Dorking North Downs Chalk Water Body

Poor overall status


  • Water Body IDGB40601G602100
  • Water Body TypeGroundwater Body
  • Hydromorphological designationnot applicable
  • NGRTQ1567753284
  • Groundwater area7498.836 ha
  • Surveillance Water BodyNo
  • Surface area74.988 km2


Classification Item2019
Overall Water BodyPoor
Quantitative Status elementGood
Quantitative Dependent Surface Water Body StatusGood
Quantitative GWDTEs testGood
Quantitative Saline IntrusionGood
Quantitative Water BalanceGood
Chemical (GW)Poor
Chemical Status elementPoor
Chemical Dependent Surface Water Body StatusGood
Chemical Drinking Water Protected AreaPoor
Chemical GWDTEs testGood
Chemical Saline IntrusionGood
General Chemical TestGood
Supporting elements (Groundwater)
Prevent and Limit ObjectiveActive
Trend AssessmentNo trend

Why do all water bodies have a chemical status of fail?

Investigations into classification status

No data to show

Reasons for not achieving good (RNAG) and reasons for deterioration (RFD)

All reasons (RFDs and RNAGs) attributed to the classification elements in this water body.

Reason TypeSWMIActivityCategoryClassification ElementMore information
RNAGPoint sourceContaminated landIndustryChemical Drinking Water Protected AreaDetails
RNAGDiffuse sourcePoor nutrient managementAgriculture and rural land managementChemical Drinking Water Protected AreaDetails
RFDPoint sourceContaminated landIndustryChemical Drinking Water Protected AreaDetails
RFDDiffuse sourcePoor nutrient managementAgriculture and rural land managementChemical Drinking Water Protected AreaDetails

Reasons for not achieving good status by business sector

The issues preventing waters reaching good status and the sectors identified as contributing to them. The numbers in the table are individual counts of the reasons for not achieving good status with a confidence status of 'confirmed' and 'probable', where the latest classification is less than good status. There may be more than one reason in a single water body. Note, table does not include reasons for deterioration.

Significant water management issuePhysical modificationsPollution from waste waterPollution from towns, cities and transportChanges to the natural flow and level of waterInvasive non-native speciesPollution from rural areasPollution from abandoned mines
Agriculture and rural land management0000010
Mining and quarrying0000000
Urban and transport0000000
Water Industry0000000
Local & central government0000000
Domestic general public0000000
Waste treatment and disposal0000000
No sector responsible0000000
Sector under investigation0000000


Classification ItemStatusYearReasons
Overall Water BodyGood2027 - Low confidenceDisproportionately expensive: Disproportionate burdens
QuantitativeGood2021Disproportionately expensive: Disproportionate burdens
Quantitative Status elementGood2021Disproportionately expensive: Disproportionate burdens
Quantitative Dependent Surface Water Body StatusGood2015
Quantitative GWDTEs testGood2015
Quantitative Saline IntrusionGood2015
Quantitative Water BalanceGood2021Disproportionately expensive: Disproportionate burdens
Chemical (GW)Good2027 - Low confidenceDisproportionately expensive: Disproportionate burdens
Chemical Status elementGood2027 - Low confidenceDisproportionately expensive: Disproportionate burdens
Chemical Dependent Surface Water Body StatusGood2015
Chemical Drinking Water Protected AreaGood2027 - Low confidenceDisproportionately expensive: Disproportionate burdens
Chemical GWDTEs testGood2015
Chemical Saline IntrusionGood2015
General Chemical TestGood2015

Protected areas

PA NameIdDirectiveMore information
Gibbs Brook NVZS500Nitrates Directive
Mole Gap To Reigate EscarpmentUK0012804Special Area of ConservationNatural England
LeatherheadGWSGZ0221Safeguard Zone
FetchamGWSGZ0217Safeguard Zone
Elmer (Young Street)GWSGZ0216Safeguard Zone
Wandle (Croydon to Wandsworth) and the R. Gravney NVZS464Nitrates Directive
Hogsmill NVZS450Nitrates Directive
Leatherhead and ElmerG725Nitrates Directive
Dorking North Downs ChalkUKGB40601G602100Drinking Water Protected Area

Monitoring sites which have been used to classify this water body

Shows which sites were used for classification for which years within each cycle.

Monitoring SiteCycle 1Cycle 2Cycle 3

Upstream water bodies

    Downstream water bodies