Reigate Lower Greensand Operational Catchment


The Reigate Lower Greensand, a Drinking Water Protected Area, is a narrow groundwater body extending from Dorking in the west to the Reigate area in the east. It is divided into two principle sandstone units, the Hythe and Folkestone Formations (both Principal Aquifers), separated by the Sandgate Formation (Secondary Aquifer). Groundwater sources a number of public water supply (PWS) pumping stations and other uses (such as irrigation, fishery, mineral washing). There are a number of small watercourses traversing the groundwater body approximately south-north, all of them eventually discharging into the River Mole to the north.

Diagram of a typical hydrogeological setting of a groundwater catchment like the  Reigate Lower Greensand

Classifications data for Reigate Lower Greensand Operational Catchment

Number of water bodies

The number of water bodies in the river basin district. It shows whether these are natural, artificial (such as canals and reservoirs) or have been modified ('heavily modified') for particular uses.

Water body categoriesNaturalArtificialHeavily modifiedTotal
River, canals and surface water transfers0000

Ecological status for surface waters

Table summarises the current ecological status of surface water bodies. Water bodies are classified as being at high, good, moderate, poor or bad ecological status or potential.

Ecological status or potentialBadPoorModerateGoodHighTotal
Number of water bodies000000
Number of water body elements000000

Chemical status for surface waters

Table summarises the current chemical status of water bodies. These are classified as being at good or fail.

Chemical statusFailGoodTotal
Number of water bodies000
Number of water body elements000

Why do all water bodies have a chemical status of fail?

Quantitative status for groundwater

Table summarises the quantitative status of groundwater water bodies. These are classified as being at good or poor.

Quantitative statusPoorGoodTotal
Number of water bodies101
Number of water body elements224

Chemical status for groundwater

Table summarises the chemical status of groundwater water bodies. These are classified as being at good or poor.

Chemical statusPoorGoodTotal
Number of water bodies101
Number of water body elements145

Challenges data for Reigate Lower Greensand Operational Catchment

Reasons for not achieving good status by business sector

The issues preventing waters reaching good status and the sectors identified as contributing to them. The numbers in the table are individual counts of the reasons for not achieving good status with a confidence status of 'confirmed' and 'probable', where the latest classification is less than good status. There may be more than one reason in a single water body. Note, table does not include reasons for deterioration.

Significant water management issueChanges to the natural flow and level of waterInvasive non-native speciesPhysical modificationsPollution from abandoned minesPollution from rural areasPollution from towns, cities and transportPollution from waste water
Agriculture and rural land management0000000
Domestic general public0000000
Local & central government0000000
Mining and quarrying0000000
No sector responsible0000000
Sector under investigation0000000
Urban and transport0010000
Waste treatment and disposal0000000
Water Industry0000000

Objectives data for Reigate Lower Greensand Operational Catchment

Ecological status or potential objectives for surface water bodies

Table summarises the ecological status and ecological potential objectives set for water bodies in the river basin management plan. Each water body is only counted once in this table. Each water body objective consists of a target status and a date when it was, or is expected to be, met.


0 of the "by 2027" objectives are low confidence

Chemical status objectives for surface water bodies

Including those with less stringent objectives and extended deadlines


0 of the "by 2027" objectives are low confidence

Quantitative status objectives for groundwater

Including those with less stringent objectives and extended deadlines

By 2015101

0 of the "by 2027" objectives are low confidence

Chemical status objectives for groundwater

Including those with less stringent objectives and extended deadlines

By 2027011

1 of the "by 2027" objectives are low confidence

Summary Statistics data for Reigate Lower Greensand Operational Catchment


Summary statisticGround water
% of water bodies at good chemical (GW) status0%
% of groundwater chemical elements at good status80%
% of water bodies with an objective of good chemical (GW) status100%
% of groundwater chemical elements with an objective of good100%
% of water bodies at good quantitative status0%
% of groundwater quantitative elements at good status50%
% of water bodies with an objective of good quantitative status0%
% of groundwater quantitative elements with an objective of good75%