity to an asset.MSSs_70_10_70_3517-05-2021
Wind Power GeneratorA stand alone power generator system for collecting the wind's kinetic energy.MVSs_70_10_70_9817-05-2021
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Public Safety

Environment Agency managed assets that are used in the protection of public safety.

Asset TypeDescriptionAsset CodeUniclass 2015Geometry TypeUpdates
PSRA Tree SiteA group of PSRA (Public Safety Risk Assessment) measures at a tree or group of trees that are used to guard public safety and control any risks to public safety caused by those trees.KTCo_32_65_9631-08-2021
Public Safety Control SystemA group of measures at an asset or group of assets that are used to guard public safety and control any risks to public safety caused by that asset.KPCo_7517-05-2021
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Assets used to enable, restrict or affect the movement of water, people, fish, animals or materials.

Asset TypeDescriptionAsset CodeUniclass 2015Geometry TypeUpdates
Animal TrapA device designed to trap animals without injuring them, for example so they can be tagged or checked.TKPr_40_30_22_3831-08-2021
BoreholeA shaft bored into the ground that is used to extract groundwater via a pump, or to monitor and/or measure water quality and/or quantity.SASs_15_95_15_1017-05-2021
CablewayA system used for transporting items from point A to B via a cable suspended between two towers or structures.TASL_80_20_1317-05-2021
Central PierA significant central supporting structure built in a channel.TFSs_20_50_2017-05-2021
Control GateAn adjustable gated structure used to control water levels and flow in watercourses, for water flow management, flood control and navigation.SGEn_32_85_1517-05-2021
Debris BoomA floating barrier across a watercourse designed to catch debris which could interfere with the operation of an asset.SBPr_40_70_27_2217-05-2021
Debris ScreenA screen that reduces the amount of trash and debris entering culverts, outfalls or channels (where it could cause a blockage).SREn_32_85_2317-05-2021
Draw Off TowerA vertical tubular structure with one or more openings used for removing water from reservoirs and diverting it elsewhere.SDEn_32_85_2517-05-2021
Fish PassA structure that enables fish, eels or lampreys to bypass an obstacle in a channel such as a lock, weir or control gate.SFSs_45_75_3031-08-2021
Fish RefugeA floating wire mesh refuge providing cover for smaller fish.TEPr_45_28_30_3017-05-2021
Fish or Eel BarrierA barrier that prevents the movement of aquatic life into areas that may jeopardise their survival.TBSs_45_75_25_0517-05-2021
Fishing CageA system that confines fish or shellfish in a mesh enclosure. Must be fixed in location.TCEn_32_10_2917-05-2021
Fishing PlatformA horizontal construction on the bank of a reservoir, river or lake to allow safe and inclusive access primarily for fishing, usually protruding slightly over the water.TPEn_32_50_9617-05-2021
In Channel StoplogsAn adjustable structure used to control water levels and flow in watercourses, for water flow management, flood control, and navigation.SCSs_55_70_99_8417-05-2021
Inspection ChamberAn opening to a confined space such as a culverted watercourse or underground services, providing access for testing, inspecting, maintaining and clearing blockages.SNPr_65_52_0117-05-2021
JettyA solid structure that projects from the land out into a body of water, providing access to deeper water or to moored vessels. It must prevent currents and tides waves passing through it (otherwise use Pier).SJEn_32_50_4417-05-2021
OutfallThe structure at the point where surface water drains discharge into a watercourse or the sea.SUEn_32_85_5917-05-2021
PierA raised structure that projects from the land over a body of water, providing access to deeper water or to moored vessels. Often on piles or pillars, it must allow some water currents and/or waves to pass beneath (otherwise use Jetty).SOEn_32_50_6317-05-2021
RampA sloped access route between two different levels.TREF_35_20_3017-05-2021
Sand TrapA structure for aerating groundwater. Also used to trap sand and soil particles.SXEn_32_85_7517-05-2021
Security ScreenA screen which prevents unauthorised access to culverts, outfalls and channels.SYPr_25_96_35_3717-05-2021
SlipwayA slope or ramp leading down into water (channel or sea) used for launching/landing boats.TSSL_32_50_7917-05-2021
StepsA series of treads and risers as an access route between two different levels (not a ladder).TTSs_35_10_2517-05-2021
Stilling BasinA depressed area in a channel or reservoir that is deep enough to reduce the velocity of the water before it passes further downstream.STEn_32_85_8417-05-2021
Stilling WellA chamber that is connected to a water body by one or more inlets. The water level in the stilling well will rise and fall with the level in the water body, but will not be subject to the turbulence that may be present in the water body, allowing for more accurate level measurement.SISL_32_85_8414-06-2021
Surface Water TankA buried tank for collecting and storing surface water for further use or attenuation.SKSs_50_70_85_0617-05-2021
Vortex Flow ControlA flow control structure which uses a vortex flow control device to control the flow.SHSL_32_85_9417-05-2021
Water BafflesAn obstruction placed in the flow of water in order to redirect all or partial flow and create a variation in flow velocities.TLSs_55_70_99_9617-05-2021
Water Distribution PipelineThe pipe work attached to a pumping station that delivers water to a water body. A pipeline may be attached to multiple pumping stations.TDEn_55_15_7217-05-2021
WeirA low barrier that is built across the width of a watercourse to control the flow or upstream water level.SWEn_32_85_9717-05-2021
WellA shaft sunk into the ground for collecting groundwater.TWEn_32_85_9817-05-2021
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